Chapter 361 The Split Yamaguchi-gumi
Aoyu walked very gracefully, and after Aoyu left, his subordinates retreated one by one, leaving behind the panicked crowd and Ichiro Yamaguchi who was full of anger. Of course, Ichiro Yamaguchi saved his life by doing this today. But they lost their prestige. Although all the people dared not say anything, the eyes they looked at Yamaguchi changed a little. It was no longer awe at the beginning, but contempt. Of course, they did not dare to speak out such contempt. After all The current Yamaguchi is still the leader of the Yamaguchi-gumi, and their power is not something they can offend, but in their hearts they have already regarded Yamaguchi as the object of their contempt.

Tang Yanran looked at the direction in which Aoyu was going away, and inexplicably became a little bit more excited. Although a person of her level did not know Aoyu's identity, a thought popped up in her heart, "Maybe, he can really help me. "

The two wretched men in the corner heaved a sigh of relief at the same time after seeing Aoyu and the others leave, wiped off the cold sweat and said to the people around him: "Mr. Yoshikawa, fortunately, fortunately we didn't come out just now, this master is really vicious , I rushed in without even noticing his people."

"Yeah, Yamada-san, my heart was about to come out just now. You know this guy has a bad temper. If he gets interested, he might kill us too. This idiot, Yamaguchi, is actually being attacked by so many people." Come in and do such a thing that insults the honor of our great empire, I'm afraid he won't be able to be the team leader for long." Another wretched man also let out his breath and said gloatingly.

After hearing his words, the wretched man named Yamada immediately became excited, and said to him: "Hey, yes, this guy Yamaguchi is alive, will it be easier to go back, those elders of his family will not let him go passed him."

"No, Yamada-kun, you are wrong. This guy Yamaguchi has been the team leader for so many years, and his power is no longer what those elders can shake. But what he did this time is really too embarrassing. I'm afraid the Yamaguchi group The second is about to split, hehe, that person is really shrewd, he actually made such an idea, it seems that it will be uneasy again." The wretched man Yoshikawa said to Yamada.

Hearing this, Yamada's face changed, and he said to Yoshikawa: "Then we have no chance? I'm afraid it will not be that simple if the one who takes the initiative, see if we should help that guy from Yamaguchi, after all, if Zhe If the sky comes in, we will have no good fruit to eat."

"No, Yamada-kun, I'm afraid that person has already come in. Didn't you see those people just now? They are dressed in black. Don't you think they look very similar to a certain force that has risen recently? I have always wondered why those few Don’t you think it’s strange why the Tokyo Police Department suddenly dispatched troops to wipe out the gangsters, even the Self-Defense Forces, when gangsters affiliated to a large group want to fight each other?” the wretched man Yoshikawa said meaningfully.

Yamada can be the team leader of the rice field team, although he looks a bit wretched, but he is not an idiot. Hearing what Yoshikawa said, his eyes flashed, and he said to Yoshikawa: "You mean, the hand that covers the sky has already been stretched out, black clothes Is the army their people?"

Yoshikawa didn't speak, just smiled and nodded in agreement.

Seeing Yoshikawa like this, Yamada thought for a moment and said to Yoshikawa: "Since Yoshikawa-kun didn't tell this matter, he must be trying to get some benefits from here. Attacking, it can only prove that they do not have the strength to attack in an all-round way now, or they are scruples about something and dare not attack in an all-out way, ha ha, Yoshikawa-kun, do you think so? But will the black dragon regard us as eating the Yamaguchi-gumi?. "

"Hey, Yoshikawa-kun, you are right, will the black dragon just sit back and watch us eat the Yamaguchi-gumi that is about to split, that's why I have to cover the sky, and we can do things well if they block the black dragon association." Yoshikawa said extremely sinister Said.

"But Yoshikawa-kun, is Zhetian so easy to use?" Yamada is obviously quite tempted by this plan, but he is not at ease about the bold plan of using Zhetian to deal with the Black Dragon Association. No one is a fool, Zhetian The sky is not so easy to use. If it is not successful, the consequences will be terrible.

"I have only one way, Yamada-kun, don't worry." Yoshikawa said slowly and confidently. Both of them were dazed in front of the interests. Although Yamada was afraid, he thought that he was about to occupy the huge territory of the Yamaguchi-gumi. There was a burst of excitement, fear, and all fear was completely forgotten by him, but the truth was not as good as they thought.

The two of them were discussing sinisterly, but Yamaguchi Ichiro on the other side was having a hard time. He looked at Aoyu's faraway square with resentment, and Yamaguchi Ichiro could only sigh helplessly. The distance is special, and he is not in the mood now. What he thinks about is nothing else, but how he should go back to face those family elders. You must know that although he has been the leader of the Yamaguchi group for so long, The control over the Yamaguchi-gumi is not small, but those family elders are quite dissatisfied with themselves, because they have touched their interests, so they have always wanted to get rid of themselves. Now they have no reason not to do it at this opportunity. What Yamaguchi Ichiro has to do now The most important thing is to lead his cronies back, quickly control the overall situation, and prevent this news from leaking out, otherwise the Yamaguchi-gumi may have civil strife.

When Ichiro Yamaguchi hurriedly led his men back to the villas of Dao Yamaguchi’s family, he found that something was wrong. The faces of the guards at the gate were a bit questionable. Yamaguchi kept beating drums in his heart, but he quickly told himself that this was his own. It works in his heart, he has been the team leader for many years, he is still sure about this, so he doesn't care about it, but the problem is that he is too sure, too confident.

"Yamaguchi Ichiro, can you plead guilty to what you did today?" When Yamaguchi just walked into the lobby, he found that there were dozens of old men in the lobby, and one of the oldest guys was facing Yamaguchi Ichiro Roared, this person is the great elder of the Yamaguchi family, Kenren Yamaguchi, and he is speaking to Ichiro Yamaguchi with an angry face at this moment.

"What did I do? You old guys dare to treat me like this. You have to know that I am the team leader. If you treat me like this, it is a crime. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Ichiro Yamaguchi listened to their tone at this moment He knew that the matter was brought to light, but he still pretended to quibble.

"Hmph, Yamaguchi, do you still want to argue today? Tell you that what you have done has insulted our great empire. The shameful behavior of our Yamaguchi-gumi has been told to the elders. Today you will undoubtedly die." Yamaguchi Kenren looked serious Said.

It is said that the person who came out behind him was Ichiro Yamaguchi's younger sister, and her sister said to Ichiro Yamaguchi: "Brother, it's fine if you kill Ichito Norihito, why do you want to kill our son Hirohito? You can't blame me, it's really what you did."

After hearing this, Ichiro Yamaguchi couldn't bear it any longer. Not only did he lose face today, but he also got exposed about his incest with his sister. He knew that if he didn't leave, he might die here today. Since those old guys want to deal with him It is impossible to be unprepared. The only way now is to escape, and then use the power in your hands to regroup the troops and come back to kill these old and immortal guys. You must know that history is written by the strong, as long as you kill these old people. Asshole, then naturally no one dares to say anything.

"Hey, Yamaguchi, you're going to die today, and the family will punish you, a scum." Kennin Yamaguchi said with a smile to Ichiro Yamaguchi.

Cooperating with his words was a group of family children who rushed in from the outside at an unknown time, each holding a submachine gun in their hands, and the muzzles of the guns were coldly facing Ichiro Yamaguchi, which was shocking to watch.

"Murakami, take me away." Yamaguchi Ichiro looked coldly at the subordinates who rushed in, and suddenly shouted loudly.

As soon as Yamaguchi's voice fell, a smoky egg appeared in the hall. When everyone reflected, Ichiro Yamaguchi had disappeared.

Looking at the place where Yamaguchi disappeared, Kennin Yamaguchi looked there with cannibalistic eyes, and said, "Iga Tonin, I will take revenge, you wait for Yamaguchi Ichiro and Iga Ryu."

Izumi Yamaguchi escaped with the help of the special ninja Haruki Murakami who came to protect him from the Iga school. After he came out, Yamaguchi immediately ran to a secret residence of his own, where he began to gather his confidants. You must know that the time for the incident to happen is too short. Those elders simply didn't have time to eliminate Yamaguchi's confidants. Under Yamaguchi's call, a large number of him gathered around him, broke away from the Yamaguchi group and formed a new gang "Yachi", and invited Iga Liu The ninjas came to help out and helped him regain the power of the Yamaguchi-gumi, and the elders were not idle. They quickly took over everything in the Yamaguchi-gumi. Those who were dissatisfied with Ichiro Yamaguchi or wavering were all taken under their hands. At the same time, they invited the ninja's mortal enemy samurai, and a large number of Yagyu Xinyinliu samurai joined their camp. For a while, the Yamaguchi group split into two opposing organizations. The battle started immediately, but that's it. The battle between the two organizations continued. Although a large-scale battle did not break out, it would be a matter of time.

And not only that, because Iga Ryu rescued Ichiro Yamaguchi, he became enmity with the Yamaguchi-gumi. The elders of the Yamaguchi-gumi specially invited the masters of Yagyu Xinyinliu to help out and help deal with Yamaguchi. Now the struggle will escalate. When they arrived in the practice world, the two sides began to confront each other formally, and the situation changed suddenly, and a big battle was about to break out.

(End of this chapter)

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