Chapter 170 Fighting like this
Finally, after a few minutes, those pirates approached the Century after paying a certain amount of casualties. At this time, they had not received any resistance. After all, the long-range weapons that could be used on the Century had been used up at this time, and they could no longer find them. A decent weapon to resist a gang of ferocious Black Wind pirates, can only sigh, waiting for the arrival of the pirates, ready to fight them when they are close to boarding the ship.This is an arduous battle. More than 1 people on the Century are ready to fight. Although these individuals are not as good as those pirates, after all, there are many people on board, and there are many experts among them. These individuals Their quality is not bad. They are all retired professional soldiers. The professionalism they have cultivated over the years is not comparable to that of pirates who have no skills and qualities. To this group of soldiers, these pirates are nothing at all. If they have the corresponding number of people and weapons, it is not impossible to destroy them on the ship, but obviously there is no such condition now, so they can only helplessly organize a simple defense with those passengers to resist the pirates Their attack, at this time they really have no other way, after all, this moment is already a matter of life and death.

And these pirates are really angry at the moment, although they didn't have any good intentions at the beginning, they didn't plan to let the people on board go, if it wasn't because the people on board were too valuable, and there were a lot of money on board. Finance, as early as when the Century was fired back, they sank the Century, so why do they live here again to be arrogant?But at this time, the ferocious nature of the pirates who had lost many companions was aroused. They waited for the ship to approach at this moment, swarmed up and wiped out these bastards who dared to resist themselves, and then robbed them of their property. woman.They have long heard that there are countless beauties on the Century, not only those beautiful actresses, gorgeous ladies, even those welcome ladies are also beautiful, they have long wanted to try Now, at this time they want to rush in and kill all the people, and then pull these beauties into the room to have a good time. From their point of view, the other party has lost the ability to resist at this time, although there are weapons on the Century They didn't know it in advance, which made them suffer enough, but they had reason to believe that there couldn't be too many melee weapons on the Century, and people without weapons would have no courage and no ability to resist them.

Indeed, as they thought, the Century did not have too many weapons, and those weapons were not enough to pose a sufficient threat to them, but they also estimated that the people on the Century were not as they thought. Weak, they are ready to fight to the end with the black wind pirates. In fact, people would not have the courage to do so, but they have such a good reputation as pirates in the Pacific Ocean. Picked up the weapon to make the last resistance, there is no way, that's what Goujitiaoqiang refers to.Although a little scared, the people on the ship spontaneously organized and prepared to resist. You must know that the design of the Century is very special. Unless you use the special deck of the Century, there is no way for the person in charge to board the ship. A warship like the Pirate Gate can only Access to the Century is via the cargo deck in the middle.At this moment, the people of the Century are soberly aware that if the pirates are pushed into a hurry, they will definitely become angry and sink the Century from a distance. Therefore, the captain of the Century made a wise decision and opened the middle deck to release those pirates. The pirates came in, and stopped them at the mid-deck access point.

You must know that according to the unwritten rules of the pirates, as long as the attack is successful, the first person who enters first has the right to enjoy whatever it is, whether it is women, jewelry or money, except for the part of honoring the boss.So the two ships of this group of pirates docked at the left and right decks and immediately began to swarm into the Century, ready to plunder and enjoy it. These pirates are scrambling to snatch the best woman. He rushed in, fearing that he would be left behind. In just a few minutes, there was no one on the two pirate ships, and they all rushed into the Century, ready to plunder and enjoy.But instead of terrified crowds and beautiful women, they were greeted by dense bullets, which caused heavy losses to the pirates who were caught off guard. At least hundreds of people were beaten into hornet's nests on the spot. You must know that hundreds of people are not many, but for this For a pirate with a total of more than 2000 people, it is already a lot.

In the beginning, although the pirates suffered a lot from being suppressed by the enemy's firepower, their advantages were revealed later. Although the pirates didn't have many melee weapons, they had enough ammunition after all. The firepower was fierce, but there were not many bullets, and soon the pirates gained the advantage again, because at this time there were very few bullets on the Century, and they could only organize sporadic resistance, and it was impossible to pose much threat to the enemy.Soon those pirates gained the upper hand and began to approach. Although the spontaneously organized personnel on the Century had not been dispersed, they were almost unable to resist.Aoyu, who was watching from above at this time, knew that something would happen if he couldn't play any more at this time, if he didn't help people to eliminate these pirates quickly, casualties would be inevitable. It is acceptable if there are a large number of casualties, but if there are a large number of casualties, then such a situation is not what Aoyu wants to see.So at this time, Aoyu ordered his guards to take action. Aoyu's guards are not vegetarians. They are all super expert-level missions. One person can completely deal with a company of fully armed soldiers. Not counting the destructive power and impact of their terrifying perverted bodies.

After receiving the order from their godfather, Aoyu's imperial guards did not hesitate to take action. They flashed to the front of the crowd at the fastest speed and blocked the pirates. The performance of Aoyu's imperial guards was not only for the pirates They were taken aback, and even the people who were blocked by them were shocked.Because they didn't see when and how this group of people appeared in front of them, which surprised them so much that they thought they had seen a ghost.In the end, the pirate leader was the first to react, and shouted at his subordinates: "You bastards don't do anything, what are you doing so stupidly? Waiting for someone to invite you to dinner?" After hearing what his boss said, the pirates came back to their senses , picked up the weapon and prepared to open fire on Aoyu's guards who rushed to them.For the pirates, these arrogant guards secretly laughed in their eyes. It is impossible for such an attack to cause any substantial harm to them. To them, this is just a game. They can It was solved without any effort, so the classic scene in the classic film Empire hacker appeared decades ago. Type, all the fighting is over in just a few minutes.

This completely dumbfounded the remaining pirate second-in-chief and those self-organized defensive armed personnel on the Century who were watching from the sidelines. Each of them unconsciously rubbed their eyes, and then pinched their own thighs Only to realize that I was not mistaken.After a period of silence, the crowd on the ship cheered loudly. At this time, everyone knew that they were finally safe. They sent all the pirates into the sea and started to inform everyone. The whole ship cheered and everyone was happy. It's incredible.After all, they who have experienced life and death are extremely happy at the moment. There is nothing that makes people happier than the rest of their lives. As for those pirates, of course they were thrown to feed the sharks, and Aoyu's help of the Imperial Guard has naturally become the focus of people's hearts. Heroes became invincible gods.

Everyone enthusiastically ran over and surrounded them to celebrate their victory and express their admiration to them. Countless girls raised their eyebrows at them, which made these members of the imperial guards almost unable to hold back, but they After all, they are the elites trained by Zhetian and the elites who protect Aoyu. They always remember their mission. Although there are 80 brothers who follow the godfather, they are not allowed to have a moment as guards. Relax, now that the task is completed, of course I have to go back to the godfather.For those enthusiastic people, they were not too indifferent. For their gratitude, they just smiled and said that they were ordered. Of course, they didn't say who they were ordered by, they just said that they were ordered.After simply answering people, they returned to Aoyu's side. Looking at their disappearing figures, everyone was guessing who could have such powerful subordinates, and who was the most dangerous of all. shot at the moment.When they left, almost everyone was guessing who these people were?Whose subordinates are they?Who is qualified to command such a powerful subordinate.

Some people say that they are the masters of Skull and Bones, some say they are the masters of the US government, and some say that they are actually the masters of a mysterious organization in the world. In short, countless speculations spread throughout the entire ship.At this time, the ship of the Skull and Bones came out and said to the crowd who were guessing: "Don't guess randomly, let me tell you, they are people who cover the sky, now you understand." At this time, everyone thinks It turned out that this group of people were from the convoy at the port that day. At that time, the people who covered the sky moved in. It’s just that they haven’t been ugly for the past few days, making almost everyone think that they haven’t boarded the ship. At this time, passing by the captain In this way, everyone thought that they were the people who covered the sky. No wonder they are so powerful. It seems that the legends about the sky outside the sky are not all false. This group of people is really very powerful. The level is worthy of their title of master, and it is no wonder that De Zhetian was able to dominate the Americas in such a short period of time. Just look at these masters and you will know that these individuals are really very strong, too strong, strong Not human at all.At this time, everyone's awe of Zhetian was even more profound, and everyone who had managed this battle secretly swore in their hearts that they would never offend Zhetian in the future, such an enemy could not be offended no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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