Chapter 132 Somalia's Allegiance
Aoyu has seen it before. After Lin Tianfeng, the elder of the Demon Sect, the heart of returning home is even more urgent, because there is not only his hometown, but also his own enemies and loyal servants who have been waiting for thousands of years. None of these things are Aoyu. It can be let go, but Aoyu who has not unified this continent to eliminate his worries will not rush back to China. He has already decided to unify his own backyard in the Americas first, so that he can go back with peace of mind and clean up. The hateful Green Gang and the Luo family went back to let the Demon Gate stand on the ground again, making everyone tremble with the brilliance of the Demon Gate.So Aoyu did not stop after sweeping the territory of the United States, but began to assemble a large number of people, preparing a large number of firepower to prepare for the pace of external expansion.Under the circumstances that all the men including Aoyu did not respond, Aoyu directly dispatched the elite with iron and blood, and sent a large number of troops from California in the United States to attack the Canadian underworld. Some local gangsters who are not strong.

These Canadian local gangs are not powerful. The most powerful here is not the local mafia, but those foreign forces, and the most powerful of these foreign forces are not Japanese with unlimited ambitions, nor are they well-established here before. Americans, not to mention those soft-spoken Indonesians, but the extremely powerful Vietnamese gang and the big circle gang from China. These two forces have huge power in Canada, although they are not like the five major families of the American mafia. The entrenched forces have penetrated into the top levels of the US government.But the powerful Big Circle Gang and the Vietnamese Gang are indeed extremely terrifying. They are ruthless, strong and strong, and have strong firepower. In Canada, even if the government and the police provoke this gang of lunatics unnecessarily, you must know the Vietnamese Gang The veterans of these people were all people who participated in the Vietnam War. Under the attack of the US army, these guys drove the tough Americans out of Vietnam with powerful jungle warfare, mountain warfare, and guerrilla warfare. People are real soldiers trained from blood and fire. Those special forces personnel are no different from children in front of them, and their descendants have also been trained by them since childhood. Although their combat effectiveness is not as terrifying as them, they are still They are so powerful that ordinary people can't afford to provoke them, but before the big circle gang came to Canada, the Vietnamese gang can be said to be the absolute overlord here, and they even conquered the local gangs.

The Big Circle Gang and the Vietnam Gang are not so against each other. Most of them participated in the counterattack against Vietnam. I don’t know how many Vietnamese died at the hands of this gang. Of course, their comrades also suffered a lot of casualties. In the hands of the Vietnamese, the two families are extremely inconsistent. As soon as the big circle gang entered Canada, it attacked the Vietnamese gang with absolute strength. It was abruptly shot from the Vietnamese gang to the current site, but of course the price paid was not light. , so the two families can be said to be feuds, and they fight when they meet, but they let it go under the pressure of all parties. Of course, the small-scale friction has never stopped.And those poor local gangsters were driven by the two tyrannical forces to the marginal underdeveloped areas, where they lingered. If it weren't for the fact that the two families were not at odds, they would have been wiped out long ago, and those so-called foreign forces were also bullied quite miserably. , especially the Japanese who were at odds with the Daquan gang, they were basically wiped out. If the Vietnamese gang hadn't helped the Japanese in order to create enemies for their opponents, their influence in Canada would have been wiped out. Of course, this is mainly It's because these big forces have concentrated their power in the United States. After all, the United States is simply too rich compared to Canada, so they have to give up the land of Canada to these two crazy organizations.

However, Zhetian has completed the unification of the United States and cleared all other organizations in the United States. This has caused these organizations that have begun to forget Canada to pay attention to this place again. They have continuously sent more manpower and a large number of weapons to Canada. The Japanese, the Indonesians, and the Italian mafia, as well as the Russian polar bears who crossed the Bering Strait, these horrible Russians carried out their ideas in Canada and forcibly entered Canada and moved their housekeepers. Powerful weapons. After all, everyone in the world knows that Russian polar bears are a bunch of lunatics. They are most famous for their militarized gangsters and their extremely powerful weapons.First, the whole of Canada was in turmoil, but when these organizations just wanted to take action, Zhetian had already started to act one step ahead of them. With the help of the Somali gang, a local gang under the control of Zhetian in Canada, Zhetian passed through their territory Crossed the border from California and entered the western part of Canada. Those local gangs are gathering areas. These local gangs are not strong. They have been bullied by the Big Circle Gang and the Vietnamese Gang, and recently the major forces have begun to move around. These The gangsters were even more frightened, fearing that they would be wiped out one day, so they started looking for ways to find a good master for themselves, so they didn't have to be afraid of being wiped out by then.

Since Zhetian does not have any power base in Canada and is rising too fast, these local gangs in Canada are not optimistic about Zhetian who has just unified the United States. They are more optimistic about those old gang organizations in the world. They are incomparable with other long-established organizations that have been in business for a hundred years in any aspect. They can only say that they are lucky to be able to unify the United States, or that the American gangsters are too incompetent.Of course, this is not what everyone thinks. Some people understand that the rise of Zhetian cannot be achieved by luck. Their combat effectiveness and quality are unparalleled. They have never lost to anyone in the United States for a hundred years. So many forces who want to take over the United States will not be beaten by them. Their government in the United States has already infiltrated It has reached the point of being frightening. Many congressmen have ties to them. Even the powerful Skull and Bones in the United States cannot wipe them out. This shows how tyrannical they are, and Zhetian can eliminate the five major black hands within a year. The Dang family can no longer be described as terror. There are idiots who think that Zhetian is not strong enough. Although the proportion of such people is not very large, there are still some, and the boss of the Somali gang is such a person.

But it's a pity that he has no connection with Zhetian, and it is basically impossible to rush to join him. However, at this time, his brother-in-law in the United States contacted him. For this brother-in-law who is not very familiar with him, he is the boss of the Somalia gang. Somalia, I don’t like it very much, so I didn’t make much contact. My brother-in-law suddenly contacted me and I was very surprised. Although I didn’t want to see him, but for the sake of my lover, Somalia still agreed to meet this little brother-in-law who I don’t know very well. See what he wants. If he can help him, he will do his best. After all, he loves his wife very much.In this way, Somali and his brother-in-law made an appointment to meet. At three o'clock in the afternoon, Somali brought a group of helpers to a teahouse in his own territory, a very simple Chinese teahouse. Although he didn't know why the other party would invite him to come Here, but Somalia still didn't think much about it. After all, although this brother-in-law didn't know him very well, he had a deep relationship with his wife. .Entering the second floor, Somali saw his brother-in-law wearing a nondescript Chinese Tang suit drinking tea there. Somalia was very depressed when this guy started to like Tang culture, but he didn't ask these irrelevant questions and went straight to the point. He sat down and asked: "I said, my dear brother-in-law, what do you want from me? If there is anything that needs my help, even if it is agreed, I will help you if I can.

His brother-in-law said: "Hehe, my dear brother-in-law, don't say that, I'm here to help you today." "Somalia began to be interested in my little brother-in-law. I still know a little bit. It seems that I don't have any great skills in the United States. It's just that at the beginning it seemed to be working in a Chinese gang, but now all the forces in the United States have been wiped out. Now, what else can this guy do? Somali didn't believe that his brother-in-law could do anything, but he didn't say it but said with great interest: "Oh?My dear brother-in-law, what can you do to help me?I want to know.

"The Somali brother-in-law said to his brother-in-law very seriously: "My dear brother-in-law, you should know that Canada is not peaceful now. Did you find it?Also, it seems that you Canadian local gangs have been attacked by the big circle gang and the Vietnamese gang, and there is almost no room for survival. Now the shroud of the sky and those big international forces have set their targets here. Their ambitions are Not small, you local gangsters and even the monkeys of the Vietnamese gang and the lunatics of the big circle gang are not their opponents. You should know that it is impossible for him to survive when these century-old gangs are targeting someone. Although the Big Circle Gang and the Vietnamese Gang are very powerful, they are still far behind those centuries-old underworld families. After all, they are not overshadowing the sky, and they don’t have the ability to forcefully challenge the world’s gangsters, so you local gangsters must survive if you want to survive. Immediately find yourself a new master, are you right?my brother-in-law.

"Somalia has to admit that what his brother-in-law said is very appropriate. Indeed, this is the current situation facing the Somali gang, including the Canadian local gangs, the Vietnamese gang and the big circle gang. Once the huge foreign forces invade, the Canadian underworld will fall sooner or later. Somalia has no doubts about this at all. He has to admit that what his brother-in-law said is indeed true, and he needs help in this regard. Speaking of which, Somalia also understands the purpose of his brother-in-law's visit, so he said: "I Dear brother-in-law, tell me, which force do you represent?Japanese?tulip?Chinese?Or Russia? The Somali brother-in-law smiled and said: "My dear brother-in-law, you are wrong about these things, Japanese?"It is the primary target of our organization to eliminate, Tulip they are ashamed of our strength, the Chinese, their strength is not qualified to compare with ours, Russia?God, how can those bears with outdated weapons compare with us, they are really too backward, we are from the United States, "Zhe Tian", "Zhe Tian" you know?my dear brother-in-law.

"Somali originally thought that his brother-in-law was sent by which force, and he had to consider whether he should join him or not, but after hearing this sentence, Somali immediately stood up and grabbed his brother-in-law's hand with an eager look said, "What?What did you say?Overshadow?God, my brother-in-law, you are really an angel sent by God. You are actually a person who covers the sky. I apologize for my arrogance just now. Please forgive me, your brother-in-law. The Somali brother-in-law smiled and said: "Dear brother-in-law, how can I blame you? After all, no one would have thought that that worthless boy would have achieved what he is today. Besides, if it wasn't for your help at the beginning, it is still a question of whether I would have survived." As for the problem, don't talk about this matter, it seems out of place. "Somali smiled and said: "Okay, okay, my dear brother-in-law, let's not mention this matter anymore, let's talk about what Zhetian wants to do.

The Somali brother-in-law said: "Oh, my brother-in-law, of course I will tell you what we are going to do, but before that, I want to get the loyalty of you and your Somali gang to Zhetian, after all, this is a secret and cannot be hidden People outside know that if you are loyal to Zhetian, it will be different. "Of course, Somali was very happy when he heard this request, and he pledged to join Zhetian on behalf of his gang and become a church of Zhetian. There are 1 people in Somalia who are willing to do such a thing. After all, joining Zhetian is equivalent to reporting He planted a big tree, with an extra umbrella on his head, and the safety problem was basically gone. How could he be unwilling, so Somali said without hesitation: "Of course, I am willing to represent myself and the Somali gang to join the Zhetian , will always be loyal to the godfather. "At the same time, I swear here that if one day, my Somalia gang dares to betray the organization and the godfather, I, Somalia, will definitely kill him myself. If it is me, I am willing to be punished by God, cursed by God, forever Immersed in endless pain, not eternal life

(End of this chapter)

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