Chapter 247

Seeing Liu Cheng like this, Aoyu didn't make things difficult for him, and said with a smile: "How about it, Minister Liu has nothing to say, hehe, well, don't make things difficult anymore, I won't make it difficult for you, leave it to I'll take care of it." At this point, Aoyu's eyes flashed fiercely, he turned around and said to his subordinates: "Go and pretend that Zhu Hongliang's son is dead for me, so that he can also experience the pain of losing a loved one. As for Yang Hongwei and Li Chengming Well, let them go for the time being, let me maim Yang Hongwei's wife and Li Chengming's son first, hehe, I want to play with them to death slowly." "Yes, Godfather." The subordinate listened to Aoyu's words He said respectfully, and after finishing speaking, he withdrew to arrange things arranged by Aoyu.Although Liu Cheng was not very willing to be there, he didn't dare to say anything more. After all, it was the bastards who were wrong about this matter. He couldn't help but let this old man take revenge. Liu Cheng still knew his own weight. , Knowing that I have said that people don't care about it, why bother to look for it, let alone have this uncle to deal with these bastards, so as to sound the alarm for the forces behind them, lest they be too arrogant.The efficiency of Aoyu's subordinates that day was extremely high. The next morning, the son of Zhu Hongliang, the leader of the ax gang, Zhu Chongwei was dragged out of the car while he was going to deal with things in the gang, and tied to the road alive. The one was hit and killed, and the death was quite miserable, and the whole person was turned into a meat paste.Zhu Sulan, the son and wife of police chief Yang Hongwei, was stripped naked, beaten and thrown on the street in the city center and blinded.

What was even more tragic was that the son of mayor Li Chengming had become a stick man. Not only was he castrated, but his hands and feet were also removed, making him look miserable.The three of them are not fools and they are closely related. The family members of the three were hurt within one day. The idiot also knows that someone is going to deal with the three of them, not to mention the three spirits who have been mixed up in society for decades. Maybe they don't have any other skills, but their intrigue skills are absolutely top-notch, but these three people are veterans, and they have done a lot of things like this before, so when Aoyu and the others make a move, they will know that someone is there It was time to deal with themselves, but the other party was too secretive and they couldn't find out who the other party was, so the three of them had no choice but to come together to discuss. "It seems that someone deliberately targeted the three of us today. We have to be careful that the other party is too mysterious. I have used all my strength, but there is no trace at all." The famous couple said that although he was very sad to lose his son, a son is nothing to a gangster like Zhu Hongliang. Not to the point where there are no successors. "Yeah, I hope the enemy is not too strong, otherwise it will be troublesome, the most troublesome thing is not knowing who they are, otherwise we can prepare well, and we won't be so passive.

"Yang Hongwei, who was thinking about Zhu Hongliang, said that his wife's affairs are nothing, and he has long since lost that ability. If it weren't for the influence of his wife's natal family, he would definitely not tolerate her messing around outside. Now it's all right. Now that this bitch has become like this, I am quite satisfied, and I secretly thank those who did it. Of course, it would be better if they didn't do it so obviously that they would embarrass themselves. Unlike the other two, Li He became so famous that he fell in love with his perverted son. The son's incident obviously hit him hard. At this time, he was a little crazy, and said with red eyes: "No matter who, no matter who treats my son like this, I will You will definitely pay the price, a heavy price. ""Mayor, don't get excited. We will definitely avenge this revenge. The three of us are not so easy to bully. Of course, whoever touches our people will have to pay the price. There is no one who wants to know about this. I immediately agree with you." The masters of the Ximen family, let them send two people over, no matter who they are, I will not make it easy for him.

"At this time, Zhu Hongliang comforted Yang Mingwei and said, obviously this guy has quite confidence in those masters of the Ximen family, maybe in his opinion, those martial arts people who are high and high all day long are invincible existences." Ah, Zhu The leader is right. We immediately ruled the forces behind us. Obviously, this time the incident will not only be carried out against us. The other party is so well-organized, how could it be to deal with us? I am afraid they are planning to attack us People declare war, Yang Hongwei still knows how much weight I have. Although he is a police chief, but seeing how well-organized the other party is, I am afraid that my weight is not enough for the other party to play. "Yang Hongwei said at this time.

"Well, you're right. It seems that the other party has a lot of background. We don't seem to be qualified enough to deal with them, but they also underestimate the power behind the three of us. The combined power behind the three of us is The whole of Huaxia has no opponents. They may be disappointed this time. Hmph, I won’t let them let go if my son becomes like this. Let us immediately notify the people behind us and tell them the situation here, so that They should also be prepared and send some experts over as soon as possible, so that those guys know what it means to be strong, and if the tiger doesn't show its power, they will treat us as sick cats." Liu Chengming, who had recovered at this time, said to the two with bloodshot eyes .The two felt reasonable after hearing this, and immediately responded repeatedly, saying that they also had the same idea as Liu Chengming. The three began to notify the people behind them to prepare.But what they don't know is that what they said has been heard clearly. This person is one of Aoyu's guards. He was already monitoring several people when the operation started, so their words were naturally heard. The guard listened thoroughly, and immediately reported it to Aoyu after returning.After hearing the report from his subordinates, Aoyu laughed loudly and said: "Okay, okay, these bastards, just let them find someone, I want to see how powerful they are and what they can do to us, We have been quiet for too long, and it is time to come out and move around, and we cannot let them forget us."

(End of this chapter)

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