Chapter 225 Contest
The boss of Xuanwu High School, Youhu, no one knows about his origin, only know that he is extremely powerful, just like the first day of school, 62 senior students came to ask him to collect protection fees, even more powerful In the next three months, he took turns challenging the most famous masters in Shanghai's high school circles, winning 10 out of 10 games, and since then he has become the number one in Shanghai's high schools. Under his leadership, he rose again. The last time the eight major high schools had a conflict with Xuanwu, he rushed in alone and sent them all to the hospital.Suzaku High School is now Phoenix College. Their boss, Ximen Wuhen, can be said to be the most powerful, shameless, and most obscene among the bosses. This guy is the heir of the Ximen family, one of the four great families. Dad is Ximen Hairy, lustful, insidious, extremely vicious, and insidious, but people who don't know him may think he is some kind of son, anyway, his appearance is good, so he has entrapped a lot ignorant girl.

This guy is rampant outside, but he is not so bad at school although he is arrogant. This is not because he is so good and friendly to his classmates, but because of a girl in their school, a very beautiful girl, oriental love, oriental The eldest lady of the family, a force that his Ximen family dare not provoke at will, a woman he hopes to marry, naturally he will not behave so badly, of course, he still does a lot of bad things behind the scenes.But Baihu High School is more interesting. Their boss is not a man, but a young girl, Bai Qian, the daughter of the leader of the first-class gang in Shanghai, the Bai Gang. So it was a matter of course that he took the position of the boss of Baihu High School.Although the relationship between the few people is not very good, they still stand on the same line in many cases. After all, the four major universities are connected with each other, and they often have to stand together, even though they don't like each other very much.Several people stood together, and Ying Fei first said: "I said, you guys, this volcano doesn't take us seriously at all, don't you want to teach them a lesson? Don't you just watch them go on like this? Like that? How can we mess around after the four major high schools?" "Hey, Boss Yingfei is right, if you want to teach them a lesson, then please trouble your boss, I think these little characters will not trouble you." Ximen Said without hate and insidiously.

Yingfei almost died of anger at this insidious Ximen Wuhen, this guy has always been at odds with him, if he didn't see him as the heir of the Ximen family, he would have killed him long ago, and it's his turn to shout here, This guy is really fucking insidious. He just said that to let others go first, but he almost choked himself to death with a few words. The volcano high school rose rapidly under the leadership of their boss. I heard that their The boss is so powerful that one person can single out hundreds of people. A role like myself will not be eliminated. Although I have learned some martial arts from the master, only I know that although my level can be achieved, it is absolutely impossible. That guy is so perverted, his face doesn't blush and his heart doesn't beat, he can tell he's a master at a glance, let me provoke him, I'm fucking sick.After hearing Ximen Wuhen's words, Yingfei's face changed again and again, and suddenly he held his stomach and said: "Ah, my stomach hurts, it hurts me to death, I've had this problem for a long time, but I don't know why it happened again now, really , I still want to teach those guys a lesson, but now it seems that I can't, so I can only trouble you, Brother Ximen, I think it will definitely not be a problem to deal with them with your skills.

"Who is Ximen Wushang? An exaggerated son, a standard second-generation ancestor, his Ximen family's Ximen family's nine-turn Hanmeijue, this prodigal son has only practiced to the second level, compared to those ancestors of their Ximen family, he is really inferior. It's a shame, their ancestor Ximen Chuuxue ascended to the throne of the sword god by virtue of his family's eight-level and nine-turn Hanmeijue. Compared with his ancestors, he is really far behind. Let him fight an unknown master He didn't even go if he was beaten to death. He joked that it was okay for the other party to know his identity.

So after Ximen Wuhen heard what Ying Fei said, he immediately shifted his target and said: "Well, I originally wanted to go, but recently my kung fu has reached a bottleneck, and my father specifically explained that it is not appropriate to use force, so..." No After he finished speaking, You Hu couldn't stand it any longer. As the successor of the Five Tigers' Door Severing Knife, the straightforward You Hu couldn't stand it the most. In his opinion, this group of guys pushed three blocks to death. It's unnecessary, why would such an expert want to see them himself? They all said nice words, but they just didn't dare to do it, it didn't make any sense at all, Youhu said to several people: "Okay Now, I'll go and ask to see how much that kid weighs and why he dares to be so arrogant, you just wait here." After finishing speaking, Ximen Wuhen and Yingfei saw that someone was coming forward and said nothing at this time. Titus was happy, only the big fool like You Hu would do such a thing, the two of them couldn't wish for it, but Bai Qian next to him kept silent at this moment, smiling and watching all this as if it was nothing at all. As if it didn't matter to her, she watched the development of things like a bystander.

You Hu soon came to Aoyu's side. At this time, Aoyu was seated at the front alone, with several younger brothers and sisters waiting beside him. Even an idiot can guess his identity. Of course, You Hu can see this. At one o'clock, You Hu walked up and said: "Boy, you are the boss of the volcano, I am You Hu, I heard that you are very powerful, I want to fight with you.

"After speaking, he patted Aoyu's shoulder with a hand full of inner strength, wanting to make Aoyu ugly, but obviously let him down because he gathered 3% of his inner strength in a palm, although it won't hurt anyone Life, but it should also make an ordinary master suffer a lot, but this time it has no effect, which can not help but surprise him so he started to increase the strength, but what disappointed him was that no matter how hard he tried, But the other party just didn't reflect a little bit and still looked at him with a smile. When he was sweating profusely and used his [-]% skill, the other party finally spoke, but it was not a word of surrender, but "Brother, you This massage is not very good, I don't have any strength at all, so let me help you. "Hearing this, Youhu was startled, and wanted to speak to stop Aoyu, but it was obviously too late at this time. Aoyu's hand was already on his shoulder, and the next moment, Youhu fell to the ground and spat out Blood." Hey, brother, your body is too bad. I just slapped you lightly to make you look like this. Really, I don't know what to say about you. Young people need to exercise more , how can it be so useless? At this time, Aoyu looked at Youhu on the ground and taunted, and the younger brothers next to him also booed there, "Yes, yes, practice hard. "

The second hundred and second is the sixth chapter, my woman does not need to be patient

Seeing this scene, Youhu's younger brothers immediately ran up to help him up, and Youhu threw away the people around him and said to Aoyu: "You are very powerful, I am your opponent, but you wait, there will always be One day I will find today's place back, today's skills are inferior to others, I, Youhu, have nothing to say, you are qualified for this position." After saying that, he left without looking back, and the remaining three high school bosses Naturally, they knew about this, but at this time they all honestly chose to shut up. At this moment, they don't want to be the early birds. They will have a chance to deal with that arrogant guy in the future, but definitely not now, Ximen Wuhen He and Yingfei looked at Aoyu with vicious eyes, as if they were thinking of some way to deal with Aoyu in the future.But what is worth remembering is that when Bai Qian from Baihu High School looked at Aoyu, there was a flash of light in her eyes, which made people have endless aftertaste.

The sports meeting is going on according to the normal procedure. In fact, to be honest, this so-called inter-school joint sports meeting is really boring. Apart from competitions and competitions, there is no novelty at all. But Yu didn't gain much. Although this time the spirit of the four major colleges was frustrated and they didn't dare to underestimate Huohan High School, it didn't match Aoyu's original idea. According to Aoyu's idea, it was best for these guys to be patient. If you can't stop the arrogance of the volcano and attack yourself, then you can repair them properly.I didn't expect these guys to be so shrewd, they just didn't do what they wanted, which made me very distressed, and I was really helpless when I met such a guy, I really have to think about what I should do, Aoyu I don't like to be ranked behind others, even if I go to school, I want to be the boss. What's the point of always standing behind others?Aoyu was lying at home at this time, watching TV and thinking, when he heard Susan and the others talking outside: "Xia Xue, that Ximen Wuhen is really annoying, he keeps pestering you, it's so annoying , do you want to tell Aoyu?" "Yes, of course you have to tell my husband, that disgusting guy is not only pestering sister Xia Xue, but also pestering me. I can't use my power in front of mortals, I have already taught him a good lesson." Hu Meier also said there at this time.

"But won't this cause trouble for Aoyu? Although Aoyu and the others are very powerful, I heard from Rou'er's friend, Dongfangqing, that Ximen's family is one of the four great families in China. It must not be the opponent of Ximen's family, let us be patient, she will help us." Xia Xue said. "That's right, that's right, Ximen's family is very powerful. I've heard others say that Sister Dongfang has always taken care of me. Since she agreed to help us, we can bear with it." Shui Rou'er said. "You guys, teach him a lesson if you want me to say it. I don't believe that he can turn the world upside down. At worst, let's just go back to the United States. Huh, anyway, what I teach in this school is very boring. If it wasn't for Aoyu to come Accompany me, I don’t even know what to do.” The one who complained was of course Lina who had been brought back by Aoyu and hadn’t done anything yet, after following Aoyu back for so long, Aoyu didn’t care what he meant It didn't make Lina very sad or anxious, but no matter how open the foreign country was, she couldn't take the initiative to open such a thing, let alone she was still a virgin, so she just waited helplessly.

"Well, I think it's better not to make trouble for Aoyu, we can solve it by ourselves, I don't want Aoyu to worry about our affairs, Aoyu is not easy, I followed him for so long and watched him take a step So far, I don’t want him to set up a powerful enemy because of our willfulness, Ximen Wuhen, we just ignore him, I don’t think he will go too far, not to mention that Sister Qing said to help us solve it?” Xia Xue said after hesitating at this time.But at this time, a very angry voice interrupted their words. "Hmph, my woman doesn't need to be afraid. What is the Ximen family? I have long disliked them. Tomorrow I will send someone to teach that boy a lesson and let him know what he can do and what he can't do. Don't think that the four big families are so great, they still make them look good when you mess with me, and there's that Oriental love, who doesn't know anything about it and calls it there for a long time. , I even cleaned her up." Aoyu came out at this time, and said with a somewhat angry expression.

Seeing Aoyu like this, the girls dare not speak anymore, although Aoyu is usually very gentle, they will not object to anything they want to do, and they can also do it according to their temper, but when Aoyu is really angry None of them dared to say a word, for fear of offending Aoyu. "And you, Xia Xue, why didn't you tell me, as the boss of the few of them, what kind of tolerance do you look like? Don't be afraid to cause trouble for me. My Aoyu woman has never been afraid of anyone. In the future, you must be careful. Remember, I don't want another time." Aoyu said to Xia Xue.

At this time, Xia Xue naturally knew that Aoyu was really angry, and it seemed that what she had done made Aoyu very dissatisfied, so she lowered her head and said to Aoyu: "Well, I know, I will never do this in the future , Aoyu, don’t be angry, okay?” The girls also apologized to Aoyu for their actions in order to please Aoyu. A little arrogant, but it was also to get close to Aoyu. Perhaps in their view, if a woman listens to men all day long and doesn't object to anything, then Aoyu will definitely get bored, because such a woman is not as good as a few A slave is better, that's why they all look like that.

But at this time Aoyu was really angry, and they put away their temper one by one, not daring to speak, Aoyu is always the most important thing in their hearts, Aoyu is the sky, the sky in their hearts.Aoyu's complexion turned better after a group of girls coaxed him for a long time. Frankly speaking, although the girls were thinking about Aoyu, their thoughts made Aoyu very angry. If a man can't even protect his own woman, then What else are you going to do?He Aoyu doesn't need a woman's patience in exchange for his own peace, not to mention that guy doesn't threaten him at all.If there is a conflict with Ximen's family, Aoyu can't wait for it, Zhengchou has no way to develop, if Ximen's family comes to his door and eats them himself, others will have nothing to say.And this guy actually dared to pursue Xia Xue and the others when he knew that they were the boss of Zhetian and also his woman. He made it clear that he didn't take Zhetian seriously. Based on this alone, Aoyu could kill this kid. And others have nothing to say, who let him seek his own death.

(End of this chapter)

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