Chapter 144 The Horn of Attack

The two organizations have achieved success that cannot be regarded as success. Although they won, they did not get any real benefits, and even lost a lot of money. This made the leaders of the two organizations very depressed, but now they obviously regret it. There is no use anymore, so I can only accept it helplessly, there is no other way.Of course, after occupying here, the two organizations have seen that they are currently incapable of fighting against Zhetian, so they can only join forces with the equally dilapidated Vietnamese gang to resist Zhetian's attack. Only at this time did they realize that they were in Canada's power is so weak, and the previous actions were so stupid, but there is no way, there is no regret medicine in this world, it can only be like this, the best ending is to resist the attack of the sky, and keep the current territory without losing It is already their limit, and they want to have a better breakthrough, such as defeating Zhetian, such a dream, even if they are too confident, they dare not imagine it, they can only sigh secretly, their previous stupidity.In fact, even if they were not so stupid before, it would be impossible for them to compete with Zhetian in Canada with their strength. Zhetian created some troubles and delayed Aoyu's return to the country.

This kind of thing is actually meaningless, it's purely an addition, but they still don't realize it, they just think that as long as they don't fight each other, they can defeat Zhetian, they haven't realized where they are wrong .Their biggest mistake was to overestimate themselves and overestimate the sky, which is why this happened. Now they have lost the courage to resist, but the blood werewolves sent by the Russian mafia gave them to fight again With their courage, they rely on the blood werewolf to defeat Zhetian in the huge battle, and leave a little merit for themselves, so that the organization will not punish themselves for their incompetence.Zhetian had already started with the help of the Daquan Gang during their dog-eat-dog battle. With the help of the local snake, the Daquan Gang, the integration within the control area did not take too much time for Zhetian. The integration has become very easy and the speed is extremely fast. It took only two days to complete the task that Zhe Tian needed two weeks to complete.So Zhetian can free up his hands to teach this group of garbage who don't know how high the sky is and want to compete with him for the land of Canada.

Under the arrangement of Aoyu, Zhetian started to attack. Of course, their first target was the Vietnamese gang who insulted the Chinese, the mortal enemy of this big circle gang. They are basically crippled, it is useless for them to occupy such a large territory, it is just a big meal on the plate, so in Aoyu's words, "If you have an advantage, don't take advantage of the bastard." So Aoyu is not polite at all. Send out your own men to attack the Vietnamese gang. The Vietnamese gang really don't have much strength at this time, only a little bit, probably less than 8000. It's not much use at all, and at least half of them are injured. I think It is really difficult for these people to cause any harm to Shatian.That useless leader of the Vietnamese gang, Ruan Peng, was so frightened that he couldn't even speak when his subordinates reported that Zhetian had started to attack him. He almost ran over to tell Zhetian to surrender. With a little backbone, even his subordinates look down on him. If he hadn't been the gang leader, he would have been killed long ago.The leader of the gang is like this, let alone those subordinates. They all know the situation of the Vietnam gang, so they have no intention of resisting. According to Ruan Peng's intention, they just need to act a little bit, and then surrender after hitting the sky, for themselves and Vietnam helps a certain good way out.

, But often things are not as simple as he thought. How could Zhetian's combat effectiveness be compared to their miserable defeats? Most of those Vietnamese gang members were injured, and less than 3000 people were intact, The day sent 2 people to deal with the Vietnamese gang. You don't need to imagine the result, you know the result, 2?Even if the Japanese come and use 2 people, they can defeat the Vietnamese gang, not to mention that they are stronger than the Japanese, who knows how much they can cover the sky, so Ruan Peng's dream is doomed from the very beginning of the battle.Sure enough, as soon as the battle started, there was a fierce exchange of fire. Those Vietnamese gang members were not opponents who overshadowed the sky at all. They were beaten violently, and then there was a sound of surrender.This made Zhe Tianduo dumbfounded. He thought that those Vietnamese gangs who had been fighting with the big circle gang for so long should also have a back bone, but they didn’t expect to be so rubbish. This made the people in the big circle gang who represented them blush a little , I have been fighting with such a person for so long and haven't taken advantage of it, so it's no wonder that they blush so much.The Vietnamese gang was quickly occupied, which surprised Ruan Peng, and his dream was shattered. He didn't know what to do, but he had no chance to think, so he was tied up by his subordinates to please Zhe Tian .The Vietnamese gang was wiped out by Zhetian without any battle, which made Aoyu feel very depressed. These guys are too easy to deal with. It was a waste of thinking about it. I am really sorry for spending so much time.

The footsteps of Zhetian did not stop. When the Vietnamese gang was eliminated, the Somali gang and the big circle gang were left behind to deal with the aftermath. Aoyu directly led the iron-blooded brigade and rushed to the remaining two forces together with Jason. ... Generally speaking, these two forces are quite capable, and they will not be as rubbish as the Vietnamese gang. If it weren't for the fact that those Japanese consumed them too much at the beginning, they would really not be so easy to deal with. It is not a problem to destroy them with their own abilities, but it is not realistic to eliminate them with almost no casualties like before. After all, it is not such a good thing. At Yu's level, if they can be invincible in the world, they will also be injured.

Although Zhanmojue's skills are extremely perverted, it only strengthens their bodies and strength to a limited extent. In fact, most of Zhetian's people are now at the level of second-level werewolves. Of course, those elites have at least first-level werewolves. level, not to mention Aoyu’s imperial guards, each of them now has skills not inferior to those super werewolves, and they are all agile, and they have the help of Aoyu’s formation, so they are not inferior to those super werewolves. But maybe it can only be at the same level as those super werewolves, but if it is a group fight, 100 of them can fight at least 500 super werewolves. Of course, the premise is that the werewolves really have so many super werewolves to fight for them... The battle begins It's too fast, so fast that everyone can't imagine. Regarding the unstoppable pace of war, everyone knows their ambitions and knows that they will not just be satisfied with the big circle gang and those individual small gangs However, they did not expect them to integrate the big circle gang in just two days, and then quickly rushed into the Vietnam gang, without giving everyone a little chance to breathe. This made everyone very depressed. I didn't expect Zhetian to be so crazy. Of course, they don't know how powerful Zhetian is. They just use their own thinking to conceive for Zhetian, so they can't follow the steps of Zhetian at all. Behind Zhetian, he will never be able to surpass others in his life. This is the gap between them, the gap in thinking.Regarding the Vietnam gang, when the two major mafia knew their details, they had already abandoned them and had no intention of forming an alliance with them. This time they didn't annex the Vietnamese gang, because they didn't have that idea this time. They didn't have enough strength to guard so many territories, so they could only let those Vietnamese continue to control that area.In their view, the Vietnamese can't do anything else, but they can always delay the pace of Xia Zhe Tian. Not to mention anything else, it's just the territory of those Vietnamese, which should be enough for Zhe Tian to digest for a while. Little ones, this period of time is enough for them to find a way to mobilize manpower from China. Of course, this is their wishful thinking, and there is no chance of realizing it.Because Zhetian's men and horses moved too fast, they had already wiped out the Vietnamese gang and rushed towards them before they could react. This was something they never expected, that the Daquan Gang would directly join Zhetian and willingly The fact that they are loyal to them and help them expand their territory makes them unimaginable. In their concept, there may be no such thing as a nation. After all, individualism is popular in the West, and everything appears so in front of personal interests. Useless, so small.The team led by Jason is the iron-blooded elite that overwhelms the sky. Although the number is only 2, whether it is Jason or Aoyu, or even the iron-blooded fighters, they have absolute confidence in defeating the gang of Italians who eat for nothing. There is nothing to be afraid of a group of guys who are not united, not to mention that their equipment and quality are not as good as those of Zhetian, and there are no masters, but Zhetian sent 2 blood princes and 20 Aoyu guards at the super expert level , This kind of power comparison does not need to think about who will win. The gap is too big, so that all strategies and objective reasons cannot be changed, unless at this moment they can mobilize the masters of the Tulip family and the Dark Council in Europe, Then they may still have the possibility of winning, but this is obviously unrealistic. Even if the dark mages of the Dark Parliament collectively launch space transfer at such a long distance, it is impossible to mobilize enough masters, not to mention the pervert and The US government's double blockade, such a thing is completely impossible, and they can only imagine such a thing happening in their dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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