Chapter 385

Except for Murong Piaoxue calling him to stop Aoyu, you must know that he has known Murong Piaoxue for so long, but Murong Piaoxue has never taken the initiative to say a word to himself, in Aoyu's gratitude, Murong Piaoxue always She looked shy, she would only blush when she saw her, she didn't even dare to speak, at this moment she suddenly called herself to let Aoyu be a little bit surprised, patted Makino Yingzi, and signaled her to go upstairs first, Seeing such a scene, Makino Yingzi smiled sweetly at the two, then raised her eyebrows at Aoyu and walked up the stairs with her twisted waist. Murong Piaoxue is still in Aoyu and she will definitely be punished on the spot. Although she knows that it is Makino Yingzi's intention, but Aoyu still can't hold back his desire, and his lower body has already erected.

Aoyu realized that Murong Piaoxue's face was even redder when he realized that he had blushed and coughed in embarrassment, and then said to Murong Piaoxue: "Piaoxue, do you have something to tell me? ?”

"En." After hearing Aoyu's words, Murong Piaoxue nodded shyly
When Aoyu saw Murong Piaoxue like this, the fire of desire that had just been extinguished in his heart rose again. Looking at Murong Piaoxue's exquisite body, coupled with her current expression, she is simply his favorite. Aoyu actually has some patience I can't help feeling, actually speaking of it, I have to blame that bastard Yagi no Orochi. Originally, Aoyu had to be stronger than others because of the body of Nine Suns, and with the nature of the black dragon, Aoyu couldn't get along with his family. Yes, but later Aoyu's skills continued to increase, and these things were slowly suppressed, and they were no longer enough to affect Aoyu, but sometimes his desire was a little strong, but the orb of Baqi After thousands of years of practice, he has taken up all that little bit of sex. You must know that if you have to say what is the most slutty thing in the world, it is the bastard Yamata no Orochi. Its people are so shameless. His credit The work cannot be touched.

Aoyu looked at her expression, and kept guessing in his heart why Murong Piaoxue was looking for him. Could it be that she fell in love with him and confessed to him?Aoyu was guessing for a while, but thinking about it, he couldn't think of anything else that Murong Piaoxue could do to find him, the more he thought about it, the more likely it was, Aoyu thought that he was a man How can a woman confess first?No wonder people are so embarrassed.

Thinking of Aoyu's impulsiveness, looking at Murong Piaoxue's lowered face, seductive body, and dark red mouth, Aoyu couldn't bear it anymore and walked up, hugging Murong Piaoxue Without any hesitation, she rushed forward and kissed Murong Piaoxue's mouth.

The sudden kiss immediately made Murong Piaoxue feel a little panicked. She didn't understand why Aoyu, who was fine just now, would suddenly come to moles her, her eyes were wide open, and there was no anger or sadness in Aoyu's eyes, only Surprise, shyness, and a trace of expectation, but Aoyu can't see these at the moment, because at this moment Aoyu has closed his eyes and enjoys the pleasure of kissing to the fullest.

Soon Aoyu's tongue stuck into Murong Piaoxue's mouth, although she had no experience, Murong Piaoxue still instinctively began to suck, her hands unconsciously hugged Aoyu's neck, the two started Kiss passionately.

After a while, Aoyu's heart became more lustful, no matter he was in the hall at the moment, his hand began to walk continuously on Murong Piaoxue's body, and one hand even slipped into her body along Murong Piaoxue's clothes, climbing After getting on her, she began to knead continuously, Murong Piaoxue had been made sore and limp by Aoyu, so she didn't stop her, she fell on Aoyu's body and the two of them fell on the sofa in response.

This is Aoyu's private residence, the natural protection system is quite complete, and his subordinates are not within ten meters of the house. There are only Aoyu's women and maids in the house, and there are no outsiders, and the house is soundproof The effect is obviously top-notch. Aoyu is not worried about this.

The two people who were in the midst of desire had already started to face each other naked, Aoyu looked at Murong Piaoxue's naked body and suddenly became aroused, stroking the towering butt, Aoyu was about to fight, Murong Piaoxue Xue's voice rang in Aoyu's ear, "Aoyu, it's my first time, please be gentle."

Hearing these words, Aoyu's heart became more desire, he nodded and gently kissed Murong Piaoxue's Erzhu, and entered her body while she screamed, after the initial pain, Murong began to echo in the hall Piaoxue's melodious moaning sound, it is obvious that Murong Piaoxue has passed the initial pain at this moment, and is beginning to enjoy the pleasure.

I don't know how long it took for Aoyu to vent his anger. At this moment, Murong Piaoxue has already collapsed on Aoyu's body, unable to move.

"Aoyu, do you love me?" After the passion, Murong Piaoxue whispered to Aoyu while hugging him.

"Love, of course love, I liked you when I first saw you, but I didn't express it, I just couldn't bear it when I saw you, so I don't blame me Okay? Do you know? Actually, I really like you." At this moment, Aoyu said softly to Murong Piaoxue, nonsense, the matter has already been done. It's really embarrassing, but although what Aoyu said is not so true, it is only half true and false. In fact, he likes Murong Piaoxue, but there is only a little bit of emotion, which is not as exaggerated as what he said, but at this moment, of course, he must choose a good one. Speaking of which, could it be that she really said to Murong Piaoxue, "I'm sorry, actually I don't like you, oh, I just like you a little bit, I don't know what happened just now, but I suddenly wanted to fall in love with you, so I just let you go ?” It is estimated that if the words were spoken, Murong Piaoxue, who had already collapsed on him, would immediately jump up and hack Aoyu to death.

After hearing Aoyu's words, Murong Piaoxue was obviously very happy, kissed Aoyu's face, and said to Aoyu: "Aoyu, I love you too, really, when I saw you for the first time, when I liked you when you helped me get rid of Ximen Wuhen, but there have always been so many women around you, so I didn't say anything."

Murong Piaoxue is not Aoyu's words are naturally true, and it can be seen that her feelings for Aoyu are quite deep.

"En, I know." Aoyu laughed wildly in his heart when he heard the words, Murong Piaoxue really liked him as he guessed, but just now he wanted to confess to him, so Aoyu felt much more at ease by doing this, at least I don't look like a rapist anymore.

Aoyu saw that Murong Piaoxue's seductive mouth was kissed again, and the two began to kiss fiercely again.

"Aoyu, I have something to tell you." After the kiss, Murong Piaoxue said to Aoyu.

"Well, what is it, tell me." Aoyu said to her while lowering his head and stroking Murong Piaoxue.

"I, I..." I don't know what Murong Piaoxue wanted to say, but she couldn't say it when she got to her mouth. Obviously, what she was about to say made her feel a little embarrassed, and she didn't know how she should go with Aoyu explain.

"Haha, what do you want to say, just say it, after all there should be no secrets between us, don't you think so?" Aoyu said softly to Murong Piaoxue.

After hearing Aoyu's words, Murong Piaoxue obviously gathered courage, gritted her teeth and said to Aoyu: "You know the situation of my family, our family's century home plan is imminent, if no one helps us now, our Murong family I just can’t support it anymore, because my father once had the idea of ​​marrying me into Ximen’s family, so he has been ashamed to go to Long’s family to ask for help, so I wonder if you can help my father and our Murong family.”

Hearing Murong Piaoxue's words, Aoyu's face turned green immediately, because Aoyu combined with Murong Piaoxue's performance just now can be sure that Murong Piaoxue was not showing love to him just now, but borrowing money from himself, and he would be wrong Don't mention how embarrassing it is for Aoyu at this time, but it's okay at last, Murong Piaoxue really likes her, if she doesn't like her, she will really become a rapist, but at last the result is not too embarrassing.

Seeing Aoyu's expression, Murong Piaoxue thought that Aoyu would not agree, and said to Aoyu with a sad expression: "Aoyu, if it doesn't work, forget it, I'll tell my father, let him think of another way."

At this moment, after hearing what Murong Piaoxue said, Aoyu came back to his senses, scratched Murong Piaoxue's little nose, Aoyu laughed and said to her: "Fool, how can I not help me with this matter? Tomorrow, you can ask your father to go to Huanyu's Huaxia branch to cooperate with them, and let your father tell them how much money you want, and I will explain to Huanyu."

"Huanyu? Will Huanyu Group agree to cooperate with our Murong family?" Apparently Murong Piaoxue didn't know much about Aoyu's identity until now. But they don't know which faction it is. The only one who knows is Nangong Rui'er, who treats this matter as her and Aoyu's secret and naturally refuses to share it. It's no wonder that Murong Piaoxue doesn't know about it.

"Haha, baby, don't worry, Huanyu will definitely agree, just wait, Huanyu is my property, haha" Aoyu laughed loudly at Murong Piaoxue and stood up after speaking Picking up Murong Piaoxue's naked body, ignoring the messy clothes on the ground, he carried her into Makino Yingzi's room, where there are several women waiting for him, it seems that Aoyu tonight is Ready to fight all night.

(End of this chapter)

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