Chapter 325 The Rebellion of the Simon Family
Since Ximen Fengfeng has said such a thing, he will not be soft-hearted. He called his confidantes and made arrangements to prepare to do something to the elders of his family. Before the son took revenge, the first targets he chose were the elders of his own family.

Ximen Fengfeng's attack was extremely venomous, and at this time he was almost crazy, and his actions could not be judged by reason. He met all the elders, stood in the elder hall of Ximen's house, and said to all the elders resolutely: " Everyone is an elder, I believe you all know about Wuhen, the last root of my Ximen family was also broken by the Long family, so I want to make the Long family pay for it with blood, and kill all the members of the Long family."

When talking about this, a trace of anger and a trace of cruelty flashed in Ximen Fengfeng's eyes, obviously because of what Aoyu did to Ximen Wuqiu, he had completely driven him crazy.

"What? What did you say? You are going to start a war against the Long family, are you out of your mind? Can the Long family be defeated by our Ximen family?" An elder reprimanded him angrily after saying this at Ximen Fengfeng .

"Well, that's right, Ximen Fengfeng's Ximen family doesn't only have Ximen Wuqiu as an heir, our Ximen family has lasted for the past year, if we choose a young child from the side branches, it's over, why bother to fight the Long family for a useless person. "Another elder also spoke.

"That's right, you want Ximen Hairy"

The elders began to reprimand Ximen Fengfeng one by one, and finally Ximen Fengfeng couldn't bear it anymore, looked at the group of elders with bloodthirsty eyes, and said to a group of Ximen's elders: "You old bastards, I It has long been seen that you will not postpone it, you are less likely to rely on the old and sell the old here, and tell you that you promise to agree to this matter today, and you agree to it, or you don’t agree to it, otherwise you will never even think about walking out of this door."

"What, Ximen Fengfeng, do you want to rebel? Don't forget that our elders have the right to dismiss you as the patriarch." The head elder said angrily to Ximen Fengfeng.

"Hehe, you are the ones who have the right to dismiss me, and even more have the right to control all the power of the family. Without your permission, it would be difficult for me to mobilize a lot of power, but you old guys can move now and use your skills." Ximen Fengfeng was happy He laughed and said to those elders with a sinister smile.

Seeing Ximen Fengfeng's expression, those elders started to feel agitated in their hearts, and secretly used their internal strength, but to their surprise, they couldn't use it. When they wanted to stand up and blame Ximen Fengfeng, they found that they didn't even have any strength No, the whole bone is soft.

"Shixiang Ruanjinsan, Ximen Fengfeng, you are so despicable for using this thing on us." An elder on the left said to Ximen Fengfeng.

"Hehe, I'm despicable? You're not mistaken, I remember that you guys taught me to use this thing. How could I use this thing to kill my brother and be with him more than ten years ago without your guidance? Where are the five elders?" At this moment, Ximen Fengfeng laughed wildly, and while laughing, he walked over and slapped the elder who said he was despicable, and the elder fell to the ground and died on the spot without even screaming.

"Don't, don't, Ximen Feifeng, don't kill us, we will obey you, please let us go for the sake of the past." Seeing Ximen Feifeng attack so fiercely at this moment, a timid Ximen The elder of the family finally gave in and said to Ximen Fengfeng, but the other elders did not express any objection to this. Obviously, although they refused to speak, they also acquiesced in the elder's words, but at the moment they are still wandering or It's just that I can't save my face and ask Ximen to blow me a haircut.

Seeing such a scene, Ximen Fengfeng laughed wildly again and said to several elders: "Since all the elders are willing to cooperate, haha, don't worry, we will definitely win, and we will rely on you elders to deal with the Long family in the future." Well, after all, it's really hard to find a master like you."

At this moment, the head elder pondered for a while, and finally said to Ximen Fengfeng expressionlessly: "Okay, let's listen to you, and now bring out the antidote for Shixiang Ruanjin Powder."

"Hehe, Great Elder, you underestimate me, Ximen Fengfeng, who has been with you for so long, don't you think I don't know who you are? Let’s split up first, hehe, I know you very well as a great elder, you still think I’m an ignorant young man?” At this moment, Ximen Fengfeng didn’t take any action when he heard what the great elder said, instead he laughed and said to him.

The face of the Great Elder changed instantly. It was indeed as Ximen Fengfeng said, he really thought so just now. As the Great Elder of the Ximen family, his methods are not insincere. For this position, he will use any means. There are no despicable tricks. used?Not to mention his character, in terms of ruthlessness, Ximen Hairy would at most lift his shoes.

The Great Elder with a very ugly face saw that Ximen Fengfeng had seen through his measurement, and he didn't know what to do for a while. If he said that he was not afraid of death, no one would believe him. Chong then let out a sigh of relief and said to him, "Tell me, what exactly do you want to let us old guys go?"

"Hehe, don't be nervous, Great Elder, it's really nothing, I just let you eat this." Ximen Fengfeng still said to the elders with a smile on his face, and took out a bottle of pills from his hand and placed them on the elders. in front of them.

Several elders looked at each other, and they all saw the doubts and fears in each other's hearts. For a while, no one spoke again. After a while, it was the elder who spoke as a representative. He decided that it was Ximen Hairy who brought it out The beautifully crafted ceramic bottle looked at it again and again, and then slowly said to him: "Tell me, what is this, I watched you grow up, everything about you can be said to be taught to you by me, you will never You will bring us an irrelevant thing to eat, what is in it, you should know that we have no choice, just tell us, even if you die, let us die to understand."

"Hey, it's still the Great Elder, or Uncle, you know me best. It's really not an ordinary thing, but I spent a lot of effort to get it, and I can only come here after using the strength of my Ximen family for so many years. It's just one bottle, this thing is the Three Corpse Brain Pill." Ximen Fengfeng smiled sinisterly and said to the Great Elder, his uncle.

Hearing the name of the Three Corpse Brain God Pill, several elders all turned pale. If you want to say that this thing has a fierce reputation, it has been circulating in the world for hundreds of years and no one has ever been able to crack it. It can be said to be one of the three strange poisons in the world. , is one of the treasures of a cult Sun Moon God Sect hundreds of years ago, it is specially used to control others, if you eat this thing, you must obey its antidote holder absolutely, if you obey, you can get it once a year The Three Corpse Brain Pill is not only an antidote, but also a poison, which makes your body more poisonous, but if you decide to rebel, or if you have a bad heart, then if you don't get the antidote, you will definitely die, and your whole body will be like everything Ant piercing the heart, the pain is extremely painful, that's why the original Sun Moon God Sect used this thing to recruit many masters in the world, so that a small sect of them developed into the third largest sect that could compete with the evil sect and the righteous way in just a few decades. Power, Megatron martial arts, of course they do things unscrupulously, that's why they angered the demons and the righteous way of the rivers and lakes, and wiped them out completely. It was even banned by the martial arts and everything about it was destroyed.

The ancestors of the Ximen family naturally participated in this battle, and their four great families are known as the mainstay of the Jianghu Baidao. Naturally, they cannot be missing, so they also know a thing or two about the Three Corpse Brain God Pill. How many people have heard this? The faces of the elders changed. Although they were afraid of death, they were also afraid of becoming someone else's dog. There would be no point in living like that. They began to hesitate, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Hehe, think about it, elders, you won't die if you eat this thing, I just want you to help deal with the Long family, I don't want you to do anything, as long as you are obedient, you are still your elders, Status will not have any impact, you are still high above me, I just want to tie you to my chariot, and I don’t want to do anything else, of course, if you disagree, then I can only end the task of leading you Life, it was announced that several elders died of illness." At this moment, Ximen Fengfeng used the most traditional carrot and stick policy, and said to those elders.

This method is not very smart, but it is the most useful. After hearing what Ximen Feifeng said, although those elders were still a little hesitant, they did not have any choice as Ximen Feifeng said, and they still went one by one. They ate the Three Corpse Brain Pill, although they kept their names, they were truly slaves of Ximen Fengfeng.

Seeing those elders eat the three corpse brain pills one by one, Ximen Fengfeng started laughing wildly and walked out. The laughter was so wild and gloomy that it made people sweat for a while, especially those elders. Even more so, everyone's scalp was numb, and they began to regret whether their decision was correct, but there is no regret medicine in this world, even if they want to regret it now, they have no chance, because Ximen Fengfeng will not give them any chance, not at all. No.They can only follow Ximen Fengfeng's crazy footsteps and continue to live and die with him.

(End of this chapter)

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