Chapter 199 Exaggerated Junk Class

I also know a little about this high school, Aoyu. You can come here if you are willing to pay. It can be said that this is one of the most chaotic places in Shanghai. Of course, although the students here are very bad, but not all of them, There are still quite a few children from poor families who were recruited by this school to study for free because they could not afford the tuition fees. Most of these individuals were good at their studies but had no money to continue their high school education, or their families could not afford it. I want my children to save some money and continue to go to school.These people are quite good. Volcano High School specially assigned them to a class and sent them special education. After all, the school relies on these students to make a name for themselves. Only students from Huoshan High School have people to study, otherwise this most trashy school in Shanghai would have closed down long ago.Aoyu didn't use his power, but found the principal of this school by himself, took out 10 yuan and threw it on the principal's desk, and the principal happily dragged Aoyu to class, and kindly Ask Aoyu which class he wants to go to. "I'm going to the most trashy class." Aoyu replied without hesitation.

Aoyu's words almost killed the headmaster, but in line with the principle that money is the master, the headmaster still brought Aoyu to the most trashy class in their Huoshan High School, the seventh class of the second year, the whole Huoyang High School, the hooligan sister Absolutely without exception, this class is all rubbish, and it is rubbish among rubbish.In the words of their principal, these individuals in Class [-], Grade [-] are absolutely worthy of the word "scum".Under the leadership of the principal, Aoyu carried his schoolbag on his back, and followed him into Class [-] of the second grade, which was the most rubbish in Huoshan High School, and started his two years of high school life.When he just arrived at the door and hadn't entered the class, Aoyu heard the howls from the class. When he and the principal walked into the classroom, he saw a scene that shocked Aoyu. The students in the teacher were at the moment Gathered in groups of three or four, some played mahjong, some ate hot pot, some watched pornographic movies with their laptops in their hands, some lay on chairs with cigarettes in their hands and closed their eyes to rest their minds, they did whatever they wanted but didn’t study What's more, with Aoyu's perverted eyesight, you can even see a pretty good-looking girl in the last row wearing a long skirt and sitting on a boy's lap, wriggling up and down, and you don't need to think about it. What are you doing.

Frankly speaking, before Aoyu came here, he knew that this place was rubbish, and he had already made some mental preparations, but he never thought that this class would become like this, which really made Aoyu admire these little kids Five-body projection, these guys are really rubbish enough.Of course, the only quiet one among the teachers is a short boy in the last row, wearing glasses and wearing a school uniform, but looking at him, it is obvious that this guy's IQ is not too high, he should belong to the legendary imbecile Son.And the teacher with the least status is nodding and bowing at the moment, carrying a kettle to refill those students who eat hot pot. Seeing the scene, Aoyu thought that he came to the wrong place. This place is more like a doghouse for a group of depraved youths. It's not like a classroom, but Aoyu's character will not regret it since he chooses it. Although this place is very rubbish, it has nothing to do with Aoyu. What Aoyu wants is a free and easy life in the blooming season. He didn't care, anyway, he didn't come to study, not to mention those teachers, even two university tutors couldn't teach him, so Aoyu didn't say anything to the scene in front of him, just smiled and said nothing.

The principal who brought Aoyu here sighed helplessly seeing Aoyu like this, was he sad that Aoyu would fall here, the main reason was that once Aoyu came to class seven of the second year, he wanted to go back It is almost impossible to get some benefits from him, because Aoyu will definitely be penniless by these unscrupulous students, how will he make money then?However, based on the principle that the customer is God, the principal still brought Aoyu into the teacher, and said to the teacher who was pouring water: "Mr. Wang, this is the new Aoyu in your class, and he will teach you how to take care of it from now on." It's gone." The principal said a word, and at this time the whole class noticed Aoyu's arrival, and the girls in the class burst into cheers, because Aoyu Zhang is so handsome, and those girls in the class The boys showed hostile gazes, especially the young man who was squirming at the end, because she could clearly feel the sudden tightening of the woman on her body when she saw Aoyu, so she was even more sympathetic to Aoyu hostility.The principal left here immediately after explaining. Frankly speaking, he didn’t want to stay here any longer. It might be dangerous at any time. The principal has worked here for more than 20 years, so he naturally understands these things. The only safe place in the whole school can It is the office where the principal is. After all, the experienced principal knows these things quite well. The office is airtight, so there are fewer students to make trouble for him.

When talking, Aoyu looks more like a gangster than a student, with a handsome face, casual and slightly decadent attire, golden shoulder-length hair (the kind on the cover), a strong physique, and a tall and bulging chest. Muscles plus the self-confidence that is always shown on the body, Aoyu's whole person feels like "strong".For such a student, the teacher naturally did not dare to provoke him, and he might be another uncle in the future, so he did not rush to neglect, and immediately arranged Aoyu in the back row, because he knew that such a student didn't like those who sat in the front, so he just Arranged for Aoyu at the end, next to the small eye seat, by the way, it is equivalent to assigning Aoyu a temporary younger brother, although this guy basically belongs to the public labor of the whole class.For the teacher's performance, Aoyu naturally knows why, but he is helpless because he is born like this. As for his hair style, it is none of his business. After yesterday's madness, Aoyu feels the silence in his body and the old devilish energy is circulating again. Thinking about it, it may be because I understood all my thoughts. My "Chi You Demon Emperor's Art" has been improved again. Although I haven't improved much, my state of mind is quite different from before, so I started from the fourth level: The initial stage of monster recasting has been promoted to the middle stage, and the most important thing is that the ability that Aoyu has not used has also awakened at this time. Although he has not used it yet, Aoyu knows that his ability must be quite powerful. The reason is that when Aoyu woke up in the morning and saw himself in the mirror, he was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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