Chapter 104 Sorrow

The other families are not fuel-efficient. They also have a complete range of weapons, from Gatling heavy machine guns to exquisite silver pistols, from AK47 to MP5, from Desert Eagle to rocket launchers. They have everything you want. Well, from the actions of the Paddy Group last time, it can be seen how rich the weapons of these American gangsters are.However, although these guys have a lot of weapons, they can only use rocket launchers at most. It is impossible to use more powerful weapons. What makes them worry more is the lunatics like Zhetian. The viciousness of what they did, they only pursue victory, as can be seen from the last battle against the rice field group, these guys drove main battle tanks and Apache combat helicopters to fight against the underworld, oh my god, this gang Crazy do they think they're at war?What worries them the most is the iron-blooded Knekov, a big pervert. It is said that his men are not only powerful, but also very capable of fighting. The one who is even more crazy is himself. According to reliable sources, the intercontinental missile that targeted Russia a few months ago is this guy. In order to deal with the launch of the Polaris mercenary group, this lunatic who knows what is in his mind, if he is not allowed to do that for himself, he will suffer a heavy loss.

The Japanese suddenly realized that they were really sad. Domestic aid was obviously impossible, and they had to face the threat of several big families. What made them even more worried was that the people who shrouded the sky might come to them at any time. Then they There is really nothing to play, and collective suicide should be a good choice.The Japanese are very helpless about the current situation, but they still reported their last hope, gave up all their businesses, and concentrated their money, hoping to use the money in their hands to bribe the top government officials so that they can influence this matter. Use the power of the government to suppress the mafia, and at worst, suppress them for a period of time, so that the domestic side can free up manpower to deal with the forces here.However, these Japanese people still don't understand the situation after so many years in the United States. Will the mafia have less power in the US government than them?Just kidding, even if it can form pressure, it was a thing in the past. The intelligence network of these guys is really backward. They don't even know how much influence the current Zhetian has in the US government. It can be said that it is only second to Skull and Bones. Of course, the Skull and Bones will also give way to the sky, after all, they can't afford to mess with these masters.

But obviously the Japanese still don’t know about this situation. The money they usually use for intelligence organizations is squandered by these idiots themselves. Those who closed their eyes just passed away, but they never thought about it because their intelligence situation was rubbish.However, the two people in charge who came here by their relationship obviously didn't pay attention to the problem here. They are the same as Ichiro Yamada of the rice field group, they are based on their relationship. They all heard that the rich in the United States would come here regardless of whether they have business or not. Yes, but now obviously they have no chance to regret it.

Sadly, they still don't know what's going to happen. They still rely on the so-called high-ranking government officials they use their organizational wealth to contact. They also hope that these government personnel can use their powerful influence to restrain the gangsters. These people have mixed so much in the United States It’s been a long time, and I still don’t understand the situation here. These government personnel are nothing compared to the Mafia and Zhetian. They think that other gangsters are just like their Japanese organizations. They are dogs of the government. The government wants them to go east. Don't look west?Just kidding, these guys don't have any influence at all, can you deal with the mafia if you deal with those little gangsters?Just kidding, that's their grandpa, so these Japanese sent a lot of money. These politicians never refuse to come, but if they want to do things~ just push and block, everyone knows that this gang of mafia is crazy, not to mention Their influence is incomparably large. The government does not know how many people work for them, not to mention that some of them are members of the Mafia themselves.

More importantly, the Skull and Bones, the king of American politics, has already spoken. This time it is the joint action of Zhetian and the Mafia. No one should come out to die. However, in order to paralyze the Japanese, the money can be collected, but whoever speaks more is ready to go See Hades, and his family is rarely prepared to be a coolie for a lifetime, and women are prostitutes for generations. These politicians are all shrewd. How can they make such a mistake when they are shrewd, so they take money and do nothing do not do.Of course, they would not tell the Japanese so clearly: "Damn, you offended Zhetian and the mafia, I can't help you, so I just take money and don't do anything." They are not so stupid as to be so stupid. He said: "These gangsters, hum... they are too lawless, don't worry, we will protect you, we will let the government suppress them, let the police warn them... wait..." Japan After hearing this, the people were so happy, they gave more money, and their hearts were relieved. From their point of view, with the help of these government officials, the two organizations should be safe. No matter how good the Tianhe Mafia is, it is impossible to fight against the government.

But they didn't know that this group of people took off their pants and farted. It was pure nonsense. They really didn't dare to fart when they faced the mafia. They almost knelt down and called grandpa. Sometimes my heart is beating drums, if people hear this, my life will be over, who knows if I will be hit by a car when I go out, but they can't force it to deal with the Japanese... ...The elders of Zhetian and Skull and Bones have given orders, and the Japanese can't see what they are doing. They are helpless.But obviously the IQ of these Japanese people is limited, and after getting the boring protection of these guys, they start to become arrogant, and even think about how to use the government to increase their influence, how to eliminate the mafia and the sky, The guys are dreaming again.What's even more exaggerated is that Yamaguchi Erlang and the person in charge of the Yoshikawa group set up a banquet together, inviting celebrities from all walks of life, saying that it was to show their self-confidence, and they became more tough on the attitude towards the Kuke family, as if they were really planning to eliminate the black hand Party like.The news reached Aoyu's ears, Aoyu really had to sigh, the Japanese are so ignorant, even I feel sad for them, it's true that such a nation with such intelligence is daydreaming.

(End of this chapter)

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