Chapter 338
three days later

"How are you thinking?" A clear girl Aoyu is standing on the top of Kunlun at the moment, looking down at the earth, a clear girl urges Aoyu to ring from behind.

"I decided to cooperate with you." Aoyu turned around and looked at the young girl who did not know how old she was and said.

"Hehe, I knew it, you have no way to refuse me." The woman named Xiaobei, or the Holy Mother of Youming, said to Aoyu with a burst of laughter like silver bells.

Seeing her laughing, Aoyu also smiled, and said to the Holy Mother of Youming: "Hehe, I said to cooperate with you, but don't be too happy, what I want to tell you is that I know everything about you , the reason why I cooperate with you is because I think it is a very challenging task to cooperate with you. I like to challenge the difficulty, so I cooperated with you. Don’t play any tricks. I will leave my twenty thousand men to you Training, I hope you can give me back a batch of capable subordinates in a year, and I will help you when the time is right."

After hearing Aoyu's words, the face of the Holy Mother of the Umbrella changed, but she changed back quickly, and continued to smile: "Hehe, you are a smart person, I like it, and I like to challenge difficulties just like you, and you are A difficulty."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, I will release my subordinates immediately, and you will take care of them." Frankly speaking, Aoyu doesn't want to deal with this ghostly virgin now, because in his opinion, this woman in front of him is too dangerous. Yu doesn't like to deal with people who he is not fully sure of winning, especially when this person is a woman, because it will make Aoyu feel very humiliated.

Seeing Aoyu like this, the Holy Mother of Youming didn't speak, she laughed, she was very happy, she obviously knew what Aoyu was thinking after living for so many years, she took out a bottle and opened the mouth to Aoyu Said: "Let them out, I will collect it naturally, and I will return you [-] ghost generals in one year."

After hearing this, Aoyu nodded in satisfaction, let go of his [-] dead brothers, and then saw them being collected by the Holy Mother of Youming one by one. Aoyu was not afraid of the Holy Mother of Youming's change of mind, his [-] brothers It's just the soul, it's nothing to a master like her, she won't offend a master at the level of an immortal emperor for this benefit, so Aoyu can hand over his brothers with confidence, of course Aoyu has already explained the reason to them.

After taking away Aoyu's subordinates, when the Holy Mother of Youming wanted to say something more, Aoyu had disappeared from her eyes in an instant, she smiled at the direction Aoyu was going away, and didn't say anything, turned around and left here .

Aoyu, who returned to Tianmo Palace, did not stop any longer, and took Xia Xue and the others back to his home in the suburbs of Longjing. This is the newest house settled by Zhetian's staff, and it has been several months. Huanyu spent all its energy to build it, and its luxury has reached a terrifying level. It covers an area of ​​2000 mu, most of which are gardens. Aoyu spent a lot of energy on carefully arranging it.

After returning home, Mary first cheered and rushed into the house and began to choose the room she liked. Naturally, Huoyu and Xiaoyun followed her, and Xia Xue and the others looked at them with a smile, happy. laughed.

Of course, not only Aoyu and Xia Xue, but also Zhu Zimei, Long Jiu, and Catherine and their thirty blood clansmen moved here. Aoyu plans to use this place as his future home and name it "Xinyuan". ", put all his women here.

Aoyu has lived comfortably here, but other people can't be at ease. This person is none other than the Liu Ziyi who taught Aoyu a lesson in the martial arts conference. At this moment, she has been called back to the door. Kneeling in front of his master Jing An and several elders.

"Ziyi, what's going on? Why did you offend the young master of the Demon Sect? Can you explain the matter to me clearly?" Jing'an said to her disciple Liu Ziyi, her expression was obviously quite angry.

"Master, I didn't do it on purpose. That person is really too much. He even wanted to rebuild the Jiuyou Palace. The disciple couldn't see it, so he came out and said a few words." Liu Ziyi cried a little aggrieved to his master below. Jing An said.

"Oh, if that's the case, then it's okay. Don't worry. The Demon Gate has been established in Jianghu for so many years, and it won't trouble you because of such a trivial matter. You can go down first." At this moment, an elder listened to Liu Zi Yi's words obviously relieved her a lot, and said to her lightly.

"But..." Liu Ziyi listened to what his master said, thought about something, and then stood up and said to his master.

"But what?" Jing An asked curiously.

"But the disciple's words seem to have angered him. He is very hostile to our Misty Palace, and he even said that he wants to destroy us. The master of the Ximen family, Ximen Fengfeng, who spoke for me, is dead, and there is no one alive in the Ximen family, so the disciple is afraid. He will You won't keep making trouble for our Misty Palace." Liu Ziyi said to her master with a trembling voice, obviously she was also very afraid of her master punishing herself.

"What? What did you say?" After hearing Liu Ziyi's words, several elders of Misty Palace stood up and said loudly to her.

Seeing the expressions of the elders, Liu Ziyi was taken aback immediately. One must know that she has been educated since she was a child to uphold the righteousness of martial arts and dare to speak out, but she doesn't know why her elders suddenly lost her temper. Could it be that she did something wrong?Liu Ziyi suddenly felt aggrieved, but she didn't dare to say anything more. After all, the majesty of her master and several elders was there, so she had to succumb.

She had no choice but to repeat everything obediently.

After listening to her words, her elders calmed down. You look at me, I look at you, and they don't know what to say for a while. In fact, they also understand that the reason why Liu Ziyi talks like that is all because of her. Because of what I taught, thinking that Liu Ziyi was adopted by the Misty Palace since he was a child, his thoughts are naturally the same as those taught by the elders of the Misty Palace. It is not surprising that the words came.

In the end, it was Liu Ziyi's master Jing'an who said, "Ziyi, you caused the disaster, you have to solve it yourself."

"I can solve it myself?" Liu Ziyi was stunned after hearing what his master said, and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Well, solve it for yourself. Since the young master of the Demon Sect can challenge the martial arts for the witch of the Jiuyou Palace, he must also be a lustful person. Ziyi, you are no worse than the witch of the Jiuyou Palace You won’t do anything to our Misty Palace.” Jing’an said to Liu Ziyi, this is also a common method used by their Misty Palace, and it’s not like they haven’t used it before. The entire Misty Palace has no one except their past saints. I have rarely done such a thing. Although Liu Ziyi is a contemporary saint, according to the rules, she can't do this, but at this moment, those old guys naturally don't care so much when they are living and dying in Misty Palace, so Liu Ziyi can say He was abandoned by them without hesitation.

Hearing these words, Liu Ziyi was struck by lightning. She never thought that her master would say such words to herself. She also knew a little about those things in the door. Of course, in her opinion, it was all For the development of the sect, it is inevitable, besides, those junior sisters married in an aboveboard way, so it is not wronged them, but I didn't expect such a thing to fall on me, and I listened to the master's wishes so I couldn't use it All means must please Aoyu, making her completely lose the dignity of being a human being. You must know that Liu Ziyi is also acceptable if the opponent is a high-ranking and righteous person, but the opponent is the young master of the Demon Sect. Liu Ziyi, who takes the idea of ​​eliminating demons and defending Taoism, cannot accept it at all...

This made Liu Ziyi a little unacceptable for a while, biting her teeth, Liu Ziyi objected to her master for the first time and said: "Master, we are the righteous way of martial arts, how can we surrender to the crooked way? We should call on people to fight to the death with them, Ziyi is willing to die in battle."

What she said made sense, and people could understand it, but her master scolded her half to death in his heart, wondering why he didn't teach her to be more stupid in the first place?What this dead girl is thinking about is justice. It doesn't matter if she dies, but she can't drag herself down.

Seeing Liu Ziyi's resolute expression, her master Jing'an and the elders looked at each other, knowing that Liu Ziyi would not do what he wanted unless he took a strong medicine, so Jing'an knelt down with the elders with a "thump". In front of Liu Ziyi, she said to Liu Ziyi with snot and tears: "Ziyi, it's not that the master doesn't love you, it's because we have difficulties in our school. What you said is really good, but you also have to think about us." Misty Palace, our Misty Palace has been passed down for thousands of years, and it cannot be destroyed overnight, and if we die, who will destroy the demons and defend the way? You have to be patient, you are close to the devil to find his weakness, so that one day you can let him go We rise up again on the righteous way, kill demons, you have to understand the painstaking efforts of the master, I beg you as a master, for the sake of the world, you agree."

Liu Ziyi's head was completely messed up by Jing'an and the others. Seeing the master's expression, she didn't know what to say for a moment. Although she didn't want to, she nodded and agreed, and tears shed unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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