Chapter 242 Dragon Pole Tattoo

But how could this flood dragon have practiced for thousands of years without any magic weapon for protecting himself? I saw something spit out from the mouth of the flood dragon at this moment, and the color of the object changed when it came out of the world. It turned out to be a precious umbrella, exquisite in seven colors, extremely gorgeous in appearance, but it didn't move at all under the thunder calamity.No, Seven Treasures Linglong Umbrella, no wonder this beast dared to confront the Heavenly Tribulation because it was protected by treasures.This umbrella is not ordinary, but it is the treasure of Su Daji, the saint of the fox tribe, a generation of demon queen, who somehow got it by this flood dragon. "At this time Long Xingyun said. You must know that although Long Xingyun is not from the Kunlun School, he has lived in Kunlun Mountain for a long time. Although the cultivators of the Kunlun School have all migrated, there are still many ancient books left behind, which are naturally acquired by him. This is a hundred treasures illustrated book, so Long Xingyun also knows a thing or two about this ancient treasure. Although everyone doesn't know the Seven Treasures Linglong Umbrella, they still know its reputation. Hearing this, they all don't change their colors. It seems that this dragon is destined to pass the test today I hope it will not miss its old enemies after the catastrophe, otherwise the chances of my group of people wanting to survive may be slim.

At this time, the sound of the dragon chant resounded again, and the flood dragon actually started to evolve, and the black light covered his whole body. A pair of dragon crosses began to develop slowly, and the whole body expanded again, and the original white scales on his body turned into black. Four dragon claws grew abruptly from both sides, and boundless devilish energy exuded from the whole body. "It's not good that the flood dragon was blocked by us when it broke the seal just now, and I felt resentment in my heart. When the sky thunder passed through the catastrophe, I entered the magic way and turned into a five-clawed dragon. It seems that I will fight him today. Compete." At this time, the great monk of Shaolin, Master Pudu, said to the crowd.At this time, everyone's expression changed again, it seemed that today's matter was destined to end badly.After making a decisive decision, several people used their housekeeping skills to fight to the death with that Jiaolong, but how could Jiaolong be so easy to deal with?Don't say that it has survived the catastrophe and turned into a five-clawed dragon. Even when he didn't survive, these people were not its opponents. The anger made several people vomit blood one by one, and the original baby was sluggish.

However, the situation here is not the most serious at this time. At this moment, the heaven and earth power of the five-clawed dragon spreads all over the world in an instant along with the high-pitched dragon chant, and a strange scene appears on the entire earth. Kneeling down, and worshiping towards the north, this strange sight made the whole human race feel curious.Fortunately, the dragon was born, and the boundless energy caused chaos in the space. The satellites of those countries all lost their effectiveness, which made them nervous for a while, thinking that China had developed some new weapons, which also led to spies from various countries in the future. The continuous influx of China.Of course, among human beings, it is not that no one feels the difference between heaven and earth, the pope, the dark speaker, the priest of the Odin clan, the American mark, the mysterious warriors of Tulip, the David of the wolf clan, and the princes of the blood clan Which of them didn't feel the situation here, but they didn't dare to come out at this time, because they knew that such a huge force was definitely not something they could resist, so they wisely chose to remain silent.But at this time, no one has the time to care if they know or not, because the most important thing here is how to deal with the flood dragon. A cloud of demonic energy makes these worldly masters retreat one by one. At this moment, they already feel hopeless. This flood dragon is so powerful that how can they fight with it.

At this time, Aoyu on the side knew that he could no longer watch from the sidelines. He knew that he should make a move. If he didn't make a move, he might have no chance. At this time, he had already begun to regret it. If he wanted to suppress the black dragon before it was broken What he said was easy and didn't need to be so troublesome, but I didn't do anything at that time. If I did it when it was going through a catastrophe, it would be no problem. At those times, I had to do it. Li Aoyu believes that this guy is absolutely dead, let alone It has the Qibao Linglong Umbrella, and even if he has the ancient artifact, the Colorful Clothes, he can send it to report to the underworld.But at that time, because I was eager to fight, I didn't make a move. Now it's too late to regret it. At this time, the black dragon is obviously not as easy to deal with as it was at the beginning. Even if I try my best, the outcome is only within five or five. In the meantime, if you want to defeat it, you can only rely on the ability of Tiandi Qiankun Fan. I have never used this treasure before and I don’t know how effective it is, but I think it is not weak, that is, the map of Jiangshan Sheji used as a fan. In terms of work efficiency, he can kill the guy in front of him ten times and eight times. At this time, he can't run even if he wants to, so Aoyu is no longer holding back and preparing to give it a go.

At this time, Aoyu's whole body erupted with a strong demonic energy, causing the surrounding masters to look at him in shock. They were eager to deal with the dragon just now, so they didn't observe the young master of the demon sect carefully. The young master of the sect has such a powerful power. The legend is true. This young man must have some kind of close relationship with the great demon god Chi You.Of course it wasn't just them who were shocked when Aoyu burst out with all his strength, the world started to boil.Daoguo: "Oh my god, what a terrible breath. Who are the masters of these two breaths? How could it be so terrifying, enough to destroy the world." Kameda Kazuo said to Ampere Jiba beside him at this time.

"Yeah, this power is too powerful. I'm afraid only a great existence like Amaterasu can destroy them, but these two auras are not good, hehe, Chinese people are in trouble." Ampere Jiba said with a lewd smile. "Hey, that's right, as long as it's not harmful to our Dahe nation, they can do whatever they want. It's best to make the Huaxia people's territory turbulent. At that time, it's time for us to take action. Hehe, I really hope that we have the opportunity to create Yamato again. The glory." Kameda Kazuro said even more shamelessly.These two guys guessed really well, the two auras at this time are not kind, especially Aoyu, but what they harm is not the Chinese people, but their poor Yamato nation.The same thing is happening at those mystical forces all over the world.Except for Hawke and the others who were cheering for Aoyu Qifu in New York, our Pope Peter II was the busiest, because at this time our brave knights had already arrived at the Pope's bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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