Chapter 110 Crazy Disney
The supervisor suddenly became sober, and said: "What? They are from the underworld? How do you know, do you know them?" The newcomer said helplessly: "Director, to tell you the truth, I have also been involved for a while. Time, so I still have some understanding of the things on the road. You can't mess with this guy, although I don't know who he is, but I know he is the person who shrouds the sky, my God, supervisor, I think you know the sky." All of a sudden, he lost his soul. Although he didn't know the sign of Zhetian, and he had never been in the underworld, who in the United States can say that he doesn't know about Zhetian, and you can't help but know about Zhetian , I don’t know that the President of the United States doesn’t have much time to live. I don’t know that if you don’t know the sky, you will be finished. Knowing which time he offended Zhe Tian, ​​then he didn't finish playing with him.At this time, Aoyu has already seen the two people below, but he hesitated that the noise of the helicopter was too loud, and Aoyu didn’t listen to what they said, otherwise he would just play, sometimes Aoyu doesn’t mind anything, Sometimes you may find him because of a little thing, which can be said to be a rather contradictory person.

When the supervisor and the new employee saw the helicopter landing, the beauties and a handsome boy who came down from it, if they were guaranteed to see beauties like Xia Xue and the others, these two guys would be in a daze for half a minute no matter what. , but at this time they already knew that the other party was someone who shrouded the sky, and he was also a big shot. Seeing that young man got so many beauties, he must be a big shot. The other party is a beautiful woman but she didn't dare to look closely, she could only lower her head to show her respect to Aoyu and the others.When the supervisor was about to come up to help Aoyu and the others lead, Aoyu had already said, "No need, let's go and play by ourselves, you can do your own work." The supervisor didn't dare to say anything, when Aoyu and the others After they left, he was about to save some face, and when he was cursing a few words, a dozen more planes flew up from the sky, and a hundred black-clothed men alighted from the plane, and they were professional gangsters. Because of the murderous look on their bodies, one can tell that they are not bodyguards.

Hundreds of people got off the plane, and one of the leaders came out and said to them: "Hey, boy, did you see a very handsome young man with a few beauties?" These people, who knows if they came there to seek revenge? You must know that although Zhetian is extremely powerful in the hearts of American citizens, he is still a gangster after all. In their consciousness, Zhetian is extremely powerful, but there will still be The gangsters were killing each other, so the supervisor was ready to tell the gangsters immediately.At this time, the staff next to him said cleverly: "No, I didn't see it." But the supervisor was not so smart and said flatteringly: "Why not, they passed by just now, you need to find him Is it not too far to lead you the way, this guy really doesn’t dare to provoke you, but the beauties around him are really nice.” At this time, the leader of the group of men in black heard this , his face changed drastically, and he slapped the supervisor when he came up, knocked him to the ground and let him spit out a few teeth, only to see the leader said: "Come on, take him down and send him to Thailand." Go, be a shemale, mother, you dare to say this to our godfather and the ladies, you have lived enough, yes, send all his family members to Africa, and let them go there to become natives.

"The poor executive was dumbfounded at this moment. He never thought that his flattering and talkative words would bring such consequences to him. His intestines were green from regret, but at this time, it was obviously useless for him to regret any more. His Fate was doomed when he said that sentence. And the staff next to him breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was smart and didn't talk nonsense like that guy with water in his head. The big guys in black next to him The leader of the company looked at the new employee with admiration and said, "Boy, you are very smart~~ you have a bright future, how can you make it to us to hang out with me? "When the staff member heard this, he was stunned at the time. You must know that entering the Zhetian is the lifelong dream of a little bastard like him. If it weren't for his life, he might still be fighting for entering the Zhetian. Now there is such a How can a good thing not make him happy, so he said quickly: "Okay... okay... I'll hang out with you... Shading the sky is my dream. "" Just now the godfather seems to want to play with a few young ladies by himself, so I think we should disturb his old man, what do you think. "This boy who just joined Zhetian said. The leader looked at him, laughed and said: "Okay, boy, you are really smart, we like you like you.

"In this way, hundreds of people stood here waiting for Aoyu and the others to come back after having fun. Aoyu and a few girls started their fun in Disneyland. To be honest, this place is really good, there are many novel things, Tang Laoya, The image of Mickey Mouse is extremely cute, and there are many novel things, which made Aoyu and the children have a great time playing. They have never seen many things, after all, their previous life was really... They had a lot of fun here, and even Aoyu recovered his youthful nature, dragging Xia Xue to run there, shouting happily, of course even the half-grown child Lina joined in, and now Lina seems to be Reverted to her childhood situation. After all, she missed too many teenage years. The only calm person may be Susan alone. After all, she is already in her 20s and still has a lot of experience. It is impossible for her to be as crazy as this group of people. But seeing Aoyu's happy expression, she still feels like touching honey in her heart. She hasn't seen Aoyu so happy for a long time. This group of people has been playing until very late. If it wasn't for Disneyland, they would probably be closed It's about to play all night. So a crazy Disneyland ride is over. Of course, Aoyu may not even know that there is a miserable supervisor who will never turn over because of his arrival, and a little gangster who will become famous because of his arrival. .

(End of this chapter)

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