Chapter 379

"Haha, you want to know? I just won't tell, I'll see what you can do to me." Kameichiro said with a big smile, obviously he knew that he had no way out, so he refused to tell Aoyu.

When Kameichiro was laughing arrogantly, Aoyu also laughed. When Kameichiro saw Aoyu's appearance and was wondering, he suddenly felt a strong brain wave rushing towards him, and then he said something I don't know anymore.

"Tell me, who taught you the Great Demon Hand?" Aoyu said calmly, looking at the already demented Kameichiro.

"My master taught me." Kameichiro replied blankly.

"What's your master's name?"

"Up and down the village."

Hearing Kameichiro's words, Aoyu frowned and said to him: "The village's low class? I haven't heard of this name. What is your master's identity? Do you know where he is?"

"I know, my master is in Mount Fuji, the headquarters of the Black Dragon Association. My master is practicing in the middle of Mount Fuji. He is the master of the Black Dragon Association and the only sacred ninja in the whole world." Although Kameai Ichiro was dumbfounded, he talked about his master When the village was in the upper class, he was slightly proud. Obviously, he subconsciously admired the village's upper class Kameichiro very much.

"Okay, you have already said what you should say, now you can go to die." Aoyu looked at Kameichiro coldly and said, after speaking, he saw a flame ignited in Aoyu's hand, and Kameichiro After a scream, it instantly disappeared, and his soul was burned to ashes by the magic flame in Aoyu's hand.

Seeing such a scene, the top ten killing gods and Xue Wuhen beside Aoyu trembled in their hearts, and secretly sighed that Aoyu didn't have the intention to kill them that day, otherwise he might end up like this.

"You guys take a good look at the house, I'll go back when I go." Aoyu, who was angry at the moment, seemed to feel something suddenly, and after explaining to Xue Wuhen and the others, he left here in an instant, in such a hurry that he didn't know What are you doing.

It turned out that Yamamoto 55 of the Black Dragon Association not only invited Kamehiro Ichiro to kill Aoyu, but also sent several martial arts masters and onmyojis from the Black Dragon Association to lead a large number of warriors to kill the person next to Aoyu, Jiang Yuzhu, Bei Mingbing, Murong Piaoxue, Makino Yingzi, Nangong Rui'er, he didn't intend to let go of any of them, even the irrelevant Ye Xinyu and Yamamoto 55 didn't plan to let go, in his opinion, as long as they are with Aoyu Everyone involved should be damned, and he was too arrogant, thinking that only Kameichiro would be safe if he took action, but he didn't expect that Kameichiro, who was already very powerful in his eyes, would even use the method of disintegrating the demon Under Aoyu's hands, he couldn't make one move.

A large number of warriors from the Black Dragon Society came, quickly surrounded Jiang Yuzhu's residence, and began to charge inside, preparing to kill everyone. Fortunately, Aoyu usually has the habit of sending people to protect his women, although these days a large-scale mobilization of manpower Fighting, but Jiang Yuzhu and the others have always kept around 10 people, but for the convenience of the period, Aoyu specially recruited them from the blood clan to protect them. Although they are not very powerful, each of them has the strength of a marquis. Under normal circumstances, everything can be dealt with, but I didn't expect that the Black Dragon Society would send so many people this time, and onmyojis were among them.

You must know that although the onmyoji techniques of the Onmyoji are not powerful, they are very vicious, directly destroying the blood and regeneration system of the blood race, and those warriors cooperated with them in fighting, which caused the blood race a headache.

Although there are not many people sent by the Black Dragon Society that can compete with several blood marquises, but with the addition of onmyojis, they obviously have the upper hand. After a while, four marquises died, and the remaining six people also died. Injured, but still tenaciously resisting, while covering Jiang Yuzhu and the others to retreat in, at the same time using the unique racial magic of the blood race, calling the blood race around to come to help.

"Miss, let's go, we can't resist for a long time, Alice will burn her life in a while, using short-distance teleportation magic, you must leave here, and then hurry to find the godfather, the godfather is in the central area of ​​Tokyo In the largest villa in the 6th block, you will be safe once you get there." A marquis said to Jiang Yuzhu and the others with injuries.

"No, we won't leave. What will you do if we leave? I know you won't be able to leave, so we will stay and help you." The one who spoke was of course Bei Mingbing. Even though she usually doesn't talk much, but at this time she also No more hesitation, and said, after finishing speaking, he rushed up to fight with those warriors of the Black Dragon Society. To be honest, Bei Mingbing's strength is not weak, and with her "Bei Mingbing Heart Jue" It has relieved a lot of pressure on the marquises of the blood race, but obviously she alone is not enough.

After him, Nangong Rui'er and Murong Piaoxue also rushed up. Nangong Rui'er used her family's unique skill "Nangong Fire Jue", and Murong Piaoxue used Murong's family's "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi". It's also amazing. It relieved a lot of pressure for those blood marquises, and gave them time to start a short recovery. Jiang Yuzhu and Makino Yingzi were stunned. Today's blow to them is really too big Yes, the underworld, martial arts masters, vampires, samurai, and onmyojis. They saw these legendary things every day, which shocked their hearts quite a bit.

However, although there are a few girls joining, the number of opponents is too many. They are just taking the blame and quenching their thirst, and it will not play a big role at all. If they follow this way, they will lose sooner or later. Knowing this, the girls and the blood marquises were obviously a little impatient, and their attacks were not in place.

But they are not the only ones who are in a hurry. The people from the Black Dragon Society are even more anxious than them. What is the consequence of the rescuers arriving here? I am definitely a word, "dead" and will die miserably. They have never heard that a woman who has a relationship with Godfather can live, so they have already The plan has started, they are rushing for time, it must be finished before the other party arrives, otherwise, everything will be over.

"You guys are all going to die." When the battle between the two battles reached its peak, a voice rang out from the sky, and his target was obviously those members of the Black Dragon Society. Yu's eyes were already a little bloodshot, obviously this time the Black Dragon Society really angered him and made him ready to kill.

"Lord Demon God, please come down late, please be punished by the lord." Just a moment after Aoyu arrived, the five princes of the blood clan flashed behind Aoyu, and they only rushed after hearing the plea for help from the same clan I came here to have a look, I didn’t think it would be good if I didn’t come, as soon as I got to the front, I found that the other party was actually attacking the woman of my master, which made them very angry, just when they were about to attack, Aoyu was one step ahead of them Appeared here, so I didn't dare to delay to appear here immediately to plead guilty to Aoyu, after all, it was their fault that they didn't make a move in the first place and thought for a while.

"One minute, I'll give you one minute. After one minute, I don't want to see these annoying guys again. You can figure it out. If you can't do it, you can go back and be the duke." Aoyu has already On the verge of eruption, he gave a death order to the few blood princes under him.

After hearing Aoyu's words, several people trembled all over their bodies, but they started to move their hands in a moment, one by one took out their special skills, the blood prince's speed beyond the speed of sound was constantly shuttling there, wherever they passed After a while, there will always be screams, and a person will squirt blood and fall down. This is because Jiang Yuzhu and the others are worried about the women's morning show, and they don't want to be too cruel.

Half a minute later, several people reappeared in front of Aoyu and knelt in front of Aoyu and said: "Master Demon God, my subordinates have finished, all 327 people have been killed."

Aoyu nodded in satisfaction and said: "Take care of several ladies, I have something to do."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and disappeared into the night sky.

(End of this chapter)

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