Chapter 287
Aoyu's actions deflected all the people around him, no one dared to dissuade him for a while, and Huang Selang could not stop rolling and screaming at Aoyu's feet, Jiang Yuzhu was the first to react, and hurried Go up to hold Aoyu and say: "Aoyu, don't hit him anymore, you see he is bled, and he will die if you do this." But she can't hold Aoyu, Aoyu lightly shakes her He stepped aside, helpless Jiang Yuzhu saw that the situation was not right, if Ren Aoyu continued to fight like this, I am afraid that Huang Selang would really die, so at this time Jiang Yuzhu didn't care so much, and rushed up from behind to hug him Liao Aoyu held him back to prevent him from doing it again.After being beaten for a long time and being hugged by Jiang Yuzhu, Aoyu was calmed down. Seeing Huang Selang who couldn't help moaning on the ground, Aoyu raised his leg and kicked again, and then said: "You bastard, you are a social scum, a moth of the country, What's the use of you, sooner or later people like you will be shot.

"After speaking, they pulled Jiang Yuzhu out. As soon as they turned around, they found that the door was full of people. It turned out that this was the office building of Huaxia University. Se Lang's screams, everyone unconsciously began to watch, but seeing Aoyu's attack was so ruthless, no one dared to dissuade him, but someone went to notify the security and the principal to come and deal with this matter." what's going on? "At this time, a majestic voice came over. The person who spoke was an old man in his 60s with snow-white hair, a short figure and a little fat. At this time, a dozen big men dressed as security guards were behind him, watching Looking at Aoyu, obviously as soon as the old man in front of them speaks, they will rush up and catch Aoyu without hesitation." It's nothing, I just picked up a piece of garbage with my hand, why is there a problem? "Who is Aoyu? At this time, he is in a fit of anger, and he doesn't buy anyone's face, so he said to the old man in front of him in a disrespectful tone." Oh?Who are you, and how did our department head offend you?Can you tell me, lad? "At this time, the old man obviously became interested in Aoyu, and asked Aoyu." Who are you?You can't control this matter. "At this time Aoyu said to the old man.

"Hehe, my name is Chu Anhua, the principal of this school, if you have anything to tell me, I believe I can solve it." At this time, Chu Anhua said to Aoyu with a smile. "Ah, you are the principal?" At this time, Jiang Yuzhu next to Aoyu screamed before Aoyu could speak. "Why is there a problem? Little girl, who are you?" Chu Anhua only noticed Jiang Yuzhu beside Aoyu at this time, and said to her. "I, my name is Jiang Yuzhu, a freshman who just came to report." Jiang Yuzhu said at this time, but he was obviously a little cautious when speaking to the principal, and his speech stuttered a little. "Oh? Freshman, I just came to report, and now I have 10 copies, little girl, you are so late, we can't accept you according to the regulations, do you have any special reasons? Why come earlier." At this time, Chu Yinhua He frowned and said to Jiang Yuzhu. " mother is sick, and I have to take care of her, so I came late." At this time, Jiang Yuzhu felt extremely heartbroken when he heard Chu Anhua's words. It seemed that his university dream was hopeless, sobbing softly Said to Chu An.Aoyu next to him took Jiang Yuzhu's hand and looked at her with comforting eyes. "Oh. That's right, it's really hard to handle, but your situation is special. I will hold a meeting to discuss it and see everyone's opinions. If possible, I think you will be admitted. After all, you rely on Those who have passed the test of their own abilities should not ruin their lives for such a trivial matter.

"Chu Anhua said to Jiang Yuzhu at this time." Really?That's great, thank you principal. "At this time, Jiang Yuzhu felt hopeful again after hearing Chu Anhua's words and said happily. When he finished speaking, he realized that his hand had been caught by Aoyu at some point. He blushed and immediately took it back, and again He lowered his head. At this time, Principal Chu Anhua finished dealing with Jiang Yuzhu's matter, turned around again and said to Aoyu: "That boy, it's time to talk about our affairs, can you tell me what's going on?" ? ""It's nothing, I just think this old boy is not pleasing to the eye, so I can't beat him? "At this time, Aoyu looked at Huang Selang who was still in pain in the room and said, at this time, several medical staff from the school came to Huang Selang's side and began to treat him. After hearing Aoyu's words, Chu An Principal Hua became a little angry even when he was in a good temper. At this time, he said sternly to Aoyu: "Young man, you came to us and beat people for no reason. You must know that this is against the law. It seems that I am going to call the police. Wait The police will deal with you. ""No, that's not the case. His name is Aoyu. He came to report with me. It was Director Huang who troubled us first, and..." Jiang Yuzhu blushed and told what happened just now, although he was very embarrassed , but when she heard that the principal wanted the police to arrest Aoyu, she couldn't care less and immediately explained the reason to the principal.

He also has a little understanding of Huang Selang's usual style, but after all, he can't do anything to that guy without evidence. After hearing Jiang Yuzhu's unclear narration this time, Chu Anhua probably also felt that Knowing the beginning and end of the matter, it was probably because Huang Selang saw that the two were new to the report, and it had already passed the time. Seeing Jiang Yuzhu's beauty, he became distracted, so he was beaten up by the boy. "Well, that's it, I probably understand, but it's always wrong to hit someone. Even if I don't call the police, I will call the police when Director Huang recovers. So now I think it's better to let the police deal with it. I believe they will have one." Arbitrary, and boy, your behavior has violated the school rules, and you are late, so I tell you on behalf of the school that you cannot be admitted." At this time, the principal Chu Anhua said with a little dignity.Before Aoyu said anything, Jiang Yuzhu next to him burst into tears when he heard this, and started to fall to the ground. Although he didn't know Aoyu for a long time, Jiang Yuzhu really regarded Aoyu as his friend. And understand that all that Aoyu did was for her own good. Hearing that Aoyu couldn't even get into school because of this incident, and was going to be taken away by the police, he suddenly started to cry sadly.Aoyu smiled at Jiang Yuzhu and said proudly: "Don't cry, it's okay, no one can control what I want to do, just let those policemen come, I want to see if they can get me How about it.

"Young man, you are very confident, but sometimes being too confident is not necessarily a good thing. You are very similar to me when I was young. I hope this incident can teach you a lesson. Even if you can't go to college, you will definitely be able to achieve something in the future. Yes What's your name, young man? I also know a few friends in there. I believe they won't embarrass you too much, but if you really broke the law this time, I won't help you. It's a good thing for you to learn a lesson. "At this time Chu Anhua said earnestly, obviously he admires Aoyu very much, although Aoyu's temper is not flattering, but that self-confidence makes Chu Anhua look at him differently and wants to help Aoyu. "Hehe, don't bother you, I can handle this matter myself, my name is Long Aoyu, I don't think I need to change my temper, I like it very much. "At this moment, Aoyu announced his name. Principal Chu Anhua, who had a normal expression on his face, changed instantly after hearing Aoyu's words. Long Aoyu? Of course he knows who Long Aoyu is, the young master of the Long family. Although he, the vice minister of the Ministry of Education, is not qualified to go to the banquet of the Long family because of his status, but he also has a little bit of information about Long Aoyu. If he was labeled like that, it would be reasonable to teach Huang Selang a lesson.

Thinking about the identity of the other party, it is indeed as he said that if his temper does not change, no one can do anything to him. The status of the dragon in China is like a god, and its power is extremely huge. No one dares to provoke them. With arrogant capital, Chu Anhua could only smile helplessly.Moreover, the Long family had explained the matter of Long Aoyu's coming here before, and the several chiefs above also paid special attention to this matter, and the request was that he must meet any requirements of the person in front of him, not to provoke him, and I have clearly issued an order, so that I can't mess up and make the other party angry, or I'm going to pack up and go to prison for the rest of my life.Thinking of this, Chu Anhua smiled helplessly and said: "So you are Long Aoyu, no wonder, no wonder.

"After Chu Anhua said this inexplicably, he said to Huang Selang on the ground: "You don't have to go to work tomorrow, and the school will report your behavior to the police department, so you are going to spend the rest of your life in prison. "Then he said loudly to the people around him: "This student Long Aoyu, in view of his defiance of power, daring to fight, and full of sense of justice, I hereby approve the admission of Long Aoyu and Jiang Yuzhu. "Chu Anhua's words made everyone dizzy. They didn't understand why the principal had just said that he would send the boy named Long Aoyu to the police station. Why did he suddenly change his attitude, but although their hearts were full of doubts, However, in view of the authority of the principal, although they were full of doubts, they did not dare to say anything. Jiang Yuzhu, who was next to him, had long been delighted by this exciting news, held Aoyu's hand and jumped up with a smile. How could she be unhappy when her wish finally came true?

(End of this chapter)

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