Chapter 262

The voice was faint, but at this moment it was like a long whip, slapping Hua Jianfeng's face fiercely, causing his eyes to look ferocious and murderous intent to emerge!
The seven priests also narrowed their eyes and were extremely annoyed. These words were not only aimed at Hua Jianfeng, but also at the seven of them.

"Young people should not be too arrogant! The world is so big, there are some capable people, and there are countless people who can subdue you. I advise you to catch them quickly, and maybe you can get a chance of survival!" Feeling the old man's hoarse voice, he seemed to be A bone was stuffed in the throat, and the throat shrugged and made a harsh sound.

"Hahaha" Fang Li looked up to the sky and smiled, looking directly at the sky, "There are countless capable people in the world, and there are countless people who can subdue me, but it will definitely not be you few!"

This sound was like a surging river, roaring in all directions, and like a turbulent wave hitting the shore, hitting the hearts of everyone at the foot of the mountain, no matter whether it was Qin Feng or Li Li, they were all shocked.

Standing in the crowd, Murong Jing's pretty face, whose skin was like Shengxue's, was already flushed with excitement, her eyes flickered, looking at the man standing halfway up the mountain with a sword and smiling up to the sky, she couldn't restrain her heart anymore. His body trembled violently with admiration!

"A man should be like this. Isn't this the kind of person I, Murong Jing, want to meet?" She bit her lip, as if she had made up her mind.

The skinny old man's complexion changed drastically at this moment, and the anger in his heart was raining heavily. How long ago was he provoked by such words by a junior?
At this moment, he laughed angrily, jumped up, pointed like a sword and blasted towards Fang Li: "Ignorant boy, today I will let you know what is human beyond human beings, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

"Outsiders, outsiders, but definitely not you!" Fang Li stepped forward at this moment, and Dolan's sword in his hand moved accordingly, turning into a monstrous sword, which slashed from the night. It was the second sword of Yasuo's unique skill , Step forward and chop!
One step forward, the sword can cut the sky!

The strength of this sword is less than three points, but the momentum erupting at this moment is like a huge wave rolled up by a tsunami reaching the sky, and the boundless and endless sharp sword light is gathered, turning into a silk thread and cutting down!
At this moment, everyone who saw this sword was shocked, as if a piece of sky was falling, how shocking.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?"

The skinny old man lost his eyes and was shocked by the sword. When he realized it, the silk thread had been cut, and his eyes widened instantly and turned into two halves!
Hua Jianfeng's face suddenly changed drastically. This skinny old man was no less powerful than him. If Fang Li killed this man with one sword, wouldn't that mean that he was not his opponent?

"Damn, damn, if you give me a little more time, I can perfect the sword shadow world, this force is pushing me too far!" Hua Jian gritted his teeth angrily, and shook his hands with a mad look.

"Let's go together, don't procrastinate, otherwise something bad will happen!" After realizing that no one here is Fang Li's opponent, Hua Jianfeng looked at the other six people and asked them to fight together!
"Patriarch Hua, this person's strength is far superior to mine. I, Bai, don't want the benefits you promised before!" At this time, a monkey-like man had already started to retreat after seeing Fang Li kill the skinny old man with a sword. No, after saying this, he turned around and prepared to leave!

"Come if you want? Leave if you want? What do you think I am Fang Li?" Fang Li raised his head suddenly, and slashed down with the Dolan sword in his hand again. Blood fog splashes!
Hua Jianfeng couldn't help but gasped, the second person fell!
The expressions of the remaining five Hua Jianfeng's priests all changed drastically. This was the second master that Fang Li had killed that was no less than his own. At this moment, their complexions had turned serious!

Fang Li killed two people one after another, and it was still so calm, they already knew that it was impossible for any one of them to escape alone!

"Since we can't escape, let's fight! I don't believe that he can really stand against the five of us alone!" A hunchbacked old man as short as a child looked at Fang Li with a bit of coldness.

"Let's go together, don't give him the opportunity to attack each other! Otherwise, we will be the ones who will die today!" Someone spoke again, and all five of them burst out with murderous intent, and after gathering together, they rushed towards us like a stormy wave.


The five people moved in unison, either with bare hands or using their own weapons to approach. Each of these five people was no less than Hua Jianfeng's existence, and every shot was a one-hit kill.

At this moment, murderous intentions are everywhere, covering Fang Li in it. Although everyone at the foot of the mountain can't see what is going on, they are instantly worried when they hear the word "dead"!
Five murderous intentions, blocking Fang Li's five directions, going up, down, left, and right, no matter how confident he is, he would be shocked at this moment and feel his scalp go numb!

"There is no way to retreat, then I will not retreat!" Fang Li held Dolan's sword and stepped forward, "There is no way out in life, so I will cut this way out!"

Stepping out with one step, a full foot, the black figure is like a big cloth covering the sky, covering the bright moon and stars, and then the sword light flashes to tear the darkness!
This sword can cut the sky!

Stab it!

The old man who rushed to the front couldn't react in time, and his arm fell off in an instant. At the same time, the eyes of the other four people lit up, and their speed soared, and they all rushed towards Fang Li!
Fang Li's complexion changed drastically. He didn't expect that he would only cut off one arm with a slash that was sure to win. At this moment, he stepped forward and slashed with his sword, and slashed at the man with the broken arm!

Stepping forward and slashing down, the old man was cut in half in an instant, and he couldn't believe it until he died, that he would die in such a way!


"Death to me!"

At the same time, the attacks of the other four fell instantly, Fang Li took a deep breath, a look of panic appeared on his face, and frost quickly condensed under his clothes to resist!


But still useless!
Although he already has a body of frost, and even reached a small cold body, but facing the attack of four people, he still couldn't bear it and flew out backwards!

"Very good!" His eyes were red, like a wild wolf with red eyes, and his appearance was even more crazy to the extreme. When he flew upside down, Dolan's sword slashed down again.

The four teamed up to attack Fang Li and did not kill him on the spot. The four were shocked, and followed Fang Li to slash a sword again. The four were shocked, and their hearts burst into anger.

"How dare you!" the hunchbacked boy shouted angrily, and took out a Wujin short dagger from nowhere to block it!
But the sharp edge of Dolan's sword, the power of stepping forward, how can it be so easy to resist?

With a bang, the dagger snapped, and the old man widened his eyes instantly, and let out a stern cry: "No!" After being cut into two by the sword light, Fang Li's body also fell ten meters at this moment. out!
He struggled to stand up, with disheveled hair, like a lunatic, and laughed ferociously: "Okay, very good, you successfully angered me!"

Touching the wound on his body, Fang Li condensed the ice to forcibly freeze the wound, and slowly raised the Dolan sword in his hand again, as if the executioner's beheading knife was lifted.

(End of this chapter)

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