Chapter 120 Unifying the United States

However, the battle obviously did not end like this. Although the Lanson family was defeated, the Bill family also suffered heavy casualties. Early the next morning, Aoyu invited Mark from the Skull and Bones Society. With Mark's promise and a large amount of financial support, Aoyu Not letting go of the blow to Bill's family, Baidao's economic blow was not weakened by the withdrawal of the Lanson family, but even more powerful.With the financial support of Skull and Bones, Huanyu now has the ability to fight Bill's family.At this moment, Aoyu is sitting in Huanyu Group's very large office, drinking coffee, and said to the beautiful woman in front of him: "Sister, what do you think about our actions this time? If we have funds similar to Bill's, would you Do you have the confidence to defeat them?" Lin Yan smiled at Aoyu's words. Although Huanyu is very powerful now, it cannot fight against the Bill family alone. Although Huanyu is already the second largest consortium in the world, the relationship with the Bill family There is still a big gap, so Lin Yan told Aoyu truthfully what she thinks: "Brother, you have to know that we don't have the ability to fight an economic war with Bill's family. Although I don't know why you are so straightforward, But I don't really see the action this time.

"Of course, if there are similar funds, I will guarantee that the guys from Bill's family are not my opponents. I am confident that I will defeat them, but this is impossible. You must know that we don't have so much funds, and we don't have any The consortium can help us raise so much money. You must know that the number of these consortiums is huge, unless half of the top 100 consortiums in the United States support us, but this is impossible. "Lin Yan expressed her opinion seriously. Aoyu stood up and said solemnly: "So, General Manager Lin Yan, 70 trillion US dollars of funds have already entered our account. I hope you can fight this battle well. The economic battle has allowed us to become the largest group in the world and the well-deserved number one in the world. "Lin Yan opened her mouth wide at the moment, and she could stuff an egg into it. She couldn't speak for a long time. Finally, after a few minutes, she stammered, "You... you... Chairman, you must . "At this moment, she didn't call her younger brother and directly used the title of chairman. With a very serious expression, Aoyu put her face into Lin Yan's and said: "Yes, I'm sure, my general manager. "Halfway through speaking, Aoyu couldn't bear his own appearance, and his signature smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

With such a large amount of funds, Lin Yan quickly came in handy, and started to block the Bill family, and quickly suppressed the Bill family without any chance of respite, and those companies under the control of the Skull and Bones Society intentionally or unintentionally After some news of supporting the world against Bill came out, the Bill family never had a chance to return the phone, and the stocks of the Bill family began to fall violently. Coupled with the intentional or unintentional partiality of the US government represented by the Skull and Bones, anyone with a discerning eye knows that I am afraid This time the Bill family was doomed, and this time it was even worse. The stocks of the Bill family were dumped all of a sudden, and by that night Zhe Tian had already controlled [-]% of the shares of the Bill family.The Bill consortium of the Bill family can officially change its name to the Huanyu Group branch.The more tragic battle started that night, and Zhetian declared war on the Cook and Bill families under the slogan of fighting for his allies. The battle started when the two families were completely unprepared. Although they knew that the other party might want to attack him They fought, but neither of the two of them thought that the other party's attack would come so violently, and they didn't even give them a chance to fight back.

Of course, even if they are given time to prepare, they can't make any achievements. Their current strength is not enough to cover the sky. The current power of the cover can be extremely strong, not to mention the blood race, just those under the cover of the sky. The fighters here are a group of terrifying forces that cannot be more terrifying. This group of guys is too strong. Think about tens of thousands of second-rate masters, tens of thousands of first-rate masters, at least [-] top masters, and more than a thousand super masters. , there are more than a hundred god-level masters from the Aoyu Imperial Guard. With these forces added up, there is really no organization in the world that can compete with it. Such a terrifying force makes everyone feel scared.The two families who received overwhelming attacks did not send their genetically modified people and their elders, but the elders and genetically modified people they had high hopes for did not bring them satisfactory results. The guy who recognized the position as a master thought he was still fighting against the Lanson family from yesterday, and rushed forward full of confidence, ready to show his extraordinary speed and amazing strength in front of the opponent, but obviously their calculations were very serious. Okay, but the estimation was wrong. Their opponents are not ordinary people. Their superhuman speed is simply the speed of a turtle crawling in front of these people.In front of this group of people, their strong bodies are just a pile of paper, which will be broken with a light poke.

At the beginning, these fighters from Zhetian still played with these guys and teased these idiots, which made these guys think that Zhetian's people must be rubbish, but they just learned a special movement method, so Only in this way can they avoid their attacks like a storm, but obviously their thinking is wrong, and they will soon suffer a lot because of this thinking.Those who cover the sky soon had enough, maybe they were tired of the fearless actions of the enemies in front of them, or maybe they remembered that they had more important things to do, and they couldn't delay on this group of garbage, anyway The reason, in short, the Zhetian fighters had played enough, the result is tragic, these so-called masters who were jumping around just now were instantly torn apart by the Zhetian group of powerful fighters, it was only a short time In a few minutes, these guys who were just showing off their might became corpses in sections.There was no reflection at all, and when they died, they didn't even have room to resist, so they died silently.

The Cook family and the Bill family couldn't organize effective defense or attack at all, and they couldn't control the pace of the sky, so they could only let groups of men go to die, trying to use corpses to stop the opponent's footsteps, but such a request is not enough. It has become a fantasy, and it is impossible to realize it, because this requirement is obviously too far away for them, and it is not so realistic.There was no suspense in the night battle at all. The two underworld forces were completely massacred by Zhetian unilaterally. There was no room for resistance, so they were all cleaned up by Zhetian, and those places that still resisted obviously could not last long. And what is even more tragic is the people in charge of the Baidao business. They were turned into descendants by the blood clan under Shatian, blood slaves without any strength. Of course, after Aoyu's special treatment, they became people who are not afraid of the sun. The new generation of blood slaves will serve for Shatian for life.The elders and godfathers of the Cook family paid a heavy price for their greed. They never survived, and could only use their illusory souls to relive the glory of their family's godfather era.

And the Bill family is not much better, it was completely wiped out... There is no one alive. Of course, this is not the action sent by Aoyu, let alone those loyal soldiers under Zhetian who violated discipline privately, but an extremely shameless In order to preserve his name, Ren killed Gain including his parents at the last moment.For this shameless guy, Aoyu didn't even bother to reason. He would not accept his surrender for such a shameless person, so Gain was sent to hell according to Aoyu's intention, and he went there to complain to his parents. Repent, elders, although such a guy cannot be forgiven.When the dawn bell rang, when the morning sun once again bathed the earth, the prosperous land of the United States was completely in the hands of Zhetian, and in the hands of Aoyu, no one in the entire United States could In the same organization as Zhetian Township, none of the more than 2 million people in the United States dare not to Zhetian and bow to Aoyu.In this early morning, Aoyu truly became the unique king of this land, fulfilling his wish a year ago, making the land under his feet surrender to him.Zhetian has finally unified the whole of America, the morning sun shines on Aoyu's handsome face, at this moment Aoyu is facing the blue sky, howling to his heart's content...

(End of this chapter)

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