Chapter 122

Aoyu's expression was noticed by many people, and most of them also noticed the red Ferrari that Aoyu drove when he came in, so Aoyu was immediately used to it. The title of the son brother who has passed away.Many people welcome people like Aoyu the most. It is not like they have never been to such a young man before. Most of these people are used to the title of fat sheep. Such a young man has never seen anything in the world. As long as you guide them a little A lot of money will be sent to you, which attracted Aoyu's attention to many unscrupulous people present, wanting to get some benefits from him.Of course, pay more attention to Aoyu's eyes coming from women. You must know that the mainstream people here are white-collar workers, and there are really not many such class hooligans. After all, most of them are educated college students, and most of them are women, and Aoyu's handsome The appearance, the unrestrained and easy temperament, and the rich net worth all make these female white-collar workers think about it, some have even started to raise their eyebrows at Aoyu, and some even exaggerated that they are already very low. The low-cut tops were pulled lower, revealing a large snow-white chest, and the beautiful buds could almost be seen, while others slowly lifted up the long skirts, and the black lace panties were looming, making people People have countless fantasies.

Aoyu is also infinitely stimulated to see such a scene, of course, more is boundless desire, compared to the group of beautiful but inexperienced women around Aoyu, although the women here are not so beautiful, but they can't Not to mention that they know how to use their bodies to attract men, and use their bodies to arouse men's desires.Of course, what this group of women did not only made Aoyu look good, but also made the perverts around them salivate. Speaking of which, they were all in Aoyu's glory.Several bold women have already started to approach Aoyu. When Aoyu came in and sat down on the bar to order a glass of beer and began to admire the pole dancer in the three-point bar on the stage, the sexy white-collar workers beside him had already sat beside him.One of them, a caucasian girl with a very hot figure, wearing a real miniskirt and a white low-cut vest, said first: "Little handsome guy, is this your first time here to play? Would you like to have a few drinks with us?" The women also echoed and said, when they first saw Aoyu, they were very horny, Aoyu was so handsome that they couldn't help themselves, seeing that hundreds of women present had the same thoughts as them, it's amazing It made them anxious, and several of them thought at the same time: "There are a few people here who are no worse than me, if they snatch it away, it will be troublesome.

"In an instant, several of the most beautiful women formed an offensive and defensive alliance and decided to attack Aoyu together. Of course, whoever can make this handsome guy bow down to his pomegranate skirt depends on her ability. Frankly speaking, these women are all beautiful , only one line worse than the ones in my own family, and they are more mature and charming, obviously rich in experience, which makes Aoyu tempted, of course there is one that Aoyu likes more, this girl is obviously an Asian face, according to her own Said to be a Japanese girl named Yamaguchi Yuri, this girl is charming, although not as charming as the little fox, but she is also the best in the world, and she is also plump, with a soft personality and a mellow and charming face, which is even more attractive to Aoyu Of course, what makes Aoyu more interested is the energy flowing in this girl's body. This kind of energy Aoyu is very familiar with, ninjas, and they are not low-level ninjas. These women are quite bold, talking and talking Just drill into Aoyu's arms.

Aoyu generously invited a few women to have a drink each, and chatted happily with them. Of course, it was inevitable to take advantage of each other. Aoyu's big hands walked between their kidneys and chests. There was no objection, and she deliberately bent down to make it easier for Aoyu to move around. Even the bolder woman in the white vest had already pulled Aoyu's hand into her lap, allowing him to move freely. Have fun inside.Of course Aoyu focused on taking advantage of that woman named Yuri Yamaguchi, but obviously this Yuri Yamaguchi was not professional enough, at least not able to respond freely, because when Aoyu's hand penetrated into her chest from Ya's clothes, her The body obviously began to stiffen, so unnatural, although she tried her best to maintain her composure, when Aoyu's big hand touched her chest, her body still trembled unconsciously, I don't know if it was because of too much pressure. Excited or scared.

With the most beautiful girls around Aoyu, those women who were originally dressed up and ready to come over and stretch out their hands all left here wisely, they didn't want to embarrass themselves, after all, they still have self-knowledge , I don't want to be ashamed.So Aoyu played with these women for a long time, and finally the bold white girl couldn't bear the provocation of Aoyu's magic hand, and made a request to have a room with Aoyu... Except for Yuri Yamaguchi who didn't open her mouth for such a request No one disagreed, and everyone even cheered, although they knew it was just a one-night stand, after all, it is impossible for a person with such an identity to accept themselves, not to mention that he is still a Chinese with serious ideas, no matter how open the Chinese are. It can't be done to the same extent as in the West, and the virginity will always remain in their hearts, and it will never be erased.That Lily Yamaguchi originally didn't want to go, but obviously she couldn't express it, and tried to put on a look of extreme hunger and thirst, holding Aoyu's big hand that was ravaging her beautiful and plump breasts, and asked to open a room together.

Soon a few people came to the nearest hotel and opened a room, and watched Aoyu and a few girls enter the room under the surprised eyes of the hotel waiter. If it wasn't for the strict working hours, the waiter would probably be drooling Well, these few are all top-notch beauties, and after drinking some wine, they were ravaged by Aoyu's big hands at home, and the already revealing clothes are even more sexy now, making people's desires unbearable.But the waiter was just looking at it, and there was no possibility of realizing it at all. After all, it was not an easy task to get them into bed with such high vision, let alone several people at the same time. It's impossible... unless he looks like Aoyu and is so rich, but obviously this is an unrealistic dream, maybe only in the dream can he realize it.So soon several people began to enter the room, the white girl first closed the door and hugged Aoyu's head and kissed fiercely, then she suddenly lifted her small white vest, which was not very big, and took off the bra, Press Aoyu's head in the middle, let him suck to his heart's content, and while enjoying it, he still doesn't forget to hold Aoyu's hand and touch his secret place...

(End of this chapter)

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