Chapter 228 The Last Eunuch in China

Aoyu patted Ximen Wuhen's face and said: "Well, you are quite courageous, you came to pester my woman, do you know who I am?" "I don't know, who is your woman?" "Xia Xue, they Several of them." "Eh, you are the godfather of the sky?" Ximen Wuhen asked cautiously at this time. "You just know, why is there a problem?" Aoyu raised his eyebrows and asked, looking at how this guy looked so displeased. "Of course not." In fact, although Ximen Wuhen said so at this time, he hated Aoyu to death in his heart. This guy dared to treat himself like this. This is absolutely unforgivable. A small underworld How dare you treat yourself like this, when you go out, you must make this guy look good and show him some color.Although he didn't say what he said, Aoyu still saw a thing or two from his eyes. It seems that this guy is really dishonest. To deal with dishonest people, Aoyu has the best way. Looking at this guy, Grabbing his collar, he gave him two slaps and said, "Boy, from now on you know that Xia Xue and the others are my women and still dare to pester them. I don't think you care about us, do you?" "No No, how dare I?" Ximen Wuhen hastily explained after hearing Aoyu's words. "No? What do I think? Someone come and beat me until he admits it." At this time, Aoyu made it clear that he wanted to deal with this guy, so he became shameless.

Those guys were upset just now seeing this guy's appearance, so a group of people came up and beat him up, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.At this time, a subordinate came in and whispered next to Aoyu: "Godfather, there are troops surrounding here outside. It seems that they are here for this kid. Do you think we should get rid of them?" "You are stupid, Have you stayed in the United States for a long time? Forgot what I told you? In China, we need to keep a low profile and see what they want to do." Although the two of Aoyu's voices were not very loud, they still let that Ximen Wuhen heard it.At this time, Ximen Wuhen said with a smile on the ground: "Haha, you bastards, why don't you let me go quickly, there must be people from our Ximen family in the Eastern Military Region outside, so let me go if you are sensible, and then release me Xia Xue and the others brought it here, maybe I will consider letting you go." But before he finished speaking, Aoyu slapped him again and said: "Come on, drag him out and let him stand naked outside Let the photos hang, I'll see what they dare to do to me.

"In this way, Ximen Wuhen was debated by Aoyu and the others, and was dragged naked to the school gate. At this moment, the branch of the Ximen family, the commander of the Fifth Division of the Fourth Army of the Ximenxiong Eastern Military Region, just now his troops happened to be Training in the suburbs of Shanghai, I heard reports from the family's children that Zhetian found the young master Ximen Wuhen, and immediately brought his troops over, regardless of the country's ban, after all, there is nothing like his own young master at this time Life is more important. At this moment, how can he control so many things? How capable can a gangster be? It’s easy to talk about rescuing the young master. When I rushed to Fenghuang High School, I found that something was wrong. Although these so-called gangsters did not carry weapons, Ximenxiong could feel that each of these individuals was a person who had been killed for a long time with the sense of a soldier, so he did not Immediately let his men start attacking but waited there, he knew that in such a scene, the opponent would definitely come out and give him an answer.

But soon the other party came out, a handsome young man walked alone in the front and followed two rows of people to drag this or something, Ximen Xiong immediately asked for a telescope, and saw that it was his young master, this But it made him panic, and the behavior of these guys made him very angry. Could it be that his brothers are just for display?How dare the other party be so bold?He didn't believe that the other party dared to fight against them, dare to rebel?However, although Ximenxiong ordered his subordinates to prepare, he still had no intention of doing anything, because the opponent had a large number of people. Once he did it, the consequences would not be acceptable to him. However, at this time, he had to be imposing, so he stood up and said: "Who are you? Let our young master go quickly, or don't blame me for being rude today." "Let him go back? Why? Let him go if you say so." Aoyu was very disdainful of this. A soldier with real guns and live ammunition, without the slightest expression of fear. "You don't want to let go, do you? Then don't blame me? I, Ximenxiong, will fight with you today, at worst, we will die together." After all, Ximenxiong is from the military and has a quick temper. Prepare to die.

At this time, a military vehicle drove over quickly, with the sign "East K00000001" hanging on it. At first glance, it was known to be the car of the head of the Eastern Military Region. Naturally, no one dared to stop it. The car quickly drove to the gate of Fenghuang High School. A capable old man came down wearing a three-star general uniform. "Come on, arrest this bastard who mobilized the army privately, and go back to deal with it by military law." The old man was quite angry at this time, and pointed at Ximen Xiong to the guards beside him.Several personal guards immediately came up and arrested Ximenxiong, and then the old man turned around and said to Aoyu: "Here, General Aoyu, hello, I am Dongfang Tianwei, the commander of the Eastern Military Region, I'm really sorry about this incident. I didn't expect Ximen Xiong to be so bold that he dared to mobilize the army privately. I will definitely take care of this guy when I go back, and that Ximen Wuhen has nothing to do with me after all. I hope Aoyu General, you can let him go for my sake.

"Dongfang Tianwei, as the cousin of Dongfangqi from the Dongfang family, naturally got the news from his cousin that Ximen Xiong of the Ximen family had secretly mobilized troops into the city, and seemed to have clashed with Zhetian at the gate of the school. Hearing this, I immediately came to life, these guys are really lawless, I thought he was the right man of the Ximen family and there was nothing wrong with me letting him go, but this time he went too far, and Dongfang Tianwei immediately became furious , unlike others, Dongfang Tianwei, as the commander of one of the five major military regions, one of the few absolute powers in the country, naturally recognizes Aoyu's appearance. After all, they all knew about Aoyu when he was appointed. Of course Being in a high position, he naturally understands the joints, so he didn't tell anyone about Aoyu's identity. When he called him, he just called him general, just because he was afraid that if he offended the other party, he would cause trouble. Originally, Dongfang Tianwei didn't He intends to speak for that bastard Ximen Wuhen. He hates such flamboyant sons the most, but he has to listen to the Patriarch's order, so he opens his mouth to intercede. However, Dongfang Tianwei doesn't expect the other party to respond. Agreeing to my request, the godfather of Zhetian is famous for his temper, why should he change his mind because of his words? Although he is a high-ranking and powerful person in the country, it seems to be of no use to others, so my words Portions are very limited.

"From the Dongfang family?" Aoyu said to Dongfang Tianwei while standing sideways with his hands in his trouser pockets. "Hehe, the news about General Aoyu is really well-informed." Regarding Aoyu's words, Dongfang Tianwei did not deny Aoyu's words. "Oh? Why did the Dongfang family come to take care of the affairs of Ximen's family? Do you think I'm easy to bully? You all want to try it." Aoyu said casually. "Eh, of course not. Don't get me wrong. I didn't mean that. It's because the four great families are united in the same spirit. I don't want to save him. I hope you can understand me. I'm just following orders." Dongfang Tianwei said.Ximen Wuhen next to him was at a loss when he heard this. Doesn't this mean that he is the godfather who shrouds the sky?Why did he become a general again?Even the old guy Dongfang Tianwei from the Dongfang family treated him respectfully and well. It seemed that he was in trouble this time, but it looked like Dongfang Tianwei had stepped forward.He seemed to have seen the scene where he was rescued. He swore that if he went back, he would avenge today's revenge. He would make the arrogant guy in front of him come back hundreds of times. It will make him look good, and let him know what will happen to the heir of the Ximen family if he offends himself.

Just when he was fantasizing, Aoyu's words completely shattered his dream. Aoyu said: "Really? But I can't post him like this, I will lose face. How can I convince the public in the future?" After listening Everyone knows that today's matter must not be good. Dongfang Tianwei said at this time: "I don't know, what do you want to do, General?" So I want Mr. Ximen to cover it up." Aoyu said curiously.Before Ximen Wuhen could resist, Aoyu's subordinates rushed over and kicked him up. Immediately, Ximen Wuhen screamed loudly, and a puddle of blood flowed out from under him. Mr. Wan Hao was terrified.

Seeing Ximen Wuhen like this, Aoyu smiled in satisfaction, and said to Dongfang Tianwei, "Okay, now you can carry it away, and return you as an eunuch, hehe, if Ximen's family has any dissatisfaction, Feel free to come to me, I will accompany you anytime." Dongfang Tianwei was not dissatisfied with Aoyu's actions and even wanted to laugh, he had long disliked Ximen's family, but it was because of the favor of the four great families It's not easy to say it out, at this time Aoyu taught Ximen Wuhen a lesson, but it's what he wished for, this kid should treat him like this.Of course, this superficial appearance still has to be done, Dongfang Tianwei pretended to be embarrassed and said: "I will bring the conversation, then I will leave." After speaking, let a few subordinates drag Ximen Wuhen In fact, who knew that at this time, he would have died of joy in his heart, and was just waiting to see the jokes of Ximen's family.

(End of this chapter)

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