Chapter 377 Assassination from the Black Dragon Society
"Your Majesty the Pope, I'm sorry, Robert failed to complete the task you taught me, please His Majesty the Pope to punish." At this moment in a holy temple in the Holy Vatican, Robert, one of the four holy knights of the Holy See, half-kneeled on the ground facing the high seat said Pope Peter II from the throne.

"What? Damn Robert, why is this? Is there something wrong with our funds? The girl who may be the reincarnation of an angel was snatched away by the damn dark council." Pope Peter II sat down on the throne Looking at his subordinates, he said.

"It's His Majesty the Pope. When we were competing for the saint, we ran into the godfather who overshadowed the sky. That person snatched the saint. He is really too powerful. None of the dozen or so subordinates around him is worse than me. , so I can only come back helplessly, and ask His Majesty the Pope to punish me." When Robert said this, he lowered his head helplessly, obviously he was very ashamed of what happened today.

"No, Robert, it's not your fault, it's because Zhetian is too powerful. According to what you said, Zhetian has surpassed my imagination. It seems that I have to seriously consider whether to take those old people living in seclusion all over the world. The guys have all been summoned back. Although their heads have become a little rigid, none of them is worse than me. Well, Robert, don't blame yourself, you can't blame you, go down and prepare your troops, we The first thing to solve is the Dark Council. There are thirteen girls who are suspected of being the reincarnation of angels, and half of them have fallen into our hands. After inspection, they are not saints. I am afraid that the saints will fall into the hands of the Dark Council. Then we will be in trouble, so, Robert, prepare to gather our men, and we are going to fight the Dark Council." Pope Peter II, sitting there after a moment of contemplation, said to Robert.

"Yes, His Majesty the Pope, I will arrange it immediately, and I will make those damn dark creatures pay for it." Robert said to the Pope in a firm tone, and walked out after speaking.

Seeing the direction of Robert going away, the pope began to meditate, looked up at the starry sky and said to the sky: "Dear God, please give your people guidance, is it really necessary to use that trick to solve the current predicament? "

"Dear Speaker, my mission failed this time. I'm very sorry." At the same time, in an underground castle in Europe, an elegant vampire saluted the Dark Speaker slightly.

"Oh? Who is it that makes Prince Balzac of our blood demon party come back? Could it be that the Holy See dispatched two divine knights? But why did our information show that they sent the divine knight Robert alone? Could it be that Robert suddenly became powerful?" The dark mage Thaker, the speaker of the Dark Council, said to this elegant blood prince.

"No, I met the godfather who shrouded the sky. It just so happened that the godfather seemed to be very interested in that angel. Neither Robert nor I were his opponents, so I had no choice but to keep that girl. But the Holy See It would be even more troublesome for Kaname to ask for someone from him." Balzac said to Speaker Thacker with a smile, obviously his smile seemed to be a conspiracy.

"Haha, you are indeed the leader of the blood demon party, Prince Balzac, I really admire you, hehe, it may be harder for those guys in the Holy See to get someone from Zhetian than to go to the sky, and we snatched The 6 girls have been confirmed and none of them are angel reincarnated. Hehe, if I guess correctly, there is no one in the Holy See. Already." Dark Speaker Thaker said with a happy smile in response to Balzac's words.

Balzac's eyes lit up when he saw him like this, and he didn't speak. It was obvious that the matter was not as simple as Thacker thought in his heart. If it was so, Balzac would not be Balzac.

At the same time, in a villa on the outskirts of Tokyo, Du Bian was lying there half dead. His back pelvis had burst, and he had lost his male function. At least three bones in his body were broken. He was already half dead. At this moment, his father was walking up and down beside his bed. After hearing the doctor's words, he couldn't bear it any longer, and went directly to drive to the residence of the Black Dragon Club. You must know that he is not abusive here. Bian's only son, Du Bian is old and has a son, so he naturally loves Du Bian very much, and he does everything according to his wishes. It was like a thunderbolt, how could he not be excited?After getting the news that his son's recovery discipline is extremely small, the crazy Dubian immediately went crazy. After thinking for a long time, he thought of the elder brother of Yamamoto 55 and Yamamoto 56, the elders of the Black Dragon Society who grew up with his father like his biological father. That supreme master, he wanted revenge.

"What, what did you say? I was abused by the Godfather who overwhelmed the sky like this? Bastard, how could this happen, Bakar... Bakar... I, Yamamoto 55, will not let you go." Being abused at the side After going to the Black Dragon Club and telling Yamamoto 55 what happened, Yamamoto 55 screamed furiously. In fact, the reason why Yamamoto 55 was so angry was because he was actually the son of Yamamoto 55 who was abused. It is his biological grandson. Although Yamamoto 55 has always declared that he is single, in fact he has been having an affair with his friend Dobe's abusive wife, and Dobe's abused is Yamamoto 55's biological son, but this news has never been known to others. Now that he heard that his own grandson was half-dead by someone like this, and he was cut off from his children and grandchildren, Yamamoto 55 was completely crazy.

Seeing Yamamoto 55 furious while being abused, he was ecstatic, knowing that this time his son's hatred could be avenged.

After clamoring for a while, Yamamoto 55 calmed down again. After walking around and thinking for a while, he put Yamamoto 55 there and asked him to wait.

"Yamamoto-kun, what made you so angry? Has anyone provoked you again?" Kameai Ichiro was obviously quite surprised to see Yamamoto 55 coming, and said to Yamamoto, you must know that the relationship between the two has always been good, Kame He Yilang should care about him.

"Yeah, Yamamoto-kun, if you have something to say, let's see if we can help you?" said another old man next to Kameichiro at the moment. This person is Kameichiro's friend and the leader of Onmyoji. , how many amps.

"It's like this, my grandson, Dubian owes you abuse, you know, just now he had an accident and was gang-raped by a group of men by the godfather who overshadowed the sky, and now the doctor said that he has lost the ability to reproduce, so he came to see Guihe-kun I hope he can help me get revenge, that damned guy who I want to cover the sky will die." Yamamoto 55 did not hide from the two friends, such things are too common in China, generally speaking, there is no one at all I will mind, this is a semi-public secret, at this moment Yamamoto 55 has a murderous look on his face.

"Oh, is that so? I think I should be able to do something if you know that you are not dead. Although my healing skills are not very good, if you have a thousand living souls, I believe it will not be a problem for me to cure you. As for the assassination of Godfather Zhetian, shall we think about it again?" Ampere said to the two of them, apparently he is of a calmer type, and he was thinking about why Godfather Zhetian should let it go too far and not directly kill him. kill him?Why send him back?Could it be that he just wants to start a full-scale war with the Black Dragon Society, or is there some other conspiracy?However, if there is no evidence, Ampere Jiba will not say it. After all, the two of them will not believe such a thing at this moment.

"Really? Mr. An Pei, thank you so much. There is no problem with 1000 people. I will send someone to kill them later." Yamamoto 55 was obviously very excited when he heard the news. He didn't care about the life and death of 1000 people at all. It was too simple for the Black Dragon Society.

After the excitement, Yamamoto 55 showed his ferocious face again, knelt on the ground and said to Kameichiro: "However, it is absolutely unforgivable that the so-called godfather who shrouds the sky dares to treat Yu Yujun like this. I must kill you!" If you leave him, you must help me, Kamehe-kun, you know that I can't do anything now, the Black Dragon Society can't leave me for a moment, and Anpei-kun wants to protect the emperor, so I can only beg you."

"Yamamoto-kun, don't worry, I won't let you down in this matter, do these hateful guys really think that there is no one in our great empire? They dare to act recklessly here, I will definitely take action and teach them a lesson. Let them know how powerful we are, don't worry about this matter, tomorrow I will take ten masters from Iga Liu there, and I will definitely kill that damn guy without leaving a single piece, and let them know about our great empire It's terrible, they can't provoke them casually." Kameai Ichiro is obviously also a **** maniac, and he said to him after hearing what Yamamoto 55 said.

With Kameichiro's words, 55 was overjoyed, bowed again to Kameichiro and said, "Kamei-kun, thank you so much, after you come back from the operation tomorrow, I will definitely prepare ten most beautiful ones waiting for your arrival." fortunate."

Kameai Ichiro has a special hobby, that is, he likes it. Of course, the so-called little girl is about ten years old, because it is said that there is no one over the age of 12. After hearing this, of course he burst out laughing.

He also has this habit, and his eyeballs rolled out after hearing this. Who is Yamamoto 55 who looked at him like this, and said naturally and generously: "Mr. Anpei, yours is also arranged Now, don’t worry, haha, there are all of them.”

After hearing Yamamoto 55's words, the two burst out laughing, and drank happily with Yamamoto 55.

(End of this chapter)

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