Chapter 256 The Dark Night Is Falling

After stepping into the second floor, Fang Li let go of his perception!

Everyone on this floor, even the ants hiding in the corners, is well known to him!
"Let's start here!" Fang Li sneered, and pushed away a meeting room on the second floor, where thirty people were having a meeting!
"Who let you in, didn't you see that there was a meeting?" the man in black who presided over the meeting frowned and shouted without hesitation.

"Go ahead!" Fang Li smiled faintly, and the man suddenly felt his back trembling, the look in his eyes was terrifying!


He still wanted to say something more, but all the people attending the meeting in front of him turned into ice sculptures!
When he reacted, his eyes had completely turned white, and he could clearly see Fang Li turning around indifferently through the ice.

Five minutes later, Fang Li appeared on the seventh floor!

Ten minutes later, Fang Li appeared on the fifteenth floor!

Fifteen minutes later, Fang Li appeared on the No.15 floor!
Along the way, he has turned 370 people into ice sculptures!
On the top floor, there is a functional suite inside, which can be used for office and accommodation!
This is the office floor of Daoyan, the master of Yitang!

Dao Yan is nearly fifty years old, and he is good at using double knives, and his skill is even better than Master Liu!
In the suite!
Dao Yan was having a meeting with his three confidants.

"Shaorong is dead, the boss told us to act cautiously during this time. He will wait for a period of time to cultivate, and he will personally trouble An Ye." Dao Yan said!

"Before he comes, I'll come first!" At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, the door of the room was opened, and a boy in black walked in slowly.

"Fang Li!"

Dao Yan exclaimed!
After the Jiang family villa incident, Hua Jianfeng personally took Fang Li's photo and told all the core members of the Hua family, so he recognized Fang Li at a glance!
"Why are you here?" Dao Yan was horrified, not to mention that he had just received the news of Hua Shaorong's death, shouldn't Fang Li hide at this time?
Moreover, this is the top floor, how did Fang Li get here?Why didn't I receive any information?
"What did you do to my subordinates?" Dao Yan looked at Fang Li vigilantly. He knew that Fang Li injured Hua Jianfeng with a sword, so he was extremely vigilant.

"Of course it was killed! A total of 370 eight, including the four of you! It should be 380 two!" Fang Li looked at Dao Yan with great interest.

"Presumptuous, I don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, I don't care how you got here, but let me tell you, this is not a place for you to play wild!" One of the men slammed the table, pointed at Fang Li and shouted!

Killed 370 and eight people, this building has a total of about this number of people, distributed on the [-]th floor, Fang Li actually said to kill them all!
Don't say he didn't believe it, even Dao Yan didn't believe it, they would rather believe that Fang Li used some method to sneak in!
"You talk too much!" Fang Li smiled, and the teacup on the tea table shattered instantly, and the tea shot out and fell on the four of them!

Dao Yan reacted quickly, turned over and dodged, the other three people were all splashed by the tea water, the moment they touched the tea water, the three of them only felt a chill, and immediately turned into ice sculptures!
"You, are you a supernatural being?" Dao Yan looked at this scene, his heart turned cold, he took a deep breath and looked at Fang Li tremblingly!

He didn't believe it when he received the information that Hua Shaorong was frozen into an ice sculpture, but now after seeing Fang Li's attack, he knew that all this was true, and Hua Shaorong was killed by Fang Li!

Thinking of what Fang Li said just now that he was killed all the way up, if Fang Li used this method to kill him just now, then everything is very likely to be true!

370 eight lives, plus these three, it is 380 lives!

Dao Yan's face changed drastically. He had been in the underground world of Jiang City for many years, and the blood stained on his hands can be said to be countless, but the number of lives actually stained was less than a hundred!
But what about Fangli?Even nearly 400 people were killed, and they were killed if they said they were killed?
At this moment, he felt a chill running down his back, and the confidence in his heart disappeared under the ice!

"Supernatural? What is this?" Fang Li became interested when he heard Dao Yan say that he was a supernatural.

"You don't know?" Dao Yan was a little surprised, and even looked at Fang Li suspiciously. According to Fang Li's strength, he was probably the best among the supernatural beings. How could he not know the supernatural beings.

"I don't know." Fang Li shook his head!
Dao Yan's eyes lit up, and he stood up: "I can tell you about the supernatural beings, but only if you let me go!"

Before seeing Fang Li's love, Dao Yan thought of thousands of ways to kill Fang Li. After all, Fang Li was still alone, but after seeing Fang Li, he knew how stupid he was!

Even after seeing Fang Li freeze the three living people just now, he was ready to wait for death, but now seeing that Fang Li doesn't know what the supernatural being is, he seems to have found the hope of surviving!
But just as he finished speaking, Fang Li's voice sounded: "No!"

These two words, like judgment, instantly made Dao Yan's body tremble, and his face turned pale.

"Why? Don't you want to know about supernatural beings?" Dao Yan raised his head and looked at Fang Li in disbelief.

"I want to, but I don't need you!" Fang Li said, his body disappeared in place, turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Daoyan!
"You forced me!" Knowing that there was no possibility of negotiation, Dao Yan drew his swords angrily and prepared to fight to the death, but at this time Fang Li had already punched him!
The wind of the fist pierced through the air, bringing up streams of cold air, and Fang Li's fist turned into a giant frost dragon, roaring towards him with dragon roars!

Daoyan quickly set up a knife to block it!

Fang Li punched down, and the two knives froze and shattered instantly!

Blue veins emerged on Fang Li's forehead, and with a loud shout, his fist fell directly, hitting Dao Yan's heart heavily!

A piercing cold air entered his body, entangled his internal organs, Daoyan trembled lightly, and white icy slag rose from the surface of his body.

Dao Yan, the master of Yitang, die!
So far, the two core elites of Yitang 380 are all exhausted!

"Now there is only the Dharma hall left!"

Zhongtang and Yitang no longer exist. If Fatang is cut off again, even the dragon of the Hua family will lose its claws, and even the tiger will lose its teeth!

Thinking of this, Fang Li quickly disappeared from Yitang!
Ten minutes later, a boy in black appeared in a building not far from Hua's villa!

This is the entrance to the third hall of the Hua Family, the Fa Hall!

Ah Biao, who was sent by Hua Shaorong to deal with Fang Li, was from Fatang.

Looking at this tall building at this moment, Fang Li took a deep breath: "The location of the Dharma hall corresponds to that of the Hua family, and it can be regarded as the front tooth of the Hua family. If this tooth is pulled out, the Hua family will be the turtle in my urn!"

(End of this chapter)

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