Chapter 191
Seeing Alang and the others who had finished washing, the Maori Wufu immediately got up, welcomed them, and said to Alang: "Hehe, sir, I don't know what's going on this time, come to me? If you need help, just ask Well, if it can be done, the five Maori are obliged to do so." The five Maori spoke with awe-inspiring righteousness as if they were really so loyal, but Alang and the others yelled at him in their hearts, "Damn this Damn Japanese, knowing why I came here, and still playing riddles here, just wanting to ask myself to raise the price, and pretending to be very proud of it, it is disgusting to see it, so These Japanese people are really shameless." But now Alang also knows that this time he can't drag him for a few months like before, and then lower the price step by step , because he knew that the Luo Shi Group could not afford to delay this time, so although he was not very willing in his heart, Alang still bit the bullet and followed straightforwardly. The five husbands of Mori said: "Mr. Mori, this time we hope that you can provide us with a Batch of cars, this time our country is in urgent need of this car, I wonder if you can do it.

"Maori Wufu was very surprised that the other party didn't argue with him this time. It seems that the other party really needs the goods. This is a good opportunity. It seems that he will gain a lot this time. Mao Li pondered: "Well, I have a car here, but it's more problematic if you want to smuggle it out. You must know that the problem of smuggling in our country is very strictly controlled. "I know this, Mr. Maori, don't worry, we also know your difficulties, so this time we plan to buy at a price that is [-]% higher than before, and hope that Mr. Maori can help us get this batch of goods." "After hearing Maori's words, Aaron knew what this guy meant. He just wanted to raise the price. At this time, he had nothing to do with him, so he was cruel, and Aaron made this hemorrhagic concession. It will reduce the profits of Luoshi Group, but there is no other way in this special period.

Hearing the answer from the other party, Mao Li felt very surprised. He was surprised by the other party's straightforwardness, but since the other party had already raised the price, Mao Li no longer raised his value. The price given at that time was already very high. If Mao Li wanted to increase the price, then the sale would definitely be impossible. Mao Li obviously understood this, so he would not go too far, and said straightforwardly: "Then, I want to know how many cars your Luoshi Group really wants?" "We want 8000 high-end cars, I wonder if Mr. Maori can get them," Alan replied. "8000? What, so many?" Mao Li was a little surprised. After all, this number has exceeded his imagination. In his opinion, the Luo Shi Group can eat 2000 cars is already the limit, but the other party asked for 8000 cars at once. , this number is too huge, it cannot be done by him alone.After thinking for a while, Mao Li said to Alang and the others: "Mr. Lang, this amount is really too big, and you are in such a hurry. I really can't do it alone. I will talk to a few other smugglers first." Get in touch and see if they can take your deal with me.

Alang also knew that the quantity he wanted was too large, and Mao Li would not be able to complete it alone. The reason why he said it was firstly to make Mao Li pay enough attention to this matter, and second, to let Mao Li help him contact the buyer. After all, they The people who cover the sky have already been eyeing them, and they are also scared, and they don't want to come out for activities at this time.After the five Maori went out, Alang and the others also returned to their room. They were too tired and wanted to have a good rest. Alang also reported the situation here to Luo Feng who was far away in China. After Luo Feng learned about the situation here, although he was very disappointed that the line to the United States was broken, but fortunately, the island country was relatively smooth, which made him feel relieved and had hope of struggle.In fact, how did they know that their every move is under the control of Aoyu, Aoyu wants to give Luo Feng hope first, and then give him despair, this kind of blow is big enough, and it is Aoyu who defeats the opponent spiritually The desired result is precisely because of this, Alang and the others were ordered to come to the island country, otherwise they would have been killed when they were in the United States, and it would be their turn to come to the island country.

Alan and the others slept until night, and it was already past 8 o'clock when the servant woke them up. They finally regained their energy after a day's sleep, and they sat in the living room after eating. Waiting for the news of the Maori five husbands, but when they waited until 12 o'clock, there was still no news. Just when they wanted to take up the inquiry, a former Maori's capable man came in and said to Alang and the others: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lang, I'm afraid our cooperation with you will be cancelled." Hearing the news, Alang and the others stood up and said, "What? Why cancel it? Isn't it already agreed? You guys Where's the boss, Maori Wufu? Why didn't he come out and tell me, I want to see him, and ask him what's going on!" Alang and the others were shocked by the sudden cancellation of the agreement by the Wa people. They didn't care about their image anymore, and immediately pulled the younger brother who came to tell them the news and shouted.

The little brother also sighed helplessly and said: "Boss Mao Li, you have been killed at Boss Sanzhu's just now, and all the bosses are dead. Now there is chaos outside, I'm afraid we won't be able to take your business. The housekeeper specially asked me to inform everyone to return home early. Ah Lang said in surprise: "How is it possible, didn't your Maori boss be fine a few hours ago?how so?Even if your boss is dead, what about your new boss?You must know that our deal is very big, and I hope your new boss can consider it. "The subordinate who came to inform said helplessly: "Hey, it's not that you don't want to cooperate. It's because the boss's assistants refused to accept each other. The boss died too suddenly and no heir was established, so I think you may have no chance this time. . "Alang and the others were stunned when they got the news. They never imagined that their hopes from running so hard would be shattered like this. They couldn't accept this fact. After all, the whole thing had changed too much. It's too fast, it's unacceptable.

(End of this chapter)

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