Chapter 278 Says You Seem Like You Can Move

"We push 41 points, you four go to the middle lane to push in, don't drive casually, I will go to the top lane, there are no three people on the opposite side who can't catch me, once the opponent comes to catch me, you will forcefully go to the high ground!"

Fei Ke has a confident face. It can be said that he also has this confidence, and after holding his famous hero Shadow Stream Master, he is full of confidence.

At the beginning, he used Residual Blood Jie to show off a full Blood Jie, but now it is absolutely no problem for one to contain two, or even three, so for 41-point push, in his opinion, it is undoubtedly the most stable!

"Brother Li, what should I do? This guy Feike knows that it is impossible to be tough with me, so he chose the 41-point push strategy!" UZI was a little worried.

What they are most worried about is Feike. If you don’t care, then Feike will break the road alone, but if you don’t care, how can you manage it?Going to one person is basically to deliver food, and it is not safe to go to two people. If you go to three people, what should you do in the middle?
"That's right! Brother Li, it's up to you again at this time! You must think of a way, and you can't let the opponent go on like this!" Several other teammates also looked at Fang Li, and at this time Fang Li became the leader again. The savior of the audience.

"Don't worry, Feike is handed over to me! It's okay for five of you to fight four people, right?" Fang Li said!

"No problem, no problem, as long as Li Ge can restrain Fei Ke, how can we fight these four people and win!" UZI said!
"What we are afraid of is Feike. As long as Feike is not around, we can hit the other four at will!" Nuoshou also said.

"Okay, that's easy! I'll go to the top lane to contain Feike, and you guys go to the middle lane." Fang Li said, heading straight to the top lane.

"Fuck, Brother Li, this is the rhythm of Gang Feike!"

"I bet fifty cents, Li Ge wins!"

"Yes, I also bet fifty cents!"

"Fuck, I'm worth fifty cents!" Fang Li rolled his eyes immediately, grandma is an idiot, and she is worth hundreds of millions anyway, so she even bet fifty cents!

"Brother Li, there really can't be more than fifty cents."

The audience couldn't stop laughing!
Hit the road.

Feike was clearing the line on the road with a serious face.

In fact, he was not in a good mood. According to his usual games, he would usually crush the pubs head-on, not to mention that his equipment was still far ahead.

Now being forced by Fang Li to push for 41 points, how can he be in a good mood?
"Wait until I win the game, and see how I can mock you, an ignorant hacker!" Fei Ke secretly gritted his teeth while releasing his skills to clear the line.

But at this moment, a huge dragon surged up from the river, and above the baron's head, there was a small dragon fluttering its wings.

"Only the big dragon is here?" Fei Ke narrowed his eyes, a little surprised, he glanced at the small map, and immediately found that the five UZIs came out and pressed in!
"Jie, hurry up and form a group, we can't beat the five people on the opposite side!" Xiao Pao said at this time!

"This!" Fei Ke was also speechless!

A bite is a clone shifting and preparing to leave. This is a good time for the opponent to come out at this time, and he is fast on the road, which can well shake off Fang Li's double dragon combination, and then directly wipe out the opponent's dough!

Thinking of Feike, he didn't hesitate any more, the skill was activated, and he ran directly to the middle!
"Want to leave?" Fang Li's eyes turned cold, his grandfather had already come looking for him, so how could he let you go away.

Thinking of this, Fang Li sprayed out a big dragon slime!
Feike's reaction was absolutely quick, he dodged with a flash, and then opened Youmeng and entered the triangular grass!
"Damn it, are you still playing Youmeng?" Fang Li was immediately delighted!

"Can't you run? But Sun Houzi can't run from Tathagata's Wuzhi Mountain!" Fang Li sneered, he knew that Fei Ke must not let Fei Ke rush over there, or something serious would happen, but he couldn't catch up with the nimble Jie !

How to do it?

Thinking of this, he thought about it, and immediately hung up: "Modify the data: the movement speed of the purple side's summoner has been reduced by 90.00%!"

"Reduce the movement speed of Jiu by 90.00%?"

"Brother Li, this is a bit ruthless! Reduce Jiu's movement speed by 90.00%, can this still go?"

The audience in the live broadcast room saw Fang Li's modification, and immediately shouted out!

"A hero's movement speed is only four to five hundred at the top of the sky, and now it is reduced by 90.00% nine, isn't there only four or five points left?"

"The moving speed of four or five o'clock is slower than a snail's fucking!"

When Xiaopao and the others saw UZI pressing in, they immediately backed up, but they immediately noticed something was wrong with this movement, and their speed slowed down unexpectedly.

"This! What's going on here?" After realizing that his speed was as slow as a snail, Xiao Pao called out.

"Me too, why can't I move!" The blind monk exclaimed, "Did I get stuck?"

"I'm stuck with your sister! It's not stuck, it's because we've been slowed down!" Morgana said something was wrong!
"Slowed down?" Everyone was stunned for a moment, then looked at their own information column. On the column of speed, there was a number written impressively, [-], [-], etc.
Anyway, no one's speed is greater than five.

When they saw what time their movement speed changed, these people couldn't sit still anymore!
"Fuck, my speed is obviously 390, how did it become [-]!"

"Such a speed, slower than a snail, what a joke!"

At this time, several people in UZI also found that something was wrong on the other side.

"Why didn't the other side leave? Are you planning to fight with me?" Nuoshou, the top laner, said.

"If you don't leave your sister, they won't be able to leave! Brother Li directly reduced their movement speed by 90.00%, even if they want to leave, they can't!" UZI yelled violently!
"Reduce the movement speed by 90.00%?" The robot didn't see the message sent by Fang Li, and its eyes widened instantly!
"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up! If you miss this opportunity, it will be gone!" Someone roared, the machine suddenly reacted, turned on W to accelerate and rushed over!

The wind was whistling, the speed of the robot could be regarded as lightning fast, and then a mechanical flying claw with Q skill grabbed the opposite ADC, and the hammer flew into the air with a bang!

"Damn it, you bastard, you fucking move!" Seeing Xiaopao being pulled over, the top laner crocodile roared out!
"I'm moving and you're paralyzed. I'm moving at four o'clock. You fucking tell me to move. You fucking show me!" Xiaopao also became angry immediately, and roared furiously.

At this moment, a few people remembered that their movement speed was only a few points, and they suddenly wanted to die!
Seeing the five people rushing from the opposite side, the crocodile immediately started its big move, gritted its teeth and shouted: "Brothers, stand up and fight with them!"

Morgana and the others immediately rolled their eyes: "It's as if you can move!"

The crocodile suddenly had black lines on his face.
(End of this chapter)

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