Chapter 271 Dinner Disturbance ([-])

But what made his jaw drop all the way was that the guards of the Long family in white saw what Aoyu did to Ximen Wuqiu, but what made him depressed was that not only did those guards ignore it, but instead acted Watching a good show made Wu Zhongde very depressed. "What's going on? Who beat my son like this? Who?" At this time, Ximen Fengfeng had already run over, looking at Ximen Wuchou's appearance, he shouted angrily.At this time, the guards of Ximen's family had notified Ximen Fengfeng, and got a report from his subordinates that his son had a conflict with someone, so they rushed over immediately. "Father, it's him, he's the one who hit me woo~ woo~~~" Ximen Wuqiu pointed at Aoyu with a swollen face.At this time, Ximen Fengfeng looked over in the direction his son was pointing at. If he didn't look at it, he saw Aoyu looking at him with a smile on his face. The young master himself can't do anything to him, but a reprimand is still necessary.

Ximen Fengfeng said to Aoyu: "Nephew, what do you mean by doing this? Don't you know that he is my son, the heir of Ximen's family? You actually did this, beat him, did you not treat us The Ximen family pays attention to it?" At this time, Ximen Fengfeng spoke with some aura and appeared to be not angry but mighty. In his opinion, his status as the head of the Ximen family, even the young master of the Long family, would give him three points, not to mention He was still his elder, so he didn't dare to be arrogant. As for what kind of bastard Ximen Wuqiu was, Ximen Fengfeng knew it himself, so he didn't ask about the cause of this matter, because he knew that it was probably his idiot son's fault. But now what he cares about is not these but the face of the Ximen family. Of course, Ximen Fengfeng still knows that his Ximen family is not strong enough to compete with the Long family. As long as the junior of the Long family is willing to bow his head and admit his mistake, then he will not do anything , Find a step and go down.

But helpless, what he met was Aoyu, a big iron plate, who made it clear that he would not buy anyone's face, how could he give him face?Aoyu glanced at the angry Ximen Fengfeng, glanced at his mouth and said: "How can Uncle Ximen talk like this, I will help you teach your son a lesson, so that he doesn't know how to insult my family. You have to thank me, hehe, if it were someone else, your son’s life would probably be lost.” Ximen Fengfeng was shocked when he heard this, he naturally knew what his son’s temperament was, maybe he really said such a thing , Thinking of Ximen Hairy, a cold sweat broke out on his head. If this is the case, his son really doesn't know what to do.But then he thought that his son should not be so ignorant, so he said to Aoyu bravely: "How could this kid from my family have grown up since he was a child, and he would never say such a thing." "Is it? But I have many witnesses." Aoyu said with a smile. "Who is it? Who will testify for you." Ximen Fengfeng shot the audience with vicious eyes at this time, the meaning is self-evident. "I can testify that he was the one who scolded this brother first." Nangong Rui'er jumped out first. Others are afraid of him, but the Nangong family of Ximen's family is not afraid. "I can also testify.

"Dongfangqing has long disliked Ximen's family. Today, he finally came out with a person who made Ximen's family care about him and confronted them. How could he not take over to help? Although he doesn't know the identity of the other party, but Ximen blows the wind. From his appearance, he knew that he was definitely not an idle person, so he immediately jumped out and said. Immediately afterwards, Bei Mingbing, who was always indifferent, also said: "I also testify that it is Ximen Wuqiu's fault." Although there is no extra words , but everyone knows that Bei Mingbing has always been very serious about lying, and he doesn't even bother to lie, the old man of the Long family who just arrived and the heads of those aristocratic families just listened to her when she opened her mouth." What's going on? "The majestic old man of the Long family, Long Zaitian, was the first to ask." Grandpa Long, it was this scoundrel who scolded that brother first, and that brother beat him. Don't blame him. "At this time, Nangong Rui'er jumped out first before everyone spoke, pointed at Aoyu and said to Long Zaitian. It seemed that he wanted to excuse Aoyu. Long Zaitian looked in the direction Nangong Ruier pointed at. In the past, I saw Aoyu who was leaning against the pillar and continuing to taste the red wine at the moment, and he laughed suddenly. Long Zaitian naturally knows what kind of temper his grandson is, and he must have his own reasons for doing things. The one who is happy is not Aoyu, but Nangong Rui'er who is trying his best to protect Aoyu, and Mr. Long saw some signs of it." Hehe, I don't know what it is, come and talk to Aoyu and grandpa, what happened thing. "Long Zaitian said to Aoyu.

It doesn't matter if he yelled, Nangong Rui'er and the others next to him suddenly looked at Aoyu in a completely different way, Nangong Rui'er was excited, Dongfang Qing was curious, Murong Piaoxue was shy, and although Bei Mingbing couldn't see him The expression on his face, but there was also a hint of inhumanity flashing in his eyes.Long Zaitian and the patriarchs around him had a panoramic view of the changes in the few people, glanced at each other and smiled wisely. "Oh, it's like this. Ximen Wuqiu of Grandpa Ximen's family called our Long family trash, so grandson couldn't help but teach him a lesson for a while, but Uncle Ximen seemed very unwilling and wanted to teach me a lesson." At this time, Aoyu walked up to Long Zaitian full of grievances.

Looking at his appearance, Long Zaitian knew that his grandson was lying. Although he didn't get along very often, Long Zaitian knew his grandson very well. If what he said was the truth, then he Ximen was abolished early in the morning and blown hair, why would you come here to cry to yourself?I'm afraid he has already rushed forward to clean up the father and son of the Ximen family, but how can the Ximen family compare with his grandson?Of course, the old man has to think from the perspective of his grandson.So Mr. Long Zaitian immediately pretended to be angry, and then unleashed all his vigor, rushed straight to Ximen for a blow, stared at him and said, "Really? Ximen's family is really powerful? Do you think that?" Are you challenging our Long family? You treat my grandson like this? Is it because my old guy has not made a move for a long time? Do you think there is no one in our Long family? Hehe, it seems that my old man is going to make a move, lest people look down on us. Home."

(End of this chapter)

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