Chapter 140 The Chinese Who Never Forget Their Ancestors
Sure enough, these guys couldn't bear it for long, and couldn't bear it anymore. First of all, the Big Circle Gang faced the provocation of their long-time enemy, the Vietnam Gang, and began to fight back gradually. You must know that although the Big Circle Gang lost a large number of The elite, but the Vietnamese gang is not much better than the big circle gang, they even have more casualties, and because they were attacked by the Italian mafia in the early stage, their strength is not as good as the big circle gang, so the big circle gang doesn't take the Vietnamese gang seriously Well, in their eyes, these guys are just a group of toothless tigers, posing no threat.Liu Quan, the boss of the Big Circle Gang, summoned his subordinates from the Outer Circle, Inner Circle, and Criminal Circle to discuss how to deal with the Vietnam Gang. , their fathers are all the founders of the big circle gang. They established the big circle gang and then passed it on to their sons when they were old. These guys are different from their fathers. They are really capable Without these guys, they are basically sons born after the first generation of big circles established their foundation here. They have no skills at all. They are definitely better at playing with women than gangsters, but when it comes to development, they are really nothing ability.If it weren't for the virtues of those guys in Vietnam, their big circle would have been killed long ago. What's more fortunate for them is that they have a good neighbor in the United States, which attracts all the wolves in the world, so they look good Only sheep can survive here, and do their best.

The first to speak was of course Liu Quan, who is the leader of the gang. Although this guy did not inherit his father's other advantages, he still had a strong national pride, especially hated the Japanese and Vietnamese, so he faced the provocation of the Vietnamese He was quite annoyed with the Japanese, and he said: "Brothers, the **** Vietnamese ghosts want to join forces with the little Japanese to beat us. Do you think we can agree? Damn they even They also said that they want us to surrender, that they are a great nation and we should join them, what do these bastards think of us, we Chinese still know our ancestors, we can’t afford to lose face.” “No, he Damn, kill these little Japanese and Vietnamese grandmas." As soon as Liu Quan finished speaking, he got the support of the two hall residents.Only the hall master of the punishment circle didn’t agree very much, he said with some concern: “Boss, are we being too impulsive like this? You must know that although the Japanese and Vietnamese have lost a lot this time, their strength is stronger than that of the Japanese. Us, and there is Zhetian by our side, don’t say whether we can win, even if we win, Zhetian will not let go of such a good opportunity, they will definitely take the opportunity to eat us, I really regret it at that time It was too late.

"Liu Quan, the boss of the big circle gang, said: "Brother, although I Liu Quan has no skills, I know this myself. If I hadn't had a good father, I would be nothing. The gang has not achieved anything for so many years, it is just keeping undefeated. This is still the Vietnamese gang headed by an idiot Ruan Peng. If it were another person, I guess we would have been wiped out long ago. Although we have no skills, I have no advantages at all. Learned, but my old man told me before he died, no matter what happens to me in the future, even if I die, I can’t forget that we are Chinese, Chinese people have to look like Chinese people, so fucking let me follow those A small Japanese compromise with the Vietnamese and bow down to them?No way, let me tell you that even if I die, I will not do such a thing that I am sorry to my ancestors. I have made a deal with this Vietnamese and little Japanese. ""Let me tell you, it is our ability to win the little Japan and the Vietnamese grandma. We have earned face for our ancestors. If we can't win, we will embarrass our ancestors, but that can't let the little Japan and Vietnamese grandma occupy Well, I would rather surrender to Zhetian. Anyway, their boss is our Chinese. Surrendering to them at least I am worthy of my ancestors. If the territory falls into their hands, it is still our Chinese. What are they foreign guys? Don't even think about it. "Liu Quan said angrily.

Although the fathers of the big circle gang love them very much, they don’t care about what these young masters do and they always take care of them, but when they encounter issues of national righteousness, the first generation of the big circle gang of the fathers have never been soft on them However, in this regard, they always remind their son that he is a Chinese, an authentic Chinese, and he must never forget his roots. Although these first-generation big circles have not educated any talents, but They have created a generation of authentic Chinese, a generation of Chinese who are always proud of the nation.So Liu Quan's words were unanimously approved by several hall masters, "Since the Vietnamese grandma and the little Japanese are restless, then teach them a lesson", these are Liu Quan's original words, and soon these words were conveyed to everyone. In the circle of helpers, they are actually very dissatisfied with the last time they joined forces with the Japanese and Vietnamese grandma. After all, they don't like these two groups of people, but because of the relationship between the gang rules, it has been difficult to speak out against them, even though they already have a lot in their hearts. However, this time Liu Quan's order obviously made everyone very satisfied. This kind of thing seems to be done by the big circle gang, and the big circle gang needs to have a bit of backbone.

That night, the Vietnamese gang and the Japanese came to Chinatown to provoke again, but this time they were not greeted by the people from the big circle gang who came out to negotiate, but the black muzzle and cold bullets. The troublesome guys were quickly dealt with by the big circle gang, and they were sent to hell without giving them a chance to explain again. Then Liu Quan received the news that the Japanese and Vietnamese grandma came to provoke again After the order was issued, all the members of the Big Circle Gang began to clean up the Japanese in the territory, let go of the defense line on the Zhetian side, concentrated all their forces, and deployed them to the Vietnamese side to prevent these guys from helping the Japanese.

And Liu Quan sent his men to tell Zhetian their situation, hoping that Zhetian would ignore you, if he didn't care about you with his usual personality, he would have wiped you out a long time ago, do you dare not defend?I dare to hit you. Anyway, Zhetian is a gangster and not a businessman. I don’t need to tell you so much, but this time the situation is different. Clever, but this kind of national plot is worthy of everyone's admiration. On the other hand, there are interests that cover the sky. If there are other Jasons, they don't have to think so much. Although they admire it, it is nothing compared to the interests that cover the sky. As long as it is related to the interests of the sky, everything related to the interests of the godfather is based on the organization and everything is based on the godfather, but this time the trouble is that the other party is Chinese, which makes it very difficult for Jason. People are the most appreciated, and it is difficult for him to make a decision for a while.

Reluctantly, Jason called Aoyu who was playing games in the American manor in front of the special envoy of the Big Circle Gang. Aoyu was very leisurely at this time, and things that overshadowed the sky had already entered the regular development channel, so he was not needed What are you worried about? If it wasn’t for America’s disunification, he couldn’t rest assured that he would have returned to China. After all, Aoyu is very concerned about China. At this time, Aoyu received a call from Jason, which made Aoyu very depressed. As far as he knows at this time, he should It's not a big deal, and even if there is a powerful force in Canada, it can handle it, so Aoyu is still very puzzled. "Hey, Jason, what can you do?" Aoyu asked directly after receiving the call. "It's such a young master, the big circle gang... What do you think we should do? Do you want to agree to them?" Jason reported the big circle gang to Aoyu.

After hearing this, Aoyu thought for a moment and replied: "I admire this kind of person very much. Although he has no skills, his integrity is worthy of everyone's admiration. He didn't embarrass the Chinese. Tell them, we promise them, and I will give them any support they want. After the war, we can give them a fair chance to fight. Everyone is Chinese. I can have a decisive battle with them and let them know the truth about us. Strength." After listening to Aoyu's words, Jie Sen knew how to deal with this matter. As expected, the young master admired the actions of the Big Circle Gang very much. He not only agreed to their request, but also asked for it. With their help, and said to give them a fair chance to fight after the war, this is a great treatment, you must know that Zhetian has never given such a chance to anyone, any organization, because in the eyes of Zhetian, they are not worthy , but this time the young master obviously appreciates these Chinese people who have not forgotten their ancestors, so he gives them special treatment.

Jason is not afraid of being deceived by the big circle gang, because this is impossible. Zhetian's intelligence network is not vegetarian. He has penetrated into all parts of the world, especially the American region. Under the cover of Zhetian's huge financial support and the Huanyu Group Development has covered almost every corner of the Americas. Even the top executives of the big circle know how many times a day they go to the toilet, let alone such a huge personnel transfer. It is impossible to overwhelm the sky. Today's intelligence network is unparalleled in the entire Americas, and it is also the best in the entire world, even surpassing the CIA.

It has become the largest intelligence agency in the world in one fell swoop. Of course, their expenses are also staggeringly huge. Ordinary organizations can't afford it. This huge expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars a year, even the US government can't do it. Only the huge Only the economic giants can do this. It can also be said that the rapid rise of the Zhetian intelligence network is purely spent on money. They used a huge amount of money and the dark magic of those blood clans in Zhetian to buy and control countless people. Efficacy, their intelligence organization can be said to have surpassed the sum of all the forces of many organizations, and has recently achieved a more perfect intelligence acquisition and even started to form a killer group to work for Zhetian's subordinates.After receiving the support of Zhetian, the Big Circle Gang has enough courage. Everyone knows that Zhetian's godfather never promises that everything will be handled by his subordinates, but once he opens the golden mouth, he will never It will change. The mysterious godfather of Zhetian has always kept his word, as long as he said it, he will not fail to honor it, so the Big Circle Gang has no estimate at all, and they will transfer all those who are on guard against Zhetian. Come over here, raise a large number of people to prepare for war with the Vietnamese gang, to teach these guys who look down on the big circle gang and the Chinese, let them know how powerful the Chinese are, let them know that the Chinese are not easy to mess with, China People have their own national integrity, and China will never forget its ancestors.

(End of this chapter)

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