Chapter 223 I'm Not a Fool
After Aoyu competed with the three dragon groups, he returned to Shanghai, and before he arrived in Shanghai, the position of the dragon group's enshrinement had been confirmed by Aoyu, and the senior officials of those countries listened to Liu Cheng's report, He probably knew about Aoyu's strength, so he issued the appointment immediately to show his favor to Aoyu, so as not to offend the old man, which would be a disaster.But Aoyu doesn't really care about this thing, those so-called privileged positions are nothing but rubbish in Aoyu's eyes, with his own influence, even if he really breaks the law, who would dare to arrest him?Who dares to take care of themselves?Who else can catch themselves?These things are just nice to say, maybe it is a great favor to others, but it is nothing to Aoyu, both parties understand this point, it is just an excuse for Aoyu to avoid breaking the law At that time, the two sides really fell out.

What Aoyu really likes is the rank of general. Although he said that he has two generals in his subordinates, it is still not as comfortable as sitting on his own. You must know that Aoyu has been a fan of the army since he was a child, and sometimes he would Imagine when I can become a general. Although I don’t have any real power for this appointment, Aoyu still likes it very much. After all, it fulfills my childhood dream. As for what they want me to do in the future, it depends on myself. I am in a bad mood, I am not one of those fools, if you give me a name, I will work hard to help you, and those who give away money and others will almost never become grandchildren, such things will kill me. Dry.

After returning home, Aoyu happily found Xia Xue and the others, and said to the girls: "Dear wives and sisters, I have a very important announcement today, do you want to listen?" Xia Xue and the others are quite curious about Aoyu's words. This Aoyu will always come up with some special things. I don't know what he is doing this time. Xia Xue said: "Our sisters are trying on new clothes, you Call out my sisters, what's the matter, what strange things do you have? If you don't give us a satisfactory answer today, you don't want to go to bed tonight." Aoyu said in his heart, " If you don’t let me go to bed, then forget it. I don’t believe that they are on the same line with you. Every time you are not the same as what you said, you will be hugged to bed after you leave. Besides, even if you unite the front, I am not afraid There is also Lily by my side, not to mention that I haven’t eaten Lina since I’ve been back for so long, and I’m about to eat her, but there’s no chance, if you don’t let me go to bed, I’ll go find her.” But Aoyu just thought about it on his own and didn't dare to say it, otherwise it would be strange if the hungry girl didn't eat him raw, Aoyu straightened up and said: "Well, you wait here for me first, I will be back soon , I will give you a surprise.

After finishing speaking, he ran upstairs to his own room, put on the three-star general uniform that was just sent by the National Security Bureau, and looked in the mirror. He was satisfied with the image in the mirror. , so I tidied up my hair and went downstairs. Aoyu wore his brand new military uniform and military leather boots, and walked down looking heroic. Several girls immediately surrounded him excitedly. There was no way for Aoyu to look like this. He is really handsome, although the blonde hair doesn't look so harmonious, but Aoyu's face is pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it, and with the charming purple pupils, he looks more handsome than those generals played by movie stars Too much. Let a few girls come up and look around Aoyu involuntarily, as if they met Aoyu for the first time. "Aoyu, where did you buy this fake military uniform?It looks very handsome. Is there any female general uniform? I will buy one and wear it when I come back. Huo Yu said. "Yes, yes, we also buy it."

"Huo Yu's words immediately resonated with several girls. Obviously Aoyu's military uniform aroused their desire to buy, and they wanted to buy one and wear it by themselves." Are you serious, does my military uniform look so fake?Can't it be true? "Aoyu said with some depression. "Ah, Brother Aoyu, didn't you buy your military uniform?Could it be stolen?You wouldn’t have robbed an admiral, brother Aoyu, you are so powerful, Mary admires you so much. "Mary said excitedly after hearing Aoyu's words. "I... I didn't snatch this, it's my own, okay? Your husband, I was just appointed as the general of Huaxia yesterday, right?" Aoyu raised his head and said proudly. "Wow, general, Brother Aoyu, you are so handsome, why did the country suddenly make you a general?Why haven't I heard of it?Isn't it usually broadcast for several days when there is a general in the country?Why not this time?Brother Aoyu, what on earth are you doing?Why did the country give you such a big official? "Shui Rou'er asked Aoyu excitedly and curiously at this time.

"Well, what does brother Aoyu do, you will know in the future and I won't tell you now." Aoyu replied. "No, Ye Aoyu, aren't you doing this to serve those corrupt officials? Although the position of general is great, they don't seem to have given you any real power, right? You don't want to contribute money to others, but to listen Isn’t that a big loss? I hate those corrupt officials so much, can we have this general?” Xia Xue said at this time. "No? Of course not. This is my childhood dream. How can I give up so easily, let alone those guys who want to order me? It depends on whether I am in the mood. No one in this world is qualified except my wife. Command me, if you offend me, send them to hell." Aoyu was full of arrogance when he said this.Then he said: "Do you think I'm stupid?" The girls shook their heads resolutely. Whoever says Aoyu is stupid must be a fool. After suffering, only Aoyu deceives others, no one else deceives Aoyu, how can such a person be stupid, Aoyu saw their expressions and said with a smile: "That's it, I'm not stupid, why should I listen to them?" of."

(End of this chapter)

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