Chapter 212 Xingtian Legacy Treasure
Knowing the strength of the Demon Sect, Aoyu finally has a little understanding of the forces he controls. It seems that the gift that his master gave him when he came out was really not light. Why didn’t he have such a huge force at the beginning? Thinking of finding the magic door?If I had found it myself, would I have been chased by the trash from the Luo family and the Qing Gang?But everything has pros and cons. If Aoyu hadn't chosen to go to the United States, then he wouldn't have had the opportunity he had later, and he wouldn't have had such a huge Shatian and those who have been by his side all the time. Girls, so although Aoyu thought about it, he didn't regret his original choice. In his opinion, he chose an extremely bright path for himself.After chatting with the elders of the Demon Sect for a while, Aoyu entered the Tianmo Palace under the leadership of the elders of the Demon Sect. This is the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Sect and the residence of the Demon Sect. To enter, Aoyu also left a few girls to let them visit the scenery of Kunlun, and he entered the Tianmo Palace with Hou Luo, the chief elder of the Tianmo sect.

After passing through the Nine Palaces Heavenly Demon Seven Killing Formation evolved from the Nine Heavens Galaxy, he came to a mass of clouds and mists. Aoyu was completely shocked when he saw the Heavenly Demon Palace that was hundreds of feet high in front of him. The entire palace is made of a kind of red metal that Aoyu has never seen before. From a distance, it exudes a strange blood light, giving people a feeling of being speechless.But Aoyu looked at the majestic palace in front of him. Although it looked very strange, Aoyu felt an extremely friendly feeling from the aura emanating from above. This is the main altar of the Demon Sect, and Aoyu naturally felt cordial. Aoyu felt that there was something in it that attracted him and made him unconsciously go to see it clearly. Although he didn't know what it was, Aoyu believed that it must be useful to him.Unknowingly, Aoyu walked in alone, completely ignoring the people accompanying him, seeing Aoyu's strange behavior, one of the lower-ranked disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect wanted to stop him, after all, although the Heavenly Demon Palace is The main altar of the Heavenly Demon Sect has been passed down here for tens of thousands of years, and there are many things in it that even I, who have practiced here for hundreds of years, don't understand. Not to mention that the young master had never been here before, if anything happened, then he deserved to die.Just as he took a step to dissuade him, he was stopped by Hou Luo.

Looking at the doubtful eyes of the other party, Hou Luo smiled lightly and said: "The young master must have a chance on this trip, so don't worry about it, so as not to delay the young master." Hearing Hou Luo's words, the other party felt remorse The practice is still too low, why don't you even understand this point, at this time, seeing that the other people around him are not half anxious, and everyone is smiling, only himself like this, this makes him feel extremely ashamed, and takes a step back No more words.Aoyu walked up the stairs step by step along the entrance. After walking for a long time, he came to a wall. Looking at the tall wall in front of him, Aoyu walked forward and stretched out his hands. Touching the wall, he transmitted his magic energy to the past.The loud rumbling sound rang in Aoyu's ears. Only at this time did he reflect and saw the wall in front of him sinking slowly. There was a secret room inside. After hesitating, Aoyu walked in. The road came in, and after turning a few directions, a huge room appeared in front of Aoyu. There was a golden light in the room, and countless treasures were scattered on the ground. Looking at the flickering light and flowing energy above, Aoyu knew that these things are definitely not ordinary products, and any one of these things can be taken out casually, it is an absolute magic weapon, and no one can match it in the world.

But none of these things could attract Aoyu, what really attracted Aoyu's attention was the sparkling crystal ball on the high platform in the middle of the room, and a fan and a ring placed beside it, all three things Aoyu is attracted.So Aoyu naturally recognized that it was the Qiankun Ring. The master once mentioned to himself that all practitioners have a storage ring. These rings increase the storage space according to the cultivation level of their owners. Of course, the space of these rings It is limited, even if the space created by the master's cultivation is only as big as the earth, most of those mortal ascetics are only as big as a football factory, but this universe ring is an ancient innate spirit treasure The world existed from the beginning, the space inside is infinite, and it can help the owner to improve his cultivation. Of course, this thing is not very useful for people who have already cultivated to the level of the devil king. It can only be said to be a It’s just a toy for holding things. After all, a space as big as the earth means that you can’t fill it up no matter how many things you have. This thing is really useless for those who are above the devil king, but it’s too much for me. It's important, this thing is exactly what I need.

Walking forward, Aoyu took the dragon-shaped Qiankun Ring into his hands, and was not in a hurry to refine it, but set his sights on the other two things. Although Master Chi You told himself a lot of things, this I have really heard of these two things before, but it is not ordinary to put them together with this Qiankun ring, so Aoyu came up curiously and watched this thing unconsciously playing with his hands, trying to find something out of it. what come.

But obviously what disappointed Aoyu was that he couldn't find anything special about the two things no matter how hard he searched, so he put his eyes on the two crystal balls in the middle, and Aoyu followed the method of opening the door just now Put your own magic energy into it, and sure enough, the crystal ball erupted with a strong light in an instant, and a huge figure appeared in front of Aoyu. Looking at the giant with a height of several feet in front of him, Aoyu was extremely surprised. Seeing that the giant had no head, With the breasts as the eyes and the navel as the mouth, the powerful right hand holds a big ax and stands there in the animal skin skirt. It looks full of momentum, which makes people sink into it unconsciously and is overwhelmed by his might .Seeing the image of the person in front of him, Aoyu was startled, isn't this exactly the appearance of the legendary war god Xingtian?Could it be that the person in front of him is Xing Tian?The things I took were left by Xing Tian, ​​Aoyu was full of doubts at this moment, he wanted to ask this giant in front of him, but he was full of awe for Xing Tian Aoyu, this great god who once fought alone in the world deserves his respect, Aoyu is not afraid He, because Aoyu knows very well that Xing Tian is powerful, but he is the capable general of his master Chi You, so how could he hurt himself?It's just that he wants to hear why Xing Tian left these things here, and to see what these Xing Tian's relics contain, especially the fan. Aoyu is full of curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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