Chapter 313 On the night of the full moon, the animality is rampant

After chatting with Zhu Zimei for a while, Aoyu sent her back. At this moment, Zhu Zimei seemed to be a completely different person, with the same appearance, same clothes, and same smile, but her temperament changed drastically. Still charming to the bone, but without the traces of unrestrainedness, people can't help but take a few more glances.

Of course, at the moment Zhu Zimei has full confidence in Aoyu, but she doesn't know much about Aoyu's details. I have to say that she is a little naive now, and she believes in Aoyu based on a feeling.

After sending Zhu Zimei back, Aoyu returned to the dormitory. He planned to take a rest, but he couldn't fall asleep anyway. To be honest, it was not easy for Aoyu to stop. He has been in school for a few days, and he hasn't even touched a woman. Today, Zhu Zimei's desires are piled up again, if it is not because of some reasons, Aoyu would have given her the Fa-rectification on the spot, but now Aoyu is quite uncomfortable.

Aoyu thought about going back and venting out, but he felt that it was wrong, he couldn’t be controlled by desire, so he teleported to the top of Changbai Mountain, and wanted to practice here, because Aoyu knew that Changbai Mountain’s Tianchi was very useful for suppressing desire. Function, Tianchi has this ancient mysterious ice formation that nourishes all things and can purify the soul, so although Aoyu does not know the origin of this ancient mysterious ice formation, he discovered it when he flew over Baishan by chance , I haven’t seen it all the time, but I just got a general understanding of its performance. Now that I thought of this, Aoyu didn’t hesitate for a moment, and just teleported to Changbai Mountain. Standing on the edge of Tianchi, Aoyu could feel the silk below There is a hint of coolness, which makes people feel refreshed. Aoyu feels that if he can practice together with his desire fire and Xuanbing Formation at this moment, he will be able to make unexpected progress. exercise.

Without any hesitation, Aoyu jumped down towards the Tianchi Lake. After going down for an unknown number of meters, Aoyu finally saw a faint white light. The cold water of Tianchi immediately suppressed Aoyu's inner desire, but who is Aoyu?Born with a body of nine yangs, he also cultivated the extremely perverted masculinity technique of "Chiyou Demon Emperor's Jue". Needless to say, he is tyrannical. There was a big problem when suppressed, the extreme yang energy in Aoyu's body began to counterattack, and Aoyu's desire not only did not decrease, but increased even more.

That kind of painful torment cannot be endured by human beings. The extreme negative and the positive squeeze each other, making people feel extremely uncomfortable. If it were another person, they would definitely choose to run away immediately, or simply commit suicide, but Aoyu did not.

Aoyu still endured the pain and came to the bottom of the pool and began to practice. For Aoyu, only in pain can he improve. Aoyu sat cross-legged here, began to sink his mind slowly, entered the realm of selflessness and began to practice. , it is undeniable that Aoyu's idea is right, this ancient mysterious ice array does have unexpected effects, this place was in the prehistoric period of ancient times, the mysterious ice array used to suppress underground lava was powerful, but in ancient times it was very powerful. Generally speaking, Aoyu also complements each other when practicing with it.

After the continuous struggle between the two forces, Aoyu's cultivation became more concise, especially when he used the "Dafa of Swallowing Heaven and Earth" last time, Aoyu had not fully absorbed the energy of the black dragon at this time. The realm has not improved at all, but the cultivation base has become more stable.

Needless to say, Aoyu's mind has endured the painful torture, and his mind has been greatly improved. A stronger inner will will have more benefits for future cultivation.

Of course, there is also a potential problem that Aoyu didn't notice, that's because Aoyu is still in the mysterious ice formation and has not noticed it at the moment, that is, although Aoyu absorbed the remaining energy of the black dragon with the help of the mysterious ice formation, but Don't forget that the dragon nature is good. Although the black dragon has a lot of remaining power, it is more neutral. It will make Aoyu go crazy like eating the most violent aphrodisiac in the world. I have feelings, but when he comes out, it will slowly manifest. If Aoyu doesn't vent it well, I'm afraid it won't work.

After training, Aoyu stood up and moved back to his home in Shanghai in an instant. He hasn't been back for a long time. Of course, the people living here are his guards, those maids, and of course his secret. Secretary Long Jiu.

After Aoyu came back, he found that not only Long Jiu was here, even Shui Rouer came here today for some unknown reason, seeing Aoyu coming back, Shui Rouer immediately rushed up, hugged Aoyu and said happily: "Brother Aoyu, I miss you so much."

Aoyu also hugged Shui Rouer and kissed her earlobe. After a period of development, the relationship between the two has been established. Of course, Aoyu refused to be with Shui Rouer because she was too young. If she had any physical relationship, Shui Rou'er felt very uncomfortable in her heart, thinking that Aoyu still didn't like her, so she refused to have further relationship with her.

Of course Aoyu would not understand what Shui Rouer was thinking, and he just smiled slightly at Shui Rouer's complaints.

But at this moment, Aoyu didn’t know why when Shui Rou’er rushed towards her as usual, Aoyu hugged her, feeling a little different, her elastic girly twin peaks pressed against Aoyu’s chest, making Aoyu Comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time, an urge to vent quickly rose slowly in Aoyu's heart.

I don't know why Aoyu has such a strong desire in his heart, he hugged Shui Rou'er and kissed her fiercely in front of everyone, his hands wandered irregularly on her body.

This startled Shui Rou'er, but then she was full of joy, maybe in her view, Aoyu's behavior was showing love to herself, so although she was a little shy, she slowly began to respond to Aoyu's kiss, The body is also tighter.

Sister Catherine and Long Jiu looked at each other, they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes, sighed and prepared to leave, Long Jiu even mumbled something to Aoyu with a laugh.

But just when they were about to leave, they found that something was wrong. Aoyu hugged Shui Rou'er even tighter, stretched out one hand to her chest, and began to rub her vigorously, and tore her clothes, while Shui Rou'er Rou'er didn't know what was wrong at this time, she seemed lost like Geng Aoyu, not only did she not object, but she cooperated eagerly, the two of them became lusty for a while.

But this made the remaining three people discover the clues. You must know that although Aoyu is not very good at ordinary times, he will never be so anxious and make a noise in public. When they approached, they were blocked by an invisible wall of air and couldn't move forward. Helpless, they could only wait anxiously outside, watching Aoyu and Shuirouer's further movements.

At this time, Aoyu couldn't bear it any longer, and tore off Shui Rou'er's school uniform, Shui Rou'er screamed, a pair of snow-white breasts immediately appeared in the air, the pink protrusions made Aoyu's desire even stronger, slowly Slowly put it in her mouth, and continued to suck and play, Shui Rou'er also let out a burst of exclamation and hugged Aoyu's head in her arms, making a moving moan.

Soon Aoyu stretched his hand to the bottom of Aoyu Shuirouer's group, began to grope, and found that there was already a river here, and Aoyu's last trace of will was more than worn out, so he couldn't bear to remove everything from the two of them. Shui Rouer's diaphragm suddenly entered her body amidst Shui Rou'er's screams of pain.

After the initial pain, Shui Rou'er's cry slowly turned into a moan, and after an unknown amount of time, she let out a high-pitched cry and passed out.

But at this time, the matter is obviously not over yet. Aoyu's eyes are still blood red at this time, and he turns around to look at Long Jiu and the three of them. His eyes are like a beast staring at its prey, which makes people unconsciously afraid and dare not near.

Things have come to this point, the three of them are prepared, knowing what is coming, although they are a little scared, but expectations are inevitable, especially sister Catherine, when they are sent to serve Aoyu They were already prepared in their hearts when they were waiting for this day for two years, which is exactly what they hoped to see, although they hoped that one day Aoyu would fall in love with her from the bottom of her heart and possess herself, but in this way They are not unacceptable.

Seeing Aoyu walking over, both of them must have closed their eyes and waited for the storm to come. Sure enough, Aoyu came over, tore the clothes of the two with his hands, entered their bodies, and began to vent to his heart's content, staying behind Long Jiu didn't know what to do at this moment, she didn't want to leave, she didn't want to leave, although there was a voice in her heart that was calling strongly to leave here, but she didn't know why she couldn't control her body. At this moment, he couldn't even take half a step, so he could only watch Aoyu not only conquering the snow-white bodies of Catherine sisters, but also constantly venting.

Two hours later, with two groans of satisfaction, Sister Catherine also fell to the ground helplessly. They have exhausted all their strength, but they still cannot satisfy Aoyu.

Aoyu walked towards Long Jiu again at this time, and tore Long Jiu's clothes roughly as before. After a while, the two began to face each other naked. Aoyu entered her body with a sigh of Long Jiu, A trace of excited tears flowed from her eyes, she didn't know whether she was happy or sad, but Aoyu couldn't control that much, and began to stir uncontrollably, and Long Jiu also slowly entered the role, desperately reporting Aoyu began to moan emotionally.

Finally, two high-pitched screams spread throughout the house, and Aoyu and Long Jiu hugged each other and fell asleep.

The high-hanging full moon, the bright moonlight, sprinkled the earth and shone into the house, with several naked bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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