Chapter 147

Don't wait for him to think about it. At this time, the prince of the Feilibao family has already spoken. He is a leading white-haired old man. Aoyu knows him. His name is Hogan. He is the oldest prince in the Feilibao family. Except for Hawke, he is the only one in the family who can convince everyone by speaking. Of course, there is an extra Aoyu now.Hogan looked a little excited at this time, his whole body was trembling, probably because of the backlog of hatred for many years, finally being able to take revenge made him excited, at this time he said in a low-pitched excited voice: "Hey, boy from the Blood Wolf Clan , Your strength is not weak, sub-Wolf King? It is equivalent to the level of a blood prince... Hey, but we have 6 princes here, I want to see how you run? Count on the two rubbish around you, I think it is There is no hope, you should figure out what to do, hehe." "Yes, you should think about what to do, but it is impossible to go back completely, at least you have to leave something, for example Your "fate", or that thing on your body." Another prince said.

Blood Fang's face changed, but it didn't seem to be because Fang Fang said he wanted his life, but because of the thing the other party said, and that thing was really more important than his life. It is a symbol, a symbol of power, and even more a symbol of spirit. It must never be lost, let alone fall into the hands of a blood clan. But what he is thinking now is how does the other party know that he has this thing?Could it be that there are still people from their own clan?Or is there someone inside the Ice Emperor?When he was thinking wildly, Prince Hogan said: "Boy, your wolf god's summoning part is basically garbage in the Middle Ages, and it is useless in the blood race. It has been kept by me for hundreds of years. I don't care about its breath. It’s much more familiar than you, so you don’t have to think about it anymore, let’s think about how you go back.” After talking nonsense, Prince Hogan immediately started to take action, preparing to eliminate the other party. He didn't care about his image or demeanor, so he rushed up and started to fight, and he didn't show mercy at all, and the shots were extremely ruthless.

Blood Fang and the two elders of course did not show weakness when they saw the opponent's attack, they immediately went up to meet them and started to fight back, but their strength was obviously not as good as the opponent's, two masters at the same level who were not half a level higher than themselves would know how to beat an idiot Who will win? The attack didn't take long, and the winner was basically decided. The blood race is too fast and has a lot of lethality. Their ugly claws have a lot of lethality. After a while, the two elders were wounded all over their bodies. Now, the blood all over the body flowed out like a spring, it looked quite miserable, it seemed that they were really serious.And Blood Fang was not much better, he was besieged by Prince Hogan personally leading a prince, of course he was not the opponent of several princes with his strength, soon he and two elders entered a state of berserk, you must know that the blood werewolf After going berserk, they are crazy bloodthirsty and immortal. Their berserk is also twice the increase in power, but the visual and mental pressure on people is much greater, making people breathless.

But now they are helpless in this situation because the number of opponents is too large. Even if they have more troops, they will not be their opponents, unless there are a few more elders, but this is obviously impossible, because the masters of werewolves are not Many, the other 4 races under the leadership of David the Wolf King have 7 masters of the elder level or above, of course this includes the leaders of their tribes, and the blood werewolves and the snow werewolves have only two elders in each tribe. In this way, they are still the strongest, but they have already escaped from the dark world, and it is impossible for them to receive other assistance, so they must die.The two elders have already tried their best to give each other a blow. They want to use their own strength to protect Blood Fang and escape. After all, Blood Fang is their prince, and they have their own artifact, the summoning part of the wolf god. Things that must not be lost, let alone falling into the hands of those damn blood races, this is something they absolutely cannot tolerate, so they decided to exchange their lives for the escape of Blood Fang, and they started to go crazy.Several princes of the blood clan also discovered the other party's thoughts and started to attack crazily. They didn't want to see the other party go crazy and blow themselves up to be buried with them, so the attack became more clever.

Bloodfang also saw the intentions of the elders, his eyes began to moisten, he did not want the elders to sacrifice for himself, besides, the two elders are the essence of the blood wolf clan, if they lose the strength of their blood wolf clan, they will be wiped out One-third, this was not what Blood Fang wanted to see, so he hesitated and decided to use "Summon of the Wolf God".

While avoiding Prince Hogan's attack, Blood Fang bit his own finger, dripped blood on his forehead, and read a few strange words, a strong black light began to glow on Blood Fang's body, he The blood-red hair turned black, and the half-red eyes turned blood-red. A strange wolf-foot-shaped ornament floated out of his arms, and then entered his chest. Bloodfang's eyes were in the wolf-foot shape When the jewelry finally entered his chest, a strong cold light began to glow, which made everyone feel cold. Several princes felt the strength of the opponent's improvement, and even reached the level of the great emperor Hawk of the blood clan. This made several blood clans The prince was shocked. Although they also knew how powerful this thing was, they had never seen it before. They had always thought that the former servants could not have any powerful things, but at this time they realized that they were really wrong. Wrong, this "Wolf God Summoning" is really scary, so scary that they are afraid, and this is just one of the parts, I don't know what it looks like to put it all together, it's scary to think about it, it's too Horrible, such things should not be owned by the world.

Of course, it was not only them who were shocked, but also Aoyu. Aoyu clearly felt that this thing contained a powerful demonic aura. Yudu is a little startled, Aoyu can preliminarily judge that this thing seals a monster that can destroy the earth, although he doesn't know who it is, but Aoyu knows that this guy is at least very powerful, very powerful, so powerful that people can't even imagine .For the first time, Aoyu felt that he was not the most powerful in this world. There are many things more powerful than himself on the earth, but they failed to appear due to various reasons. For the first time, I felt that it was really necessary for me to practice hard. If it wasn't for the fact that Chi You's Demon Emperor's Art was not about continuous fighting, Aoyu would have gone to meditate at this time.

But fighting makes Aoyu a little difficult. You must know that there is basically no one who can fight him on the earth, and there are really limited people who can fight him in this world, and the perverted skill of "Chi You Demon Emperor's Art" makes Aoyu immune. Going to Heavenly Tribulation also removed the possibility of Aoyu's ascension, so there was no way for Aoyu to enter higher regions.With the help of "Wolf God Summoning", Blood Fang's strength instantly increased by 10 times, and he started to attack several blood races. Of course, his main purpose was not to kill the opponent, but to injure the opponent, and then rescued the two Elder, it's not that he doesn't want to eliminate a few princes, but he doesn't have the time. He knows that if he takes too long, he will die. You must know that no matter if it's a werewolf, a vampire or a human, they all cherish their lives. Yes, they don't want to die, especially when it's not worth it.Therefore, although Blood Fang was brave and heavy, he did not chase a blood race to kill him completely, but just defeated him to make him lose his fighting power. Soon Blood Fang defeated several princes, and then began to grab two A werewolf elder started to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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