Chapter 250
Hua Jianfeng's words also revealed the doubts of everyone present.

For a moment, the focus of the entire hall fell on Fang Li!

Everyone was waiting for this young man who didn't look tall but was looked up to.

Fang Li looked calm, and after hearing Hua Jianfeng's question, he looked at Liu Shisan: "San Shisan, how is the matter I told you going?"

"Return to the master, the Yesta army is gone!" Liu Shisan said respectfully, and everyone here was suddenly dead silent!
"Ye thorn, the whole army has been wiped out?"

"That's one of the most powerful forces in the Hua family!"

"Back when the Hua family was rising, the Yethorn gained a great reputation after destroying eleven organizations without a single defeat. How could even the Yethorn have wiped out the entire army?"

The faces of all the celebrities present who had heard about the brilliant thorns changed.

Although Anye has risen rapidly, in the eyes of everyone, the foundation is unstable after all, and the background in it is even more impossible to compare with the Hua family!

But at this moment, Ye Ci was completely killed by An Ye, and everyone present was in deep thought!
From the looks of it, An Ye's heritage is no worse than that of the Hua family!
Thinking of this, countless people suddenly looked at Fang Li!
Created by Fang Li, An Ye swept across the underground world of Jiang City within three days. In their eyes, it was undoubtedly a legend, but now An Ye beheaded a night stabbing team, which is undoubtedly a legend among legends!

If the dark night is like this, then how terrifying this young man will be, no wonder he dared to say that he would kill the Hua family in January!

The men and women who questioned Fang Li before were all silent.

Fang Li looked flat, then nodded, and only said two words: "Very good!"

In fact, the moment he saw Liu Shisan appearing, he knew that Yethorn no longer existed!

But he was going to tell everyone in this way that he had the ability to destroy the Hua family within a month, and he had to tell Hua Jianfeng that he was here in Jiang City!
Hua Jianfeng's face was gloomy, distorted because of being ignored by Fang Li, but when he heard Liu Shisan say that the Yethorn army was wiped out, his face was already frosted!

"Patriarch, it's not good!"

At this moment, another hurried voice sounded, and an old man walked in quickly. It was Mr. Liu from the Hua family.

"Patriarch, something serious has happened! The Yesta squad we sent has been wiped out!" The old man looked anxious.

"I see!" Hua Jianfeng's face was ugly, and he nodded feebly!

"Understood?" The old man was stunned, and said again, "Also, we found out that in the Dijiang Building yesterday, there were people in the dark night who gave a young man millions of cash, and his attitude was extremely respectful. He is the mysterious person behind An Ye, and this person is Fang Li!"

After Master Liu finished speaking, he suddenly felt that something was wrong!
Because he noticed that everyone here looked at him like an idiot!
However, Master Liu's words completely confirmed two facts!

First, the Yethorns sent by the Hua family to deal with An Ye were really wiped out.

Second, the mysterious person behind the dark night is 90.00% certain that it is Fang Li!
If Fang Li said before that he was the mysterious person behind the dark night, some people might not believe it, but at this moment, the Hua family confirmed that everyone here is finally convinced that Fang Li is the mysterious person!

Really, can't be more true!
"Patriarch, what's going on?" Master Liu looked at Hua Jianfeng puzzled!
Hua Jianfeng sighed softly, and said, "Just before you came, Liu Shisan also came!"

"What? Liu Shisan is here too?"

Master Liu's complexion changed!
He swept his eyes and suddenly found Liu Shisan standing in the crowd!
Before he left too hastily, he didn't look carefully at all, but now he found that not only Liu Shisan was there, but Yang Long and Xiaodao were also there!

"They!" Master Liu was taken aback, and at this moment, his pupils suddenly dilated, and then suddenly shrank, "Fang Li?"

When he saw Liu Shisan's respectful expression on Fang Li's face, he exclaimed even more: "Patriarch, I can be sure that Fang Li is that mysterious person!"

Hua Jianfeng smiled wryly, so what if he knew that Fang Li was the mysterious person?
Now that Murong Hua opened his mouth, he didn't dare to kill people here!
"Fang Li, I really underestimated you!" Hua Jianfeng looked at Fang Li calmly, like a cold poisonous snake, "But don't think that my Hua family will be ruined if the dark night is wiped out. You can imagine!"

When Hua Jianfeng said this, he had infinite confidence. Yethorn was the core strength of the Hua family, but not all of them, so even if Yethorn was wiped out, he was only slightly shocked!
"But you killed Hua Yun and beat my son Shaorong like this. This matter will not end here! My Hua family will be destroyed in the dark night, and you, I, Hua Jianfeng, will kill him with my own hands!"

As Hua Jianfeng spoke, the breath in his body soared, and everyone in the hall felt oppressed and out of breath!

"So strong!" Fang Li's expression also changed. Judging by Hua Jianfeng's aura, if he relied on his own strength, he might not even be his opponent!
But at this moment, Fang Li gritted his teeth and prepared to fight back!

At this moment, Murong Hua spoke again, exuding the majesty of being the ruler of a city!

Hua Jianfeng restrained his breath and said, "Fang Li, I hope you can stay in Jiang's house forever!"

"Hahaha, why should I stay in Jiang's house forever?" Fang Li sneered, then looked at Jiang Zhe, "Take care of Yuchen, let's go!"

"Brother Li!" Jiang Zhe's expression changed immediately, Hua Jianfeng was obviously aggressive, how could he go out at this time?

"Confused!" Mr. Jiang also stared directly. Murong Hua made it clear that he wanted to help Fang Li. As long as Fang Li was still in Jiang's villa, the Hua family would not dare to directly attack Fang Li, but Fang Li is going to leave now?

Everyone here was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Fang Li with complicated expressions. For a moment, they didn't know whether Fang Li was stupid or confident!

Murong Hua frowned slightly, thinking that Fang Li didn't understand what he meant, and immediately said: "The banquet hasn't ended yet, are you in such a hurry to leave?"

"The two congratulatory gifts have already been delivered, so it's not easy to chatter. Since some people don't want me to stay in Jiang's villa, then I might as well follow their wishes!" Fang Li said.

Mr. Jiang's pupils shrank, and the gift was divided into two. He only received one talisman, why two?

But soon he figured it out, it turned out that the other part was the night thorn!
Murong Hua also had the same look, he opened his mouth but hesitated to speak, and wondered in his heart that Fang Li had other thoughts?
"Secretary, it seems that he doesn't appreciate your kindness!" Hua Jianfeng laughed, then greeted Master Liu and Hua Shaorong and walked outside!

Since Fang Li will come out, then he just waits!
"I hope you're not just talking!" Before leaving, Master Liu looked back at Fang Li, showing his murderous intent!
"Jiang Zhe, take good care of Yuchen. If she has any more problems, I'll ask your Jiang family." Fang Li looked at Jiang Zhe!
"Brother Li, don't worry, I promise that this kind of thing won't happen again!" Jiang Zhe hurried forward.

"let's go!"

Keeping Jiang Yuchen in the Jiang family is the only correct choice at this moment!

So after the explanation, Fang Li took Liu Shisan, Yang Long, Xiao Dao, and walked slowly towards the Jiang family's villa!
"My God, he meant it!"

"He actually walked out of the villa!"

Countless people exclaimed, and then made way for Fang Li.

Fang Li walked slowly in the Jiang family's villa, and behind him was already full of people before he knew it!
At this moment, everyone was attracted by Fang Li, and wanted to see with their own eyes how this ignorant boy dealt with Hua Jianfeng outside Jiang's villa!
(End of this chapter)

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