Chapter 354

"Boss, warehouse No. 9 is in front of you." A subordinate said to Miyagi Sanqi, pointing to a warehouse not far ahead.

After hearing what his subordinates said, Miyagi Sanqi's eyes lit up, and he shouted to the subordinates behind: "Brothers, kill me."

After finishing speaking, Miyagi Sanqi was the first to rush in. Those subordinates saw that their boss took the lead, but they were unwilling to lag behind. After Miyagi Sanqi, they rushed over and killed all the way in. They didn't save bullets and aimed at the warehouse for a while. Sweeping wildly, tens of thousands of people and tens of thousands of bullets instantly smashed the entire No. [-] warehouse, that super-large granary into a fishing net, but the screams they imagined were not found in the warehouse, and there was not even a single person's voice.

With doubts, several subordinates cleared the way, and Miyagi Sanqi entered the huge No. 9 warehouse, but when he entered, he found that there was no one inside. At this time, Miyagi Sanqi immediately realized that something was wrong, and his opponents shouted: "Go, we've been tricked."

But at this time, they obviously had no chance to escape, because when they just entered the No. 9 warehouse, someone had already started watching them on a high platform in the distance.

There are several people standing on the high platform at the moment, and one of them is Lin Tianfeng. At this moment, he said to his subordinates: "How is the matter going?"

"Elder Lin, everything is proceeding according to the young master's plan. They have entered the No. 9 warehouse now. Do you think we should do it now?" The subordinate stood respectfully beside Lin Tianfeng and said to him.

Hearing what his subordinates said, Lin Tianfeng smiled with satisfaction, and said to the two subordinates beside him: "Well, Sun Hu, you do it now, and Zhou Ren, you lead 100 people to intercept those remnants at the door of the 9-hao warehouse. You must do it!" It doesn't matter if you shoot or kill."

"Yes" the two subordinates responded in unison, and Zhou Ren immediately left and led his men to the door of the No. [-] warehouse to intercept the remnants of the Miyagi family who were about to escape, but Sun Hu pressed a red button.

When his finger pressed lightly, there was only a loud bang, and No. 4 Warehouse exploded. The impact of the blow blew up the entire huge Jiuhao Warehouse, and the raging fire burned the entire Jiuhao Warehouse. In Miyagi three incidents, they were instantly blown to pieces without even a chance to escape. Only a few subordinates in the distance were not harmed. They fled to the door together, but obviously their lives depended on this today. Zhou Ren had already led his men to ambush them there. When the panicked Miyagi family men rushed out, they heard bursts of intense gunshots. Before the Miyagi family members could react, the bullets had penetrated. Looking at the piles of corpses, Zhou Ren smiled disdainfully, and then led his men to encircle and suppress the members of the Miyagi family within [-] blocks.

It turns out that Aoyu's intelligence organization has figured out the other party's intentions long ago, and Aoyu has arranged everything before the other party's action. You must know that although Aoyu's Mie Sun Group has just been established and nothing is perfect, Aoyu The intelligence network covering the sky in his hands can be said to be pervasive, plus the information networks of the Long Family and the Demon Sect are superimposed and summarized, the information in Aoyu's hands can be said to be the most well-informed. It is no exaggeration to say, what color is the Prime Minister wearing today? All of Aoyu's subordinates were involved in the case, not to mention the news of the action against Aoyu. When the five gangsters made up their minds to take action against the Mieri Group, this information was sent to Aoyu's immediately. In the hands, that’s why there is such a thing. There are really not many people ambushing in the No. 100 warehouse, only about 400 people. Their main task is nothing else but to clean up the residue. There are 4 people who have already retreated at Miyagi’s house. Waiting on the road, Aoyu had already thought of the other party, and he would definitely attack Warehouse No. [-], his garrison point in the [-]th block to the west, so he had already planted enough TNT explosives here to blow up Warehouse No. [-] to the sky, of course. Everything was done by the people from Huanyu, and Aoyu from the Mieri group didn't move a single thing, and used it all to attract the enemy, lest the enemy get suspicious.

A loud noise shook a dozen or so neighborhoods nearby, especially Miyagi's house was closest to the No. 500 warehouse. Hearing the loud noise, they knew something must have happened to their boss. They began to retreat. When they were about to retreat back to their own territory, the upstairs on both sides was lit up. Hundreds of submachine guns spewed out countless fire snakes, which were mixed with grenades. You must know that the Miyagi Sanqi only sent 4 People came to sweep the 500 blocks to the west, and there was no one more person at all. Although the 400 vs. [-] had an advantage in numbers, their weapons were behind the opponent, and the quality of the personnel was not as good as the opponent. Besides, they were eager to escape at this time. Thinking about fighting, the opponent was ambushing again, so that they no longer had the idea of ​​​​resistance in their hearts. Before fighting for a while, they shouted in birdsong to surrender. The person in charge of the operation disarmed them and arrested them. , and then reported the news to Lin Tianfeng. After careful consideration, Lin Tianfeng decided to kill all these individuals. At this moment, there is no extra power to take care of them. People are not afraid of not being able to catch captives.

Under Lin Tianfeng's order, those members of the Miyagi family who surrendered were beaten into hornet's nests by machine guns. The speed to deal with the enemy.

But Aoyu's side is much easier to deal with. There are quite a few masters left by Aoyu's side. When Aoyu goes out, his guards naturally follow around. Although half of them are left to protect Xia Xue and the others, they follow him to Tokyo. There are still more than 100 people, and there are also 36 envoys from the Demon Gate who came with Lin Tianfeng. Of course, they are not included in the establishment of 5000 people.

In Miyagi, Oda, and Mukoda, after their actions, Kiyomi Kuno and Takasato began to mobilize their troops, and their men were killed one by one from the fields near them. The site was originally very close to the site of the Mingdao Society, but it was only a crossroad. The west of the intersection was the site of the Mingdao Society, and the east of the intersection was the site of the Jiuye family, so after hearing the west, south, and north, When there was a gunshot, Jiu Ye Qingming began to send people to pay attention to the territory of the black-clothed army. When they saw groups of men and horses in black clothes rushing out of the nearby field and rushing in all directions, Jiuye Qingming finally began to give orders for his subordinates to do it, because according to his information, the mysterious black army only had 5000 people, 1000 were released from the south, 500 from the north, and 1000 from the west. There are about 2500 people left, and more than 1000 people left just now. Now the Black Army has a maximum of 1500 people in the east, or maybe even fewer, and there is a full 8000 of the two families on my side. There is no reason to fight. If you don't win, let alone you are still making a surprise attack, you are sure to win.

After receiving the order, Jiuye's subordinates rushed out of their invisible place and began to attack Aoyu's territory. They each had a weapon in their hands, all of which were American-style equipment, and they were advanced. It was obvious from a glance that they were people who often participated in battles. When they rushed to Aoyu's territory, Jiuye's car also drove over. A car was surrounded by men and horses holding guys, and it looked really spectacular.

When Jiuye's car drove to Aoyu's site, he looked at the tall buildings on both sides of the intersection, and suddenly had an ominous feeling, but at this moment he was already dazzled by the victory in front of him, thinking that the victory was within his grasp, so he didn't care about it at all .

When the people of their two families followed them into Aoyu's site, after passing the main road where the two sites meet, they rushed to the surrounding 8 blocks, but at this moment, the buildings on both sides of the intersection, "Boom "Collapsed with a sound, apparently being blown to the ground, Jiuye and his men were startled and looked towards the intersection, but there was obviously no time for them to look at it at this time, and the gunshots from upstairs immediately rang When I got up, thousands of fire snakes erupted at the same time, among which were mixed with small mortar shells. The glass downstairs shattered one by one, and countless bullet holes were suddenly produced on the flat ground, and one by one was shot by grenades and mortars. In the small crater blown out by the mortar, blood flowed into the ground in an instant. Most of the Jiuye family and Takao family were killed before they had time to resist. They wanted to hide in the shops on both sides, but they found the door They couldn't open it no matter what, but they had no choice but to brave the fire snakes upstairs on both sides and rush forward. Only there was no enemy, and only there was their only chance to survive. At this time, they didn't care about so many. Many people dropped their weapons, resisted an iron plate, or a water well cover, and ran desperately to the street, because they knew that only there was their only chance to survive.

The street is not very long, at most 200 meters, but this short 200 meters caused more than half of the 8000 people of the two families to fall down. The members of Takao's family fell down one by one, blood flowing like rivers, Kiyomi Kino and Ri Takao got out of the car and led their men to run desperately to the street. Several large trucks were blocked, and there were hundreds of people in black military uniforms squatting on the car at this moment, holding the black muzzle of a submachine gun in their hands, facing Jiuye Qingming who was rushing towards him without any weapons in his hands. At the moment, Che Sashang was standing with a golden, shoulder-length man of yellow race, looking at them with a smile on his face, his expression was full of jokes.

(End of this chapter)

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