Chapter 264 Murong Hua

Hong Yu's strength has surpassed anyone's expectations. No one thought that Hong Yu would use so many policemen to protect Hua's family, and even fired warning shots.

For a while, many people who were hostile to Fang Li gloated, and many of them wished that Fang Li would not withdraw, and then were shot and killed by Hong Yu.

At this moment, Mr. Jiang was standing on the spot with a cane, and a deep worry flashed across his old face. As the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Hong Yu was a well-known teacher. Even if he shot Fang Li at this moment, it really wouldn't be a big problem.

The muzzle of the black gun was pointed at him, Fang Li's face was already as cold as ice for a thousand years, and the Frost Mystery in his body also erupted with an unprecedented chill, as if it was about to rush out with anger.

"Hong Yu, if you dare to shoot this shot, I guarantee you will regret it forever!" Fang Li stared at Hong Yu with cold eyes. If Hong Yu dared to shoot, he would not mind killing this person.

"Threatening me?" Hong Yu sneered, and angrily pulled the plate, "Threats are the last thing I fear in my life!"

The bullet spit out a tongue of fire, and flew quickly in the night sky, flying directly towards Fang Li. Everyone's faces changed greatly when they were frightened by the sudden gunshot!

Fang Li narrowed his eyes, raised the Dolan sword in his hand, and then slashed down directly!

The bullet instantly turned into two halves!

Everyone was dumbfounded by this scene!

They don't know how fast the bullet is, but they know that Fang Li splits the bullet with his sword. Doesn't that mean his speed is faster than the bullet?
God, what kind of a genius is this, who can even split bullets?

Hong Yu's face suddenly changed. In his mind, it is impossible for cold weapons to compete with hot weapons, but Fang Li's sword directly refreshed his three views, which is simply unbelievable.

At the moment he was shocked, Fang Li had rushed down from the mountainside, and arrived in the blink of an eye!

Hong Yu turned pale with fright, feeling the breath of endless death approaching, even he had no doubt that Fang Li would definitely kill him. "Quickly, stop him!" He screamed, and dozens of police officers suddenly turned their guns and aimed at Fang Li!
Fang Li's figure stopped suddenly, and he landed 50 meters away!

The atmosphere froze!

"Huh!" Seeing that Fang Li was forced to stop by dozens of guns, Hong Yu let out a sulky breath. In just a few seconds, it seemed as if a century had passed, and his back was soaked.

"Can't you split bullets? Can you handle so many bullets?" Hong Yu backed up while talking, fearing that Fang Li would be pushed into a hurry and that he would have an accident.

"Fang Li, do you feel hopeless? It's hard to be overturned when you're about to succeed, isn't it uncomfortable?" Seeing Fang Li being pointed at by countless guns, Hua Jianfeng's tense nerves finally relaxed. , the remaining two masters beside him also heaved a sigh of relief!
"This Fang Li is so skilled at such a young age, it's amazing to let him grow up in the future!" A man with a long beard couldn't help admiring for fear that Fang Li's age seemed to be just in his early 20s , crushing them now, it can be seen how powerful they are!

"But fortunately, no matter how powerful he is, he has become a turtle in a urn and a thing in a pond." The other person nodded. With so many guns pointed at him, no one would act rashly, even Fang Fang. No strength!
The situation changed suddenly, and those people who were optimistic about Fang Li all looked dead silent!
In this case, it can be said that the overall situation has been settled!

Even if Fang Li had a hundred lives, it would not be enough for these guns to kill!
"How could this happen? It's obvious that it's going to be successful in one fell swoop, so why?" Mr. Jiang looked depressed, as if he had aged ten years at this moment, his body was shaking violently at this moment, like a dead tree about to fall.

Liu Shisan, Yang Long, Xiaodao, and Jiang Zhe all looked nervous, staring at Fang Li with their bodies tense, with worries, nervousness, and expectations in their eyes.
"Director Hong, Fang Li led people to besiege my Hua family's villa and disturb the social order. He must be the master for us and shoot him on the spot!" Hua Jianfeng's voice came, with overwhelming anger. It is an extravagant wish to behead Fang Li with his own hands to take revenge!

Hong Yu glanced at Hua Jianfeng, frowned, and landed on Fang Li: "I'll ask you again, will you retreat or not?"

Fang Li's face was stern, and his eyes were as hollow as a deep well. It was a kind of indifference that despises death. He slowly raised his right hand and pointed the Dolan sword in his hand proudly!
The cold blade, the black muzzle.

On one side was a tense policeman with countless muzzles, and on the other side was Fang Li, with an indifferent expression and a long sword in his hand rather than bend!
He didn't speak, but the sword in his hand had already spoken for him.

This scene, like a flaming iron, was deeply imprinted on everyone's hearts, and the cold long sword engraved a deep shock.

That indifference, that fearlessness, which was as loud as thunder, made everyone present tremble in their hearts!
"Okay, very good, since you don't know how to live or die, then I will help you!" Hong Yu laughed angrily, and roared ferociously, "Fang Li violently resists the law, kill him on the spot!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.


The sound of countless bullets being loaded makes one's scalp tingle!

"Fang Li, go to hell! I can't kill you with my own hands, it's a good deal for you!" Hong Yu ordered, and the one who laughed the most was Hua Jianfeng. At this moment, he looked up to the sky and smiled, so happy!
"Shoot, shoot!" he roared, looking crazy, impatient!


But at this moment, another voice sounded.

This voice is not high-pitched, but it is majestic enough!

When Jiang Deshan heard this, his face was filled with joy, and he was so excited that he was about to cry!

Mr. Jiang slammed his cane and shouted loudly: "Well done, it's too timely!"

Hong Yu's face also changed dramatically at this moment, and his body trembled violently, revealing a trace of despair!
Countless people present were all stunned. Who is it at this time?

The deep sound of the motor came, and everyone turned their heads. It was a red flag car. A moment later, a capable man with a square face stepped out of the car.

After seeing the person coming, everyone here was stunned!

Even Murong Jing's pretty face flashed shock at this moment, her father actually came in person?For that man who faced a hundred guns alone?

"Secretary, the secretary is here!"

"He came here to protect Fangli?"

Countless discussions rang out, and all the younger generations took a deep breath, and their faces suddenly changed drastically when they looked at Fang Li!
Originally thought that the cooperation with the Jiang family was already top-notch, but who would have thought that at this moment they would move out of Mount Tai!
The Patriarchs of the major families all took a deep breath the moment they saw Murong Hua's appearance, and then thought about the powerful relationship between them.

"I didn't expect that Jiang's family would walk with Murong's family. No wonder Mr. Jiang's birthday party, the secretary was there in person!"

"But now it seems that the secretary is here for Fang Li! At such a critical juncture, it is clear that he wants to protect Fang Li!"

Thinking of the actions of the Jiang family and the Murong family during this period, they soon understood what was going on!
Liu Shisan, Yang Long, and Xiaodao looked at the man they had seen on TV, and their mouths were wide open, showing horror. Yang Long even forgot the pain of the gunshot wound!

Originally thought that the Jiang family was Fang Li's backer, but it wasn't until this person in front of him appeared and offered to protect him in person that Liu Shisan knew how terrifying his seemingly ordinary master was!
(End of this chapter)

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