Chapter 185
The Blood Gang, a third-rate gang in Shanghai, although the number of people is quite large, more than 1000, is nothing to the prosperous metropolis of Shanghai. In 2030, the permanent population of Shanghai is already 5000 million. For such a A gang of thousands of people is really nothing in a huge city, and the territory of the blood gang is not very prosperous. Although their income can only maintain the status quo, it is not as simple as they think. With strength, opportunities for development, and the support of the government, it is almost impossible for the blood gang to develop, so they can only helplessly guard their dozen or so streets that are not too prosperous, as well as a disco and two karaoke bars. , a small casino sighed helplessly there.In fact, they don't want to be like this, but there are too many gangs like the Blood Gang in Shanghai. There are more than 30 third-rate gangs like the Blood Gang, and there are 7 or 8 second-rate gangs, and there is no first-rate gang, because They can't develop at all, and the only leader above them is the Green Gang, the leader of Shanghai. Wanting to get ahead is simply a dream, and it is not realistic.If it weren't for the strict domestic surveillance, there would have been no place for these second- and third-rate gangsters to survive. Speaking of which, their ability to survive would still be a drag on the country's blessings. It turned out to rely on the country to survive.

But after tonight, they don't have to think about these troublesome issues anymore, because Aoyu has taken a fancy to this place, and mobilized 1 people here in two weeks through the huge transportation network that covers the sky. The elite of Zhetian, although the American side is in urgent need of stability and cannot mobilize more troops, but after Aoyu's decision, they still mobilized 30 troops from there, and began to recruit new personnel to join Zhetian, after all, the entire America In such a vast area, with a population of 30 billion, although the 50 people covering the sky seem to be a lot, they are really not enough to deal with it. Therefore, after a brief discussion, Aoyu decided to put The number of people covering the sky has increased to 20, so that the entire America can be better guarded and there is room for outward development.As for money, what Zhetian lacks most now is money. It is nothing to Zhetian to support an extra [-] people. These things are not within Aoyu's consideration at all.

After two weeks of intensive mobilization, all the Chinese members of Zhetian were mobilized to Huaxia. Of course, it was not because of any split within Zhetian, but because a large number of foreigners entered Huaxia, it was too obvious. Those international forces wanted to If you don’t pay attention here, you can’t do it, and this group of Chinese Zhetian members will not be so obvious. After all, they are all Chinese, with the same blood flowing in their bodies, and the same faces. In addition, these people all speak fluent In Mandarin, it is not easy to tell them apart.Through the cover of Huanyu Group's huge strength, these individuals successfully entered Huaxia and stationed at the place arranged by the Demon Gate. After a day of repairs, Aoyu was ready to attack the Blood Gang. Now Aoyu just wants to hurry up Occupy a stable territory, and then other things will be much easier to handle. At that time, you can play the banner of covering the sky openly. Anyway, everyone in the world knows that the boss of covering the sky is Chinese, and there is nothing wrong with returning home. As long as With a territory, no one is afraid to mobilize people to enter Aoyu. At that time, even if the government wants to accuse the sky or expel them, it is impossible, unless they want to cause a big turmoil, and at that time they We also have to consider the existence of Huanyu. After all, I believe that the governments of all countries have heard about the incident in South America. Aoyu believes that these countries do not want to experience the plight of those countries in South America.

In the long dark night, the boss of the blood gang is currently in his only large-scale disco, sitting on the high platform of the disco, admiring the boiling crowd below, hoping to find some beautiful girls from them so that they can take them home and have a good time. This has become his daily homework. In fact, he was not born this way. Once upon a time, he was also full of enthusiasm, fearless and determined to make a name for himself, so he and a few brothers around him began to work hard in the underworld. Finally established the current blood gang, but he realized his insignificance when he became the real boss. Some things don't mean that you can succeed if you have a whole body of blood and dare to fight.Those gangs in Shanghai have been deeply rooted after decades of development, and there are government officials behind them to support them. It is simply a dream to defeat them with the strength of the blood gang. As the leader of the gang, although he wants to The gang developed better, but he didn't want to lead his brothers to do things that he knew was impossible, so helplessly, he gradually became depressed and began to indulge in female sex to vent his depression.Just when he found a beautiful MM and was about to go downstairs to have a look, one of his subordinates rushed into the disco covered in blood and yelled, "Boss, run." The crowd below screamed again and again, and chaos began.

Of course the boss of the Blood Gang recognized that subordinate, he was the one who was in charge of watching the nearby places, since he came to inform him after he became like this, then something must have happened to him, and it was something he couldn't handle, Is it the Axes or the Eagles?Except for these two neighboring gangs, the boss of the Blood Gang really can't think of any gang that would attack him at this time. Of course, he doesn't think it is the Green Gang.But even though he thought a lot about it, the movement of the boss of the blood gang was not slow, because he knew that if he was slow, he would have no chance of surviving. The boss who got mixed up with him didn't have any other skills. But his ability to escape is absolutely top-notch, otherwise he would have been killed by others long ago, and he would have no chance of being the boss.

But at this time, it was too late for him to escape, because at this time, at least 500 people surrounded this large disco, and the boss of the blood gang had no chance of escape. He regretted it very much at this time, and secretly hated himself Why didn't you know that there was also a secret passage in the disco?That way, I can at least save my life, and I won't be as embarrassed as I was at this time, but fortunately, this is my main factory, and there are about a hundred subordinates who watch the place here, and I can withstand it for a while, as long as I call my subordinates to summon If people come to rescue him, the more than 500 people outside are nothing, after all, his blood gang has more than 1000 people.But at this time, what he is most worried about is that since the opponent dares to attack the blood gang, he will not only send such a small number of people. I am afraid that his other places will also be attacked. At present, he just hopes that the opponent will not move so quickly to give him some time to mobilize Manpower, all the places can be given up, as long as these individual horses can keep them, they will always have a chance to stand up.But obviously the reality disappointed him. He called several of his subordinates one after another, but they were all busy, which let him know that the situation was serious. More bad luck than good.

He guessed it right. People who cover the sky have always pursued perfection in their work. Of course, they will not only attack him alone, leaving those fish who slipped through the net. If not, then they will be ashamed of adults, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to raise their heads in front of their colleagues in the future.In charge of commanding this battle is the up-and-coming star Liu Ming, a former Huo Gang capable general, a young man of 1 or 1000 years old. He made great contributions to the Huo Gang, and later joined the Huo Gang. He followed Ao Yu to participate in the United States and Canada. As the leader of Zhetian's trip to China this time, this battle was handed over to him to command.

It was the first time he commanded a battle in Zhetian, which made Liu Ming excited and nervous at the same time, but he was also a person who had seen the market and quickly calmed down his nervous mood and started to fight. Frankly speaking, such a battle is nothing at all Difficulty, a random person can win even with his eyes closed, but Liu Ming still made a detailed and careful plan, because he wanted to fight this battle well and give the godfather a satisfactory explanation. The name doesn't intend to leave anything alive. Of course, Zhetian's first battle in the country must be fought beautifully, and the methods must be a little more ruthless. Only in this way can he deter those guys, let them know how terrible Zhetian is, and at the same time fight Zhetian in the country. Although Zhetian's reputation is loud enough.So when the boss of the blood gang called his subordinates, they were actually wiped out, not only because of the huge difference in numbers, but also because of the gap in combat power. Those guys who covered the sky cut the body apart several times.

The boss of the blood gang who couldn't get help also became ruthless. Originally, he was the one who worked hard to create the blood gang. Naturally, he was not a timid person. Seeing that he had no hope of asking for help, he no longer wanted to count on his subordinates The illusory help came, picked up a knife and brought more than 80 subordinates around him, and walked out with the guy to fight to the death with these overwhelming men and horses, ready to kill a bloody way, once upon a time he also He has done this before, and at the beginning of the establishment of the blood gang, he also led dozens of brothers to kill more than 500 of the boss of the local gang at that time, and achieved today's career. At this moment, he firmly believes that he can succeed.A few words of encouragement mobilized the viciousness of his brothers, dozens of them came out with their own special steel knives, but this time it was obviously impossible for them to achieve that brilliant record again, because The enemy in front of them is no longer the rubbish of those local gangs, the enemy in front of them is the extremely powerful Shatian, an invincible myth.

Their attacks are nothing more than children's tricks to these well-trained Shatian troops, and they can't get on the stage at all. God, it's not the rubbish of those local gangs he fought back then, just kidding, don't say that dozens of them have chopped down more than 500 elites that cover the sky, even if they let 10 kill one, they may not be able to win, they are like this It can only be the casualties of Tuzeng Wuwei, and it will not play any substantial role at all.So the result is obvious, they failed, and the failure was mixed. When they raised the blades in their hands, they were doomed to fail. The blades they swung in their hands could not hurt the opponent at all. That is to leave a little white scar on the opponent, even though they have exhausted all their strength, it is still useless.

But even this made those Chinese fighters who covered the sky quite angry. They couldn't bear to be hurt by those ordinary people, the garbage gangsters in their eyes, although it was only a little bit of flesh and blood, not even blood Flow, but even if this is the case, I will definitely be severely punished by the superiors after I go back. Being hacked by such a person is a mistake in itself. If I change to a stronger one, won't I be killed?Isn't this a disguised form to prove his incompetence to everyone?If such a thing is found out by the companions, it will definitely be a laughingstock. Such a thing is absolutely not allowed to happen in the honor-oriented world, and it will make you lose your head.So those guys desperately started to use their strength, using their most powerful attacks to retaliate against these bastards, these bastards who cut themselves, they don't need to keep their hands, because the organization has issued an order to wipe out all blood Gang, to deter the domestic gangsters, so that they can understand the power of Zhetian, so that Zhetian can develop in the future. They all know this, and the boss has already explained it before leaving.

So none of the boss of the blood gang and his people who watched the scene in his disco survived. Under the anger of those members who had already overshadowed the sky, they were chopped into several parts. There was almost no complete body. The scene was amazing. I was terrified, if these Zhetian members hadn't seen such scenes too much, I'm afraid they would have started to crawl on the ground and vomit like those disco guests who were secretly watching inside by this time.At this time, the night in Shanghai was silent. It only took more than two hours for Zhetian to settle the battle, and killed more than 1000 blood gang members. Of course, they didn't care about those witnesses. , They know that these people will not talk nonsense about what they saw today. I believe they have seen such scenes a lot, and they know what they should do. People who can come here in the middle of the night, even if they don’t come out to mess around, for those on the road They have a little understanding of things, they know what to say and what not to say, they will not lose their lives for a bunch of gang members who are already dead, to be good citizens, there is nothing for these people What is more important than your own life.

(End of this chapter)

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