Chapter 276 Expansion
With the support of his grandfather, Aoyu naturally acted more boldly, and talked with Long Zaitian for a while, and Aoyu also learned about the current situation of the Long family from Long Zaitian. "The Long family can be said to be very large, extremely large, but the legacy of the ancestors has restrained the Long family's footsteps. The Long family had to give up the pace of expansion in exchange for the peace and stability of the country. Many descendants of the Long family have complaints, after all, no one is willing to do such a thankless task." Long Zaitian revealed the current situation of the Long family to Aoyu. "Oh? Grandpa, what do you think?" Aoyu asked with some doubts at this time.Hehe Xiaoyu, let me tell you, the Long family is now divided into two factions. One is the radical faction headed by Tianming, me, and Feiyun. What they mean by expansion is not blind expansion, but a gradual outward development, instead of blindly defending and forbearance. ""The other faction is the conservative faction headed by the Long Parents and Elders Group. They advocate that all members of the Long Family follow the legacy of their ancestors as the criterion, guard China to prevent all foreign enemies from invading, stabilize the interior, and make some small concessions and sacrifices. of peace.

"" The two factions have been arguing for a long time. Although Long Zaitian has absolute authority in the Long family, the power of the elders group cannot be ignored, so the two sides have been fighting for so long and there is no result. The expansion plan of the family also had to be temporarily shelved. "At this time, Long Zaitian told Aoyu all about the situation. Hearing this, Aoyu roughly understood what Grandpa meant. He probably wanted to use Aoyu's power to expand." Grandpa, what do you mean? "At this time, Aoyu asked, although he said that he had guessed a thing or two about Long Zaitian's intentions at this time, but he didn't say it out, it's better for Grandpa to say these things himself." Hehe, you, Seriously, you kid, you come to ask me even though you know what I think, well, since you asked me to say it, then I will say it, hehe, grandpa, I have no ambitions, but I hope to see the most brilliant Long family in my lifetime At the moment, you are my grandson. Grandpa can't fulfill this wish by himself, but I hope you can help me fulfill it. You must know that although you are my grandson, your subordinates are not weaker than the Long family, and even stronger than the third. points, so I hope you can help me fulfill this wish. "Long Zaitian obviously had a pleading tone when he said this, after all, this is his wish for many years.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter for you, just wait and see. Well, I will make Zhetian the most powerful existence in the world, and let everyone tremble under my feet , Let them all know how terrible my descendants of the Long family are." Aoyu stood up and said domineeringly. "Okay, okay, okay, grandpa is satisfied if you have this thought." At this time, Long Zaitian laughed happily when he heard what Aoyu said.After chatting with Long Zaitian for a while, Aoyu and Long Zaitian returned to his room. "You know what to do, don't you? Lily went to inform Ma Quan that the operation will start tomorrow, annex all the gangsters in Shanghai, and then start to gradually attack the five southeastern provinces. I want everyone to see the clarion call of my offensive, and let everyone The Hong gang of the Demon Sect is like covering the sky, I want to show those guys a little bit of strength, let them know our influence, and stop fantasizing about those meaningless things in the future." Aoyu was empty when he entered the door said in the room. "Yes, master." At this time, Yuri Yamaguchi flashed out and knelt on the ground and said to Aoyu, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Early the next morning, on a morning that was destined to be restless, the patriarchs of the four great families, President Wang, and Premier Wu who were having breakfast all received the same news. One of them, the Hong Gang, under the leadership of the head of the gang, Hong Yu, announced to merge into Zhetian this morning, and collectively swore to be loyal to Zhetian forever and never change his mind.Although the Hongmen is not considered powerful, it is said to be one of the three major gangs in the country, but in the eyes of those high-ranking officials, they are just a bunch of idiots collecting protection fees with blades, which are of no great use at all, except for collecting Fighting for protection money, nothing else, such a guy is no threat to them at all, in their view, although Hongmen is powerful, a regular division can wipe them out no matter what in the past, What they care about is not how much power Hongmen can add to Zhetian by taking refuge in Zhetian, but what is behind this incident. If Hongmen did this, it means that the Demon Gate behind them has officially stated their position. Covered the side of the sky.This situation is obviously beyond everyone's expectation. Although we know that the relationship between Zhetian and Momen is unclear, but I didn't expect Momen to do this and let Hongmen, one of the main sources of income under him, take refuge Shading the sky, doesn't that mean that they have stood on the side of the sky, and even have a gesture of loyalty to the sky, which makes everyone worth remembering.

But no matter what they think, Zhetian has changed from the number one force in America to the number one force in China. The number one position is overwhelming.But before they finished digesting the news, there was a new situation over there. At the end of [-] o'clock this morning, Zhetian suddenly launched an attack on all the forces around him. With one exception, all of them were removed, and they are still expanding.It is only a matter of time before Zhetian wants to eliminate them. After all, Zhetian's combat effectiveness is obvious to all. With this news, everyone can no longer eat. After all, this news is really important to them. They don't understand What on earth is Zhetian planning to do? How could he have such a crazy move so early in the morning.Of course, Premier Wu and President Wang probably guessed a little bit, but they are just not sure, but obviously they are not in the mood to let them eat again.

In fact, Zhetian’s expansion in the morning was not without any resistance. Although these powerful gangs, such as the Ax Gang and the Eagle Gang, were all wiped out by Zhetian, there were also organizations like the White Gang and the Little Knife Society. The strength is not weak, and Zhetian’s large-scale expansion in the country this time, apart from 2 Zhetian Chinese members from the United States, they are members of the Ax Gang and Eagle Gang who were merged by Zhetian. Their overall quality is really good. It's not flattering, but fortunately, after so many days of training, and the miscellaneous pursuit of refinement, the remaining nearly [-] people will be able to make it right away, but at this time, if you want to fight, there will be no casualties , that is obviously impossible. After all, although their quality has been improved, some of the outstanding ones still have the opportunity to practice War Demon Art, but after all, it has not been long, and they are not all geniuses, so the results are obviously not very high.

Therefore, those newcomers who covered the sky during the battle also suffered a lot of losses. Those gang members were hacked out with knives, and there were many experts among them. He was also seriously injured, and even died a lot, but Ma Quan didn't stop him, because he knew that a real warrior can only be trained in blood and fire, and those in the greenhouse will always be lambs. Zhetian's subordinates always have to encounter such things. It is better to be injured in the current battle than to be killed in the face of those powerful international forces in the future.However, although these Zhetian fighters suffered a lot of casualties, after all, they used to be members of gangsters and had a lot of experience, and they later went through the training of Zhetian. They, slowly began to stand up, and even began to overwhelm each other. They gained advantages in the attack of several lines, and began to win step by step. eliminate.

Ma Quan stood on the top of the building with a group of guards and looked at the scene below, smiled with satisfaction, and happily said to the elder brothers of the branch next to him: "Well, good, good, you see, now they are doing this." Looks good, hehe, not bad, you didn’t lose the face of us, um, this group of people has a future, you all pay attention, if there are any good talents in this group of people, promote them well, in the future, we will be able to cover the sky The territory is still big, and we need these talents to help us guard it." After hearing Ma Quan's words, the elder brothers immediately agreed with a smile on their faces. They are not fools and naturally know what Ma Quan said. Their preparations expanded, and their blood boiled at the thought of a fight or something to do.There was basically no suspense in the battle. The [-] iron-blooded elites who shrouded the sky did not move out to settle the gangsters. Although there were many casualties, they did not touch the root at all. His subordinates began to rectify the gangsters in Shanghai, tidying up the remaining forces there, while he brought a large number of elite iron scrap elites and began to quickly transfer the battlefield, and began to attack the Red and Green Gang sub-helm near Shanghai with lightning speed. Feng Zhi pointed at ZJ. For a moment, the entire southeast coast was in a state of turmoil, and all the gangsters were afraid that Zhetian would find him, so they immediately evacuated the area adjacent to Zhetian. People are surprised, not surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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