Chapter 267

"Haha, of course it counts. Hehe, those girls are very beautiful. I like them very much. I'm just afraid that the girls of your family will look down on us Aoyu. It will be embarrassing at that time." Long Zaitian was happy at this time Haha laughed and said to several people. "Hehe, this is what the owner of your Long family said. I will tie up those girls from my family even if I tie them up for you. Don't worry, I'm afraid you won't dare to take them when the time comes." Patriarch Dongfang, Dongfang Qi said . "Hey, if there is anything I dare not ask for, as long as you send it over, my old man will take my grandson to make the decision and take them in, but I am afraid that those little girls in your family will not want it." Long Zaitianzui Don't suffer a loss, and immediately put Dongfang Qi in the army. You must know that these girls are famous treasures at home. If they really don't want to, it will be enough for these old guys to have a headache.While several family owners were happily chatting, the servant at the door suddenly shouted: "President Wang, Minister Liu, Commander Ma of the Northern Military Region." At this time, everyone heard this voice and immediately looked at the door. These few are the elders of the country, they are definitely not birds at ordinary people's banquets, and they are all here today, which shows how honorable the Long family is.

At this time, Long Zaitian immediately led Aoyu to introduce to several bigwigs from the central faction.Just before exchanging a few pleasantries, a message came through the door again, "Prime Minister Wu, Commander Hu of the Western Military Region, and Minister Lan of the Ministry of National Defense have arrived." Helpless, several bigwigs from the central faction of Tianhe country came to greet him after committing crimes. The Prime Minister and the others all know that the two major factions are in conflict. Fortunately, the Long family is powerful and the Central Military Region is under the control of the Long family. Long Zaitian's cousin Long Feiyun is the commander of the Central Military Region. If you dare to offend, I'm afraid there will be a good show.Before they were greeted, the servant at the door shouted again: "The commander of the Southern Military Region, the political commissar Zhao, and the president of the Shengmen Group have arrived." The people present were shocked again and again. In their opinion, although the third group of people looked very It's great, but it's nothing compared to the first two batches of bigwigs, but only those bigwigs understand what the third batch of people represent. Because of the power of the Long family, they actually came to congratulate the Long family. The joints in this are worthy of people's attention.Everyone is making their own guesses, although they don't know if their guesses are correct.

Long Zaitian, Long Tianming, and Aoyu are very busy. They travel back and forth between several forces. Under Long Zaitian's introduction, Aoyu gets to know them one by one. Of course, their opinions are expressed in words. To praise Aoyu and to win over the Long family, of course, except for those in the Southern Military Region, Ren Tianxing and the others dare not say such things, they just keep praising Aoyu, making everyone around He was stunned, but he had to know that the two big men in the Southern Military Region were notorious iron-blooded soldiers who were usually unsmiling, but at this time they started flattering the young master of the Long family.Unknowingly, everyone took a look at Long Jiagao.Of course, people who are interested have also noticed this. They all know the power of the Demon Gate, and the Demon Gate will be so flattering to Aoyu, so they have to fall into deep thought. Is there any collusion between the Demon Gate and the Long Family?Or something asked the Long family?It's really puzzling that the head of the Demon Sect treats the young master of the Long family like this.

But they don't have time to think about it at this time, because the banquet has already started. Long Zaitian and Aoyu walked up to the rostrum and said to everyone below with a smile: "Welcome to our Long family, everyone knows My grandson has been missing for more than ten years, and there has been no news, but I finally found him yesterday, so please come and be happy, haha." As soon as Long Zaitian finished speaking, the audience burst into enthusiasm Applause, although many people thought in their hearts, "Your grandson is back, it's none of our business, why did you call us here?" But even though they thought so, they really didn't have the guts to say it themselves. Everyone knows that offending the Long family will not yield good results, so naturally no one will say such idiotic words.At this time, Long Zaitian looked down with satisfaction, then pointed to Aoyu next to him and said: "This is my grandson, Long Aoyu will ask everyone to take care of him in the future." Aoyu also came over at this time. Everyone hugged and smiled. Although this behavior was not very polite, it still won bursts of applause. There is no way anyone can make the Long family powerful.At this time, Liu Cheng in the audience whispered to the people around him: "Guys, this Young Master Long is the old man from Shanghai. I didn't expect him to be the young master of the Long family. It seems really unusual, and A few of you also saw Momen's attitude towards him, hey, fortunately we didn't provoke him at the beginning, otherwise we might be in bad luck.

Several people nodded after hearing his words, lamenting that they made the right decision at the beginning, otherwise they would have caused big trouble. "I said, Lao Liu, do you think we can draw him to our side through the relationship of the Long family?"You must know that the Long family is the guardian family of Huaxia, so I think it should be possible. "President Wang said at this time. "Hey, it's difficult. You haven't said hello to him, President. I don't know how difficult it is to serve him. We may not be successful if we do this. Walk. "Liu Cheng said in embarrassment at this time, obviously he didn't agree with this plan. "It doesn't matter, let's try first, maybe we can succeed. If we have hope, we should not give up. Of course, don't push too fast, so as not to backfire." President Wang said at this time, obviously although he wanted to draw Aoyu into the government camp, he still didn't dare. After all, he really shouldn't be provoked. Once he is angered, he will be in endless trouble. After listening to the president's words, Although Liu Cheng was reluctant, he had no choice but to nod in agreement. Although he knew that the chance of success in this matter was almost zero, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and give it a try. Of course, in such a situation Not only did it happen to them, but the same thing happened to Premier Wu and the others. Of course, the only exception is that President Wang and the others wanted to pull Aoyu into the government camp, while Premier Wu and the others wanted to pull Aoyu into it. One's own camp, but obviously the wishes of the two aspects are not so easy to realize.

(End of this chapter)

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