Chapter 346 I Am Wang Fa

After Aoyu finished dealing with Xia Xue and the others' affairs, he knocked on those subordinates around him to make them feel a bit in danger, and then selected 5000 elite subordinates from Momen, Zhetian, and Long's family , Lin Tianfeng led the team to the front and went to Tokyo to set up camp. Although the forces that shroud the sky have not yet reached there, everything is going well with Huanyu, an economic giant. With Huanyu's ability, he wants to provide them with a place to stay The location and all the information are not difficult, so Lin Tianfeng took these people carefully selected by Aoyu to go to Tokyo one step at a time, preparing to do a big job, to cooperate with the inside and outside, and let those little devils eat Can't walk around.

But Aoyu swayed leisurely and didn't arrive at the school until the next day. He had to go with the staff organized by the school.

Originally, it was supposed to gather in the principal's office at eight o'clock in the morning, and then go to Tokyo according to the school's arrangement after listening to the principal's instruction for a while, but Aoyu didn't come to the principal's office until after ten o'clock. At the door, he pushed the door open without saying hello and walked in. After entering, Aoyu realized that there was already a room full of people. The people standing in the room were all looking at Aoyu. Aoyu didn't care, and just talked to everyone Looking at each other, it’s okay if you don’t look at it, but you’re shocked when you see it, how can this be a school exchange? It's just a concentration camp for beauties, and there must be a few talented students with glasses, otherwise Aoyu really doubts the nature of this school's communication.

"Hehe, classmate Long, you are finally here. We have been waiting for you for a long time." Seeing Aoyu coming, the principal immediately walked up happily and said to Aoyu. At this moment, he saw that Aoyu was finally leaving here Don't mention how happy I am, after all, this disaster is gone, and Huaxia University will be at peace from now on.

"Hehe, yes, principal, do you have anything else to explain?" Aoyu also said with a smile at this time, after all there are so many people, Aoyu still wants to save some face for the principal.

It was very surprising to see Aoyu being so polite, but who is the principal?Having been around for so many years, he has already developed a super thick skin, seeing Aoyu being polite, he started to climb the pole and said to Aoyu: "Student Long, I have explained to them for a long time just now and I have some things to explain to you. "

After finishing speaking, the principal was about to start his long speech, but although Aoyu didn't show it at this time, he said with an unfriendly look on his brows: "Really? Principal, I wonder if you have something to explain?"

The principal obviously also saw Aoyu's expression, so he immediately gave up the tempting idea of ​​having a long speech with Aoyu, coughed twice and said to Aoyu: "Here, Aoyu classmate, twelve of you come Going to the University of Tokyo naturally requires a team leader. After thinking about it for a long time, I still think that you are the most suitable team leader. After all, you are the best among so many students. What will happen in the future, you as the team leader Of course we have to take care of them."

"En" Aoyu naturally understands what this old fox principal means. He just wants himself to be the team leader so that he can take care of these students. If there is anything he can do for them, they will not be hurt. For this Aoyu naturally understands the principal's thoughts, and it's okay to be under the care of his compatriots. The principal is also out of kindness, but Aoyu feels a little unhappy that he was tricked by this old fox for no reason, so he responded lightly and told the principal to be okay. Awkward.

The principal saw that Aoyu didn't give him face and didn't care about Aoyu. After all, he knew that if he got into disputes with Aoyu, he must be the one who suffered, so he turned to the other 11 people and said, "You should listen to classmate Long if you have anything to do. Yes, do whatever you want to do in the future and try to communicate with each other as much as possible, after all, you are far away in a foreign country, and you need to take care of each other, although this exchange time is only a short year, but I hope you can unite, you know?"

"Yes, principal, we know." These people really gave the principal a lot of face, including the extremely indifferent Bei Mingbing, they all answered "Yes", which made the principal quite satisfied, and he automatically filtered out Aoyu's disrespect.

But it is not so easy to calculate, he has calculated Aoyu Aoyu will not let him go, only at this time Aoyu said: "Principal, you also know that our students are very poor, what is the cost of living in Tokyo?" What should I do?"

What he said is true, except for Bei Mingbing, Murong Piaoxue, Nangong Rui'er, and Makino Yingzi who is planning to go back to Tokyo with Aoyu this time, other people's family backgrounds are not very good, so this is indeed the case The most concerned issue of the help exchange is because after all, the consumption level there is very high. If the school does not help, then their life will really be a problem.

However, this word from Aoyu's mouth made people feel funny no matter how they heard it, and Nangong Rui'er, who knew Aoyu's family, had burst out laughing, which made everyone unconscious Looking at her, Nangong Rui'er blushed for a while, and when everyone continued to listen to the principal's speech, she sneakily made a face at Aoyu when no one was paying attention.

The principal didn't show any other expressions for their performance, he also knew that Aoyu was looking for trouble for him, although he was complaining in his heart, he still smiled and said to everyone: "This school naturally has arrangements, you can rest assured , your boarding school there has already been arranged, you don’t have to worry, just tell me if you have any other requirements.”

"Oh, principal, you have to know that the consumption over there is very high. Don't we usually have other lives there? Isn't this difficult for us? Do you think the school will give more living allowances or something like that?" After hearing this, Aoyu was naturally not polite to the principal, and still said to the principal with a harmless expression on his face.

"Really? In this case, student Aoyu, how much do you think is appropriate?" The principal's expression changed a few times after hearing Aoyu's words, but in order to send Aoyu away, he could only admit it, and said to Aoyu.

"Well, let me think about it, how can we say that the annual consumption of the 12 people should give you 200 million, the principal, otherwise we might as well not go." Aoyu opened his mouth like a lion, did he care about this little money? , just seeing the old guy opposite me plotting against me felt uncomfortable, that's why I said such words, with the intention of making the principal bleed.

Hearing Aoyu's words, the headmaster's expression turned pale, but finally he gritted his teeth and agreed. Aoyu's words have been made very clear. If you don't give it to me, you won't leave. There is no way to send Going away from Aoyu, the god of plague, although he was unwilling in his heart, the principal could only endure the pain and bleed profusely. After all, if Aoyu was allowed to stay here, who would know what would happen to him, but if he knew Aoyu, he really wanted to If I go, will I be so angry that I vomit blood.

In the end, the meeting ended when the principal was bleeding heavily. After all, the principal was not in the mood to pay attention to them at the moment. After sending them to the airport with a teacher, he ran to the office alone to feel sorry for them.

Twelve people arrived at the airport together in a large minibus prepared by the school. The school teacher sent them to the plane before leaving with peace of mind.

And beside Aoyu, I don't know whether it was the principal's intention or not, it turned out to be Jiang Yuzhu. After Aoyu looked at Jiang Yuzhu's seat, he said to her: "Yuzhu, what's wrong with you recently, I don't see you all the time."

After hearing Aoyu's words, Jiang Yuzhu lowered his head and whispered to Aoyu: "Do you still care about me?"

Although the voice was very low, Aoyu still heard it. Aoyu smiled at Jiang Yuzhu and said, "Why don't I care about you? You should know that we are friends, right?"

"Yes, we are just friends." Jiang Yuzhu was not only not happy when he heard Aoyu's words, but even more depressed, he lowered his head and murmured in a low voice.

Seeing Jiang Yuzhu's appearance, Aoyu also understands what she wants to write in her heart. Aoyu knows that sometimes a man has to take the initiative, and with Aoyu's face, he is not afraid of anything, and Aoyu just saw Jiang Yuzhu's touch I also found that I really felt a pain in my heart, so after a pause, Aoyu said to Jiang Yuzhu, "Yuzhu, actually... Actually I like you, do you know? When I saw you for the first time, I There is a special feeling, I don’t know if it’s love, but I know I don’t want to see you sad, I haven’t told you because I don’t know if I really love you in my heart, maybe it’s just you Your appearance attracted me, and I didn't want to hurt you, so I never said love to you, but just now I knew that I really love you, because I was really heartbroken seeing you just now, so I know I really like you, and I don't want to see you sad."

Jiang Yuzhu doesn't know why Aoyu suddenly said this to him, but what is certain is that Jiang Yuzhu immediately raised his head after hearing this, and looked straight at Aoyu with an incredible look, as if Some people don't believe that he would say such a thing, but it is no wonder, after all, it is really surprising that Aoyu can say such a thing.

"What did you say?" Jiang Yuzhu held Aoyu's hand excitedly and said.

"I said, I like you, I love you, I hope you can be with me." Aoyu said to Jiang Yuzhu seriously.

"Really?" Jiang Yuzhu couldn't believe that happiness would suddenly come to him like this, his heart was full of excitement, and he said to Aoyu in an unbelievable tone.

"Of course, I'm serious, you don't believe me?" Aoyu stared at Jiang Yuzhu and said to her.

"No, no, I'm just a little skeptical. Why did happiness suddenly come to me? Aoyu, do you know? Actually, I like you too. Although I have never been in a relationship, I know that I really like you. When I saw you I knew I couldn't live without you, you know? How much my heart ached when I knew you had so many women? How many times did I cry behind my back? You know How happy I was when I heard you say this to me." Jiang Yuzhu was obviously very excited, and he was a little incoherent when he spoke.

"Well, I know" Aoyu laughed.

"You know? I like you? But so what if you know, we are impossible, I understand you, you can't give up other women for me, right? But I can't accept it, I really can't accept it, I don’t know how I will face my mother and my friends if I accept you. If I am with you, then what am I? A lover? Or a mistress?” Although Jiang Yuzhu loves Aoyu, but Jiang Yuzhu, who was educated in monogamy since childhood, obviously couldn't accept the fact that Aoyu had a lot of women.

"No, you are my woman, and you will be my wife from now on. Both them and you are my wife. This is my guarantee to you. As for Xia Xue and the others you mentioned, I really can't give up. If you give up on them, then I can give up on you for others in the future, do you want me like this? Yu Zhu, although I know that I am very fickle, but please believe me, I will treat you well." Aoyu said to Jiang Yuzhu said with sincerity.

"But, will the law allow it?" Jiang Yuzhu was undeniably moved after hearing Aoyu's words. She could feel that Aoyu was telling the truth, but she was a little confused. After all, what Aoyu said was in Jiang Yuzhu's The concept is not realistic, so she asked Aoyu a little confused, hoping to find a satisfactory answer from Aoyu, although her rationality told herself that it was impossible, but her feelings unconsciously chose In order to believe in Aoyu, I believe that Aoyu can give me a satisfactory answer, I believe that Aoyu can bring me happiness.

Hearing Jiang Yuzhu's words, Aoyu's face did not show the sadness and confusion of ordinary people. Instead, he smiled disdainfully and said to Jiang Yuzhu: "Law? What is law? Law is just an excuse for powerful people to exploit people. Law It's just a rich man's plaything, the law is not as unbreakable as you imagine, the law? As long as you have enough power and enough money, it is just a piece of paper, the law is just a gorgeous coat for the upper class to confuse all beings, the law is Give the upper class a reasonable excuse to exploit the common people. To put it bluntly, as long as you have power, the law is nothing at all. In this world, only power is the truth. As long as you have power, you have everything. I can only decide for myself, no matter who it is or what it does, no one in this world can restrain me, I am the sky, I am the earth, and I am the law of the king.”

(End of this chapter)

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