Chapter 369 Tokyo Massacre

After hearing Lin Tianfeng's words, Yoshikawa Goro and Yamada Ichiro's expression changed. Although they knew that the other party didn't care much about their ally, they didn't expect that the other party would be so unreasonable. This made them feel a little unacceptable. If they are strong and there are no masters on their side, it is estimated that the two of them have already attacked Lin Tianfeng.

"Mr. Lin, I will convey your words to your godfather. I think he will deal with it." Yoshikawa Goro stood up and said to Lin Tianfeng. At this moment, he can't say anything else except this. After all, they He didn't dare to really provoke Lin Tianfeng.

"Whatever." Lin Tianfeng said to the two of them indifferently, he was not afraid that Aoyu would deal with him for this matter, according to Aoyu's character, not only would he not punish Lin Tianfeng, but he might even praise him greatly.

Hearing Lin Tianfeng's words, the two of them immediately became furious, and were about to take their defeated generals to wipe out the remaining 3 horses of the Yamaguchi-gumi and leave, but at this moment a voice sounded, saying: "Yamada Ichiro, Yoshikawa Goro, you two You can go, leave Tokyo now, and the rest will stay."

The voice was none other than Aoyu, he was already alone at the moment, and Nangong Rui'er sent him away, and asked her to wait for him elsewhere, because he absolutely changed his plan just now, since he was about to start a full-scale war with the little devil Then I don't have any need to worry about it, since I want to kill, then kill it happily, but Ao Yu doesn't want Nangong Rui'er to see such a bloody scene, although this girl has a stubborn mouth, Ao Yu dares to bet that if she sees Considering the upcoming scene, it is estimated that Nangong Rui'er will not be able to eat for at least a month or two.

As soon as Aoyu's words fell, a large number of people from outside had already rushed over. Teams of iron-blooded elites resisted their weapons and blocked the entire street where the three gangs of the Yamaguchi group and the three gangs were fighting. Rows of machine guns have already been set up. These people sneaked up when the three gangs were concentrating on fighting just now, and the two exits of the street were already blocked by several main battle tanks. , the sound of two armed helicopters came from the sky, it was obvious that Zhetian was preparing for a big move, and the content of the move was self-evident.

"Godfather, what are you planning to do?" Kazuo Yamada said to Aoyu who appeared not far in front of him with a trembling voice, obviously he was quite afraid of Aoyu, and he also knew that the other party was coming after seeing this formation It's not good, but the men on my side are basically wounded, and the weapons are out of bullets. Although there are more people than the opponent, if there is a fight, it will definitely be me who will suffer. How can I make him not afraid.

"Hey, what are you doing? What do you think? Now I will give you two a chance, leave now, otherwise hey" Aoyu said to the two with a wicked smile.

After hearing Aoyu's words, the two of them already started to break out in cold sweat. They knew that the other party was doing something wrong, but at this moment, how could they resist each other?So he could only sigh helplessly, Yoshikawa Goro finally came out, and said to Aoyu with his trembling voice: "Godfather, you can't do this, you have to know that we are allies."

"Allies? Haha, maybe they were in the past, but not now. You have to be clear that we Huaxia people and you people will never be allies. At most, they are just using each other. Don't make things so nice and tell you that it is not right now. Get out, there is no chance." Aoyu laughed when he heard Yoshikawa Goro's words, and to be honest, if he didn't think that these two guys should go out to attract firepower, Aoyu would not even let the two of them go. Aoyu has already made up his mind to destroy all the people here. The Nanjing Massacre they committed back then killed more than 30 of their own people. It is not too much to kill 10,000+ of them, right?

As for Kazuo Yamada and Goro Yoshikawa, of course Aoyu will let these two guys go. After all, Kenren Yamaguchi has seen the cooperation between Zhetian and the Inada team and the Yoshikawa team just now. At that time, the two organizations were really shouting for beatings. As long as I didn't kill these two guys, it would be difficult for these two people to defend themselves after they went out. Hehe, it must have been a mess at that time , Aoyu still has a little understanding of these two organizations. It can be said that these two organizations have been completely controlled by Kazuo Yamada and Goro Yoshikawa. There will be no situation like the Yamaguchi-gumi, let alone these two guys. But Wo Lidou is a first-class expert, cleaning up the interior, and all the forces that dared to resist were completely cleaned up by them.

Kazuo Yamada and Yoshikawa Goro felt the hatred in their hearts at this moment, and they were not idiots. Of course they understood Aoyu's meaning at this moment, and their hearts were full of remorse. They were dominated by greed, so they cooperated with the wolf that shrouded the sky. The Yamaguchi group suffered a great loss, and even they were tricked by others. They knew that if they went out, they might become the public enemy of the people, but they had no choice. Who would make their own lives more important? Between life and surrender During this time, the two of them chose to give in without a doubt, and left here under the watchful eyes of everyone. Only the remaining disciples of Yagyu Xinyinliu and nearly [-] members of the three major gangsters were left on the field. Panicked, not all of these people were idiots, and after seeing the scene just now, they knew that nothing good would happen today.

They thought about resisting, but looking at the black muzzles around them, they could only choose to remain silent. Who in this society is really not afraid of death?There may have been before, but now it may be harder to find someone who is not afraid of death. They dare not resist and can only look at each other helplessly, and look at Aoyu and the others with begging eyes.

Aoyu couldn't help sneering at these people, yes, now they look pitiful, so wronged, as if they are innocent, indeed as a gang member, everything they do is assigned by the superior, these people It may be to join the gang for life, or to join the gang for the sake of ideals. It sounds innocent, but who dares to say that they have not done bad things after joining the three major organizations?Hmph, to say gangsters are not bad is pure nonsense, they are not worthy of pity.

What's more, many of these guys are extreme nationalists. Letting them survive will be a disaster for China sooner or later. They didn't feel sorry for the Chinese people, and they didn't see them have the slightest pity when they massacred hundreds of thousands of unarmed compatriots in Nanjing. They didn't need to talk so much with these people. In short, they are dead today.

"Kill" Aoyu said lightly without any extra words, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Aoyu was really murderous and wanted to kill all these people.

As soon as Aoyu's voice fell, there was a "cracking" gunshot, and those members of the three major gangsters who were unable to resist fell to the ground in a short while, and many of them began to cry and beg for mercy, hoping that Aoyu would let him go They gave up, but at this moment Aoyu had already made up his mind, no one can change what Aoyu decided, looking at these guys begging for mercy, Aoyu didn't have the slightest sympathy.

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor, kill these damn Chinese people." The extremists finally revealed their true colors at this moment. He wanted to fight against those people like Zhetian, so he rushed over with a samurai sword and shouted slogans.

But obviously their ideas were too unrealistic. Before they rushed over, they were knocked down by a slap of bullets and couldn't get up again.

A few minutes later, Tokyo's East District Street has become a shura hell, with broken branches everywhere, except for Aoyu's men, there is hardly a living person. For those residents who live nearby, this is undoubtedly a disaster. Meng, but although Suo Xing Aoyu is vicious, he does not attack civilians. After all, ordinary people are the most innocent. You must know that every country has good and bad.

And the residents around here are obviously quite sensible, they will not disclose these things to anyone, they just think that they have had a nightmare, and they don't want to bring disaster to themselves for no reason.

The people who covered the sky started to clean up the battlefield, and the people who didn't die were killed by the people who covered the sky without hesitation. Since they were able to do this in China, why couldn't we do it in Tokyo?Everyone is not soft-hearted, especially those Chinese people inside the Zhetian organization are even more happy, which can be regarded as a little bit of revenge.

"Godfather, the matter has been dealt with, and there is no one alive here." Niekov walked up and said respectfully to Aoyu.

"Well, okay, now start to clean up the big and small forces in Tokyo. I want to turn Tokyo into New York tomorrow morning. I don't want different voices calling when I wake up tomorrow morning." Aoyu said to Lin Tianfeng and Nie Ke The husband and wife said, and after speaking, they were in the dark night sky.

"Brother Aoyu, you are so slow in doing something, is it done?" Nangong Rui'er saw Aoyu coming back and immediately came up to Aoyu and said.

"Hehe, it's done, let's go home now." Aoyu patted Nangong Ruier's head and said to her.

Nangong Rui'er was obviously very dissatisfied with Aoyu's actions, because it made her feel that Aoyu was coaxing a child, so she poked her mouth out.

Seeing her expression, Aoyu laughed again, holding her shoulder with one hand, the two of them wobbled back.

Aoyu walked in a chic way, but the matter did not end like this. After Aoyu left, the people who shrouded the sky began to move quickly. The top ten killing gods in the blood killing building began to act quickly. Their targets were not others, but the officials of the three major gangs, as well as the secret industries of the three major gangs. Of course, the main reason why they did not deal with all the officials who were involved with them was that There are too many of these people. The three major gangs are deeply rooted in power. Basically all the officials are involved with them. If they are all wiped out, then it will be over. Aoyu is a gangster, not a pervert. What he wants is a Prosperous, only in this way can the sky be covered to win the greatest benefit.

Overnight hundreds of officials were killed at home, and of course more people were turned into descendants by those blood races. The political arena can be said to be changing. Unlike other places, what Aoyu wants here is not others. What I want is absolute control, control everything, and don't want any voices of opposition, whether it's the Black Dragon Society, the three major gangs, or those political groups, Aoyu of the practice genre must be eliminated one by one, none of these people Aoyu Will stay, there are only two paths before them in the future, either surrender or die.

And the other way is the iron-blooded elite led by Niekov. Their mission is nothing else but to eliminate all resistance forces. All other organizations have to either surrender or kill. There is no other choice. At this moment, Zhetian completely adopts It is the policy of iron and blood, which has played their usual tradition. They have suppressed it for too long in China. After all, Aoyu didn't want to be too unreasonable to his compatriots, so he didn't use the means of covering the sky in the United States. But at this moment, they can feel free They can do what they want, they can take out their machine guns and shoot wildly, but they can use all their strength to start fighting, don't have to think too much, as long as they don't violate the rules of the gang.

Soon the one-night battle in Tokyo came to an end, and the whole of Tokyo was completely controlled by Zhetian, and when the dawn was approaching, the police in Tokyo began to fully mobilize. What they had to do was not to wipe out the gangsters. This courage, but martial law, began to clean up the corpses. After all, such things are not ignorant, but they just dare not take care of them. After all, no one wants to provoke the three major gangsters and the mysterious Zhetian, but after all things With such a big commotion and so many corpses, they had to clean it up. Obviously, this is not the first time that such a thing has been done. Faced with such a thing, countries generally choose to keep silent, and then deal with it secretly. The impact is really too bad, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world, and that is what they don't want to see.

A cruel massacre in Tokyo came to an end like this. Although there was no report, Aoyu knew in his heart that no less than 20 people died at the hands of Zhetian that night.

(End of this chapter)

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