Chapter 202
After accepting Wang Xiaosen, a well-behaved little brother, Aoyu visited the school under his leadership. During this period, Aoyu's appearance made countless people look sideways, especially those female students who saw Aoyu's appearance. Standing there like a nympho, staring at Aoyu without turning his eyes.Aoyu is used to seeing such scenes, so he doesn’t care as much as he did at the beginning. At this time, Wang Xiaosen looked at his watch and it was past 12 o’clock. Wang Xiaosen said to Aoyu: “Brother, it’s already 12 o’clock now Well, do you think we are going to find a place for us to eat? Little brother, I will clean up the dust for you today." Aoyu heard Wang Xiaosen's words and did not refuse and said: "Well, well, you know the place." So in Wang Xiaosen Under Komori's leadership, Aoyu and the others found a pretty good restaurant near Huoshan High School. The two of them sat down and ordered four dishes and two bottles of beer. Aoyu was not really interested in drinking, but it was a little fart like Wang Xiaosen The boy insists on taking this thing, and he always orders a few bottles every time he invites people to eat, which later became his habit. From his point of view, those people who hang out outside like to drink, so the elder brother must like it too, so be a younger brother Of course, hospitality must be thoughtful.

Aoyu and Wang Xiaosen chatted there. Wang Xiaosen got to know the boss for the first time. The boss is called Aoyu. He is an orphan. He grew up with his grandfather. He is a native of Shanghai and is 17 years old this year. I got to know the short brother in front of me.The two chatted while eating. After chatting for a long time, Aoyu asked: "By the way, that guy said today that he is a skinhead. What is a skinhead? A gangster?" "Well, well, they are from our school. campus gangsters." Wang Xiaosen replied while eating. "Campus gang? What is that?" Aoyu asked a little strangely. "Oh, that is a small gang organized by those students in our school who hang around outside. These guys usually bully the students and charge them some protection money." Wang Xiaosen replied. "Oh, is that so? Then tell me about their specific situation." Obviously these so-called campus gangs have aroused Aoyu's interest. Although these guys don't take it personally, they still need to understand these things If you play well, I believe that with their own lives, it will be more interesting. "There are so many of them, let me tell you slowly, they..." Wang Xiaosen said.

After Wang Xiaosen's introduction, Aoyu finally knew the nature of these campus gangsters. They were clubs created by a group of students who worshiped the underworld. They don’t have much strength, but these guys’ lives are still full of enthusiasm. They fight with weapons almost all day long. With Aoyu’s undepressed personality, he can’t survive even after entering high school, so he immediately became interested in this campus gangster. .After Wang Xiaosen's introduction, Aoyu knew that the student gangs in Shanghai are divided into four major colleges and universities, which are Suzaku High School, Xuanwu High School, Baihu High School, and Qinglong High School. These four schools have more than 200 million people in Shanghai. Among the students, the most powerful ones, these schools have many very capable students, they each established their own gangs in the school, of course the nature is different, some are for fun, some are for money , or to prepare for entering the underworld in the future.

These schools are old famous schools that have been established for many years. It can be said that these schools have all kinds of students. Whether they are good at studying or come out to mix, they are absolutely first-class. No one can shake it. As for Volcano High School, Volcano High School is known as a rogue high school, but to put it bluntly, rogues are rogues. They have nothing but bad skills. When it comes to fighting with other schools, they immediately show the relationship between rogues and gangsters The gap, one by one became a shrinking turtle, if there were not a few gangs supporting the scene, they would have been comfortable playing.This is something that Aoyu didn't expect, he never thought that the worst school in Shanghai would be so useless, Aoyu couldn't help wondering if his original decision was correct.The most surprising thing is that the so-called Suzaku High School is the Phoenix High School where Xia Xue and the others are located. Aoyu really did not expect that the best high school in Shanghai is like this. It seems that he sent a large team to sign up with Xia Xue and the others. His decision was right, with the accompanying men and horses covering the sky, Aoyu couldn't believe who Zhang Leopard dared to provoke his own women.

As for the so-called gangsters of Aoyu in his own school, Aoyu also has a general understanding. There are so many forces in the school, almost every class has a force, but there are only a few who can really be counted on the stage. One, for example, "Glasses Gang, Class 300 of the third grade, formed by glasses, the number of people is about [-] people, basically all wear glasses, even those who are not nearsighted must wear flat mirrors, the reason is very simple, the boss of the glasses gang is a four Eye frog, so his subordinates naturally dare not not wear it, that would be disrespectful to the boss, they dare not, what Wang Xiaosen brought was a flat mirror that was forcibly taken by the glasses gang, and it is said that the glasses himself was often used in the past The bullying broke out suddenly, and he stabbed to death a gangster leader who used to bully him, so he got mixed up. Because of this, he was valued by a leader of the Eagle Gang, and was accepted into the Eagle Gang. The follow-up force, and acting as the spokesperson for the Eagles at Volcano High School.

The other is "Small Knife League, the most powerful campus gang in Huoshan High School has more than 500 members. The boss of the Small Knife Club also helped him start it. Later, his father was hacked to death and he was taken by his mother to live in seclusion. But it may be hereditary. This guy is as aggressive as his father. Later, by chance, he He met his father's old department, so he followed his father's footsteps and joined the Little Knife Club again. Because of his father's willingness, Chen Xiaodao was very popular in the Little Knife Club. Dad also took good care of him for his face, basically he was not allowed to go to any underworld fights, but Xiaodao, who couldn't bear the loneliness, always rushed to the front, so the helpless bosses finally thought about it after discussing it with his mother. One way was to send him to school, that's why Xiaodao was sent here, but in high school he still didn't settle down, and he was still a gangster, but fortunately he had him, otherwise Huoshan High School would have become the leader of other schools. It’s a playground. But as the saying goes, a single tree can’t support itself. Recently, he has been under increasing pressure. Not only are people outside making troubles, but the skinheads and glasses gang inside are also not at ease. It's not that Xiaodao is famous for not wanting to die, I'm afraid something has happened long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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