Chapter 375 Angel Beauty
Hearing Aoyu's words at this moment, he immediately paused, turned around with a difficult expression, especially Du Bian's face had begun to deform at this moment, he was afraid that what Aoyu would do to him, in fact, from Du Bian's sight just now Two people who claimed to be the Dark Council and the Holy See started to get scared when they actually called Aoyu Godfather. It is true that Du Bian is abusive and arrogant, but he is not a fool. He knows who can be provoked and who cannot be provoked. That's right, there are many gangsters in the world who call him godfather, but there is only one person who can be called godfather by the Dark Council and the Holy See, and that is the Lord who dares not mess with Shatian.

When he thought of this, Du Bian Qiaomao's whole body began to collapse. He couldn't imagine the consequences of offending that person. Although according to his idea, the other party would not kill him, but he couldn't guarantee that he had lost his arms and legs. Thinking of this, he scolded Zhou Jian half to death in his heart, if it wasn't for this guy, he wouldn't have provoked Aoyu.

But Zhou Jian's purpose is relatively simple. Seeing Du Bian's abusive and frightened expression, the clever Zhou Jian knew that Aoyu must be not simple. I want to get away.

When the two heard Aoyu's words, they immediately froze, and turned around to look at Aoyu with a forced smile. Du Bianyouyou first said: "Godfather, I don't know what's the matter with you."

At this moment, Aoyu's hand has slowly started to caress An Qier's tall buttocks. He stretched his hand through the tight leather jacket there, and kept stroking it, which made An Qier gasp, and heard that he was not being abused. Hua Aoyu raised his head, and said with a sneer: "I said to let those two guys go, did I say to let you go?"

Hearing Aoyu's words, cold sweat broke out on his face, and he stammered with a forced smile: ""

Aoyu raised his eyebrows and said: "No, then you still go? Are you not giving me face?"

In line with Aoyu's words, the subordinates around him erupted a strong murderous aura towards Du Bian Youyou right after Aoyu finished speaking, which made the guards next to Du Bian Youyou unable to resist immediately, and was overwhelmed by the huge The murderous breath was out of breath, and after a while, they vomited blood one by one, and fell to the ground. Although they didn't die, they were severely wounded, and the two ninjas fell out of the air with a scream, and vomited. Mouth blood fell to the ground.

Seeing such a scene, not only Du Bian Xueshou, but even Zhou Jian fell limply on the ground with him, the two of them knelt on the ground and trembled all over, Du Bian Qianshou said in a trembling voice: "Godfather, Godfather, don't you Kill me, I know I was wrong, I didn't give you face, please, don't kill me, you can do whatever you want."

"Really? Is it really possible to do anything?" Aoyu said with a smile.

"Yes... yes. It can do anything." After hearing Aoyu's words, Du Bian Qianyou became excited and said to Aoyu as if seeing a guiding light. Obviously he thought this was a good chance for him to be saved. At first, he started to smile as much as possible, his expression was as low as possible, and Zhou Jian also nodded from time to time beside him, obviously at this time, the two of them had already been frightened into stupidity.

Seeing them like this, Aoyu rolled his eyes as if thinking of something, smiled smirk at the two people who were kneeling in front of him not far away, and said: "Do you know? I have never seen a man dance a pole dance in my life. Ah, I've only seen women dance, I'm curious what it looks like for men to dance, can you two perform it for me?"

When he heard Aoyu's words, the faces of the subordinates around him obviously changed a little, and they all blushed, but they didn't dare to be small in front of Aoyu.

And Zhou Jian and Du Bian's faces turned purple. Obviously, they didn't expect Aoyu's words. Think about it, it's a great humiliation. As a man, you can't agree, but in life The choice between dignity and dignity made the two hesitate, but in the end it was clear that the two of them still chose life. After all, life is gone, so what's the use of dignity?

Just when the two hesitated and were about to speak, Aoyu said lightly again: "What? Are you two unwilling? Forget it if you don't want to. I don't force others. Someone dragged these two people out and chopped them up to feed the dogs. .”

The two of them trembled when they heard Aoyu's words, and said at the same time: "I am willing, I am willing."

Seeing the performance of the two, Aoyu smiled with satisfaction and said to Mao Li who was standing not far away: "Go and make arrangements for the two of them, remember, lighting, sound, effects, costumes, and the audience are all indispensable. ah."

Who is Maori?Hearing Aoyu's words, he nodded knowingly, and ran out to start making arrangements. You must know that Mao Li is a professional, and he is a more powerful dog leg than Wang Xiaosen. The man finished his makeup and came out. He was wearing a three-point style that women only had on his whole body, and his face was covered with a very thick attire that made people want to spit it out. The people outside who had been kicked out by Maori just returned to the hall , Seeing such a scene, one by one suddenly laughed, cheers, and screams were endless, obviously very interested in the upcoming performance of the two.

The subordinates next to Aoyu also blushed when they saw such a scene, and wanted to laugh, but they didn't dare.

"Laugh if you want, haha, I don't care about you now." At this time, Aoyu pulled An Qier between his legs, kept stroking her and said to his subordinates, laughing.

With Aoyu's words, the subordinates around him who had endured so much began to laugh heartily, but their laughter was a little shocking.

And the two people on the stage have obviously never encountered such a scene, especially Zhou Jiandu already had the idea of ​​committing suicide, but it is better if he is too cruel, although he is a little embarrassed, but is it not like him? Some of the lowly blood had some problems, but apart from embarrassment, there was also a little bit of excitement, and Aoyu felt a chill when he saw it.

In this way, in front of nearly a thousand people, the two began to dance pole dance in the flickering lights under the cooperation of dynamic music, which made Aoyu feel the urge to spit food, dance after dance, and soon The two danced for half an hour, which made everyone on the field laugh, because their performance was so funny, it didn't look like a pole dance, but it looked like two circus clowns performing there.

After a while, Aoyu had seen enough of this performance, so he pulled the dog chain around An Qier's neck and prepared to go back to his home. Speaking of which, he really admired the woman who trained An Qier, who made her understand While talking like a human, it can still maintain the life habits of a dog, and it is the most docile puppy, which is simply a talent. If there is no problem in Aoyu's mind, I am afraid that I will call that woman to help me train a few more times. only.

Of course, Angel's sexy figure, pure face and clothes attracted countless people, but no one touched her when Aoyu was pulling her away. A few big men in black are enough to make everyone put away this idea.

Before leaving, Aoyu turned around and shouted to the crowd: "Whoever you like these two guys, they are yours today, you can play whatever you want."

Aoyu's words were obviously addressed to the guys in the crowd who had problems with their personalities. He knew that many of the gangsters here had some problems with that. Liao came over and rushed towards those two guys, and then heard the screams of Du Bian and Zhou Jian, obviously those people were more violent.

The people around Aoyu laughed when they saw this scene, and Aoyu said to Mao Li while laughing: "I will deal with these two guys in a while, Zhou Jian chopped it up for me to feed the dog, such a person is not worthy Living in the world, Dubian is not abusive, you just throw it at the door of Dubian's house, I want to see what the Black Dragon Society and Dubian's family can do?"

"Yes, Godfather." Mao Li replied in a low voice after hearing Aoyu's words.

(End of this chapter)

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