Chapter 160
When Aoyu came home, his face was full of joy, and of course the girls saw him like this, and they began to guess what happened to Aoyu, he was so happy, did something good happen to him?Aoyu walked into the room and was about to change his clothes, and then he said this happy thing to a few girls. He wanted to go back with a few girls, to his homeland, to his hometown.But when he closed the door, several girls quickly gathered together and began to chat about why Aoyu was so happy. You must know that his expression has not appeared for a long time.The first one to speak was of course Huo Yu, her complexion was not very good at the moment, and she said angrily: "This guy Aoyu, so happy, he must have met some beautiful woman again, this guy is really a playboy, why should I I found a guy like this, no, we must teach him a lesson later, we can't let him behave like this again." "Hehe, Sister Huoyu is jealous, what's wrong with brother Aoyu looking for a girl? I don't mind." Mary said to Huo Yu with a mocking tone.

Huoyu was hit by Mary's words, and immediately turned into a big red face, but she still said with a firm mouth: "Yeah, I'm angry, how about I'm jealous? Am I wrong? We have to teach you a lesson." Put him down and let him restrain himself, otherwise what will happen in the future, don't you mind?" After speaking, she glanced at several girls.In fact, when it comes to this matter, it is a lie to say that they don't mind, no one is that generous, it's just that they can't bear Aoyu so they say that, it's impossible to say they don't mind unless they don't love Aoyu at all . "That's right, don't think too much, maybe Aoyu is happy because of something else, don't think so much now, after Aoyu comes out later, you can ask him about it, so why bother to scare him here? What?" Susan said to the girls.Her words immediately got the approval of Xia Xue, Xiaoyun who was sitting next to her, and Susan who just came here to play. Wait for Aoyu to come out and ask how he came.Just at this time, Aoyu came out of the room after changing his clothes, several girls immediately put down the things in their hands and surrounded him and asked Aoyu for a while.

Aoyu listened to it for a long time but didn't understand what the girls were asking, and finally shouted helplessly: "Stop, stop, stop, can you be quiet? I can't hear what you are saying at all, a group of people are chirping Yes, can you come one by one? Or send a representative to say yes? Some of my aunts." After hearing Aoyu's words, the girls realized that they were so impatient, and Aoyu couldn't listen to them in such a mess. I don't know what I'm talking about.They all saw each other's expressions and felt quite funny. In the end, they couldn't help but laughed happily. After laughing, Xia Xue, the boss, was of course pushed out by them as their representative to ask Aoyu on their behalf. question.Xia Xue was suddenly pushed out by a few sisters, so she knew what this group of people were thinking. They wanted to ask Aoyu themselves, but Xia Xue had no choice but to assume the responsibility of the boss at this time, and said to Aoyu: "Aoyu, they want to ask you why you were so happy when you came in just now, did you go out to find a girl?" "I have, I have something to tell you, why did you find a girl Well, are you really, am I that kind of person?" Aoyu said innocently.

But at this time, no one paid any attention to his innocence, the girls were already attracted by his topic, they wanted to know what Aoyu was going to say to them?What happened to make Aoyu so happy, this is the question they most want to know at this time, and nothing else is in the scope of consideration.Aoyu looked at his lovers' expressions and was really defeated by them. It seems that women's curiosity is really terrifying, and the saying that it can scare people to death is not false at all.Aoyu couldn't be angry with these women of his own, so he had no choice but to tell them what he was about to tell them. "If you don't ask, I will tell you. Don't think about it. I tell you that the things on my side are over. I am going to return to China in the near future, and I am going to take you back together. I just don't know if you are willing. I don’t want to, so today I mainly discuss with you guys to see your opinions.” Aoyu said.Aoyu's words immediately caused a sensation, and several girls jumped up. They wanted to go to China and Aoyu's hometown for a long time, but because Aoyu was always busy, they didn't have such an opportunity. This time Aoyu They are of course willing to follow when they are going back to China, and they are still very happy. "Wherever you go, I will go. Anyway, I admire Chinese culture very much, and I have long wanted to see it." Susan said to Aoyu gently.

Mary said very simply: "I didn't think so much, as long as brother Aoyu went, I would go there, as long as I could be in front of brother Aoyu, I don't have any other requirements." Huo Yu didn't speak as usual at this time, but looked longingly into the distance with Xiao Yun, it seemed that the two of them had long been fascinated by the motherland.Of course Xia Xue was the most moved. Although Aoyu didn’t know the reason for returning to China this time, Xia Xue knew that this time Aoyu would definitely wipe out those members of the Green Gang and the Luo family. question.

Xia Xue knew that the reason why Aoyu was so eager to return home must have her own factors, and Xia Xue also probably guessed that Aoyu was so anxious because of his promise to herself, which moved Xia Xue very much. You must know that Aoyu didn't need to go into exile in the first place Overseas, it was all because of Aoyu that she had no choice but to escape from China. Whenever Xia Xue thought of this, she felt more guilty towards Aoyu, and her love for Aoyu became more profound.Of course, not everyone is so happy, and there are some people who are not happy, that is Lina, you must know that Lina and Aoyu don't have that much relationship, although the two are nominal boyfriend and girlfriend, but the two It is very clear that there is nothing between the two of them. Although Lina often runs to Aoyu, and gradually falls in love with Aoyu, but Aoyu obviously does not have this awareness. Now Aoyu wants to bring her own daughter People have returned to China, so what should Lina do has become a big problem. Go with it. My reputation is not right, and my family will not agree, but if I don’t go with the past, I will be very upset. Missing Aoyu made Lina very embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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