Chapter 400 Conspiracy

"Your Majesty, Ichiro Yamaguchi is willing to serve you." Ichiro Yamaguchi, who had not spoken at this moment, stood up and said. You must know that Ichiro Yamaguchi said this after careful consideration. You must know that Ichiro Yamaguchi has no way out at this moment. Without the powerful backing of the Emperor, Yamaguchi Ichiro would surely die. He didn't believe that Yamaguchi Kenren would let him go. Although he was unwilling to face Zhetian in the current situation, it was better than being killed by Yamaguchi Kenren. Elimination is better, so he will stand up and say such words.

As soon as Ichiro Yamaguchi's words came out, everyone's expressions changed. You must know that Ichiro Yamaguchi's words have affected the interests of all of them. Kenren Yamaguchi, Goro Yoshikawa, and Kazuo Yamada all looked at Ichiro Yamaguchi with stern faces. Obviously, they did not expect this At that time, Ichiro Yamaguchi would stand up and sing against him, but the emperor looked at Ichiro Yamaguchi with joy at the moment. I greatly praised Ichiro Yamaguchi in my heart, and said in my heart, "There are still people who are loyal to me. Look at Ichiro Yamaguchi, how loyal he is. If you have the opportunity, you must support him well."

To say that the only thing that has not changed in the audience is the few samurai schools. From their point of view, everything is necessary. You must know that they are loyal to the emperor. It is natural for them to serve the emperor, but they also have close interests with the three major gangsters. relationship, so it is inconvenient for them to speak on such occasions, they can only honestly keep their mouths shut as if they didn't hear anything.

"Okay, Yamaguchi-kun is very loyal, how about you?" The emperor said to Yamaguchi Ichiro with satisfaction, then turned around and looked at the people around him and asked them.

Kenren Yamaguchi, Goro Yoshikawa, and Kazuo Yamada, the three of them looked at each other helplessly, seeing the reluctance in each other's hearts, and when they were about to refute, Beichen, who was a swordsman, stepped down from the tree, stood up, and walked halfway in front of the emperor. Kneeling down in front of the emperor, he said to the emperor, "Beichen's one sword style, Beichen's Xia Shuyuan is loyal to His Majesty the emperor."

Seeing Beichen Xiashu stand up to speak, Yagyutaro naturally couldn't lag behind. Although he also wanted to help his old friend Yamaguchi Kenren, he couldn't bear it anymore in front of the interests of the school. After Beichen Xiashu stood up He also stood up and knelt in front of the emperor and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, Yagyu Xinyinliu, Yagyu Taro, are willing to be loyal to the emperor."

With the conversation between the two of them, the other people sighed helplessly, knowing that the matter was a foregone conclusion, and there was no possibility of change, so they could only look at each other, stood up, and swore allegiance to the emperor, willing Get rid of the sky for the emperor.

Seeing these people pledge their allegiance to him one by one, the emperor's eyes were full of smiles. At this moment, he can finally fulfill his wish. The emperor will never tolerate that bastard who exploded. Seeing everyone swear allegiance at this moment When he was willing to deal with Zhetian for himself, the emperor laughed, quite proudly, with a cold light in his eyes, and said to the people under his command: "Okay, okay, then you start mobilizing people now, I want to cover the sky Everyone died, not one left."

The emperor's words almost killed the people under him, even Ichiro Yamaguchi was no exception. Everyone looked at each other and saw the disappointment in each other's eyes at the same time. I didn't expect that the emperor's IQ was not very good. To say such a thing, if Zhetian is really so easy to deal with, people like them would have swarmed up and robbed Zhetian's territory without the emperor's opening. It seems that the emperor has lived in the court for too long. I don't understand the world.

At this moment, they are helpless to the extreme, but they don't know what to say. Just now they swore allegiance to the emperor to help the emperor eliminate Zhetian. Now they are asked to say something against them. They really don't know how to say it. Baba stood up and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, Zhetian is very powerful. I think it's better for us to discuss it before dealing with them. After all, those people are too cunning, and the power behind them is too large. We have to deal with them." If we want to deal with them, we have to consider a lot of things, otherwise we will succeed, and we will face boundless revenge, and it will be no good for both sides to suffer."

Ampere is not the emperor. He naturally knows a little more than the emperor. This guy who has been in the society for so long is definitely no worse than any politician in terms of conspiracy and tricks. So said.

After listening to Ampere's words, the emperor pondered for a moment and then said to Ampere: "Then, according to Mr. Ampere's intention, what should we do?"

"Well, I still have to ask some team leaders. After all, they are the real gangsters, and they are incomparable with amateurs like us. I think they must have a way to deal with Zhetian." Ampere said with a smile The emperor said that he kicked the ball to Ichiro Yamaguchi and the others because he had no good way himself.

After hearing about Ampere, several gang bosses, including Ichiro Yamaguchi, scolded Ampere to death in their hearts, and the little favor they had accumulated for him just now disappeared without a trace, but don't talk about Ampere. Well, the few of them didn't have a good way to deal with Zhetian, they could only look at each other, but there was nothing they could do, and the meeting room of the Tianhuang Palace fell silent again.

"Yamaguchi-san, what can you do?" The emperor looked very annoyed at the group of silent guys, but he didn't ask An Peiji to find a way for himself. He himself knew that An Peiji was just an onmyoji. He didn't know much about gangster fights, and probably couldn't think of a good way to do it, so he just had to focus on Ichiro Yamaguchi, and hoped that this loyal subordinate could give him a satisfactory answer.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when the emperor asked Ichiro Yamaguchi, and began to look at Ichiro Yamaguchi gloatingly, obviously wanting to see Ichiro Yamaguchi make a fool of himself, but Ichiro Yamaguchi's face turned into a pig's face, and he was stunned for a while. Then I don’t know what to say, but Ichiro Yamaguchi is worthy of being the leader of the Yamaguchi-gumi. He turned his eyes and began to talk to the emperor: "Your Majesty, in fact, this underworld fight is simple to say, but it is actually complicated. We first To scout the opponent's strength, understand the opponent's deployment, and think about the enemy's strategy, in fact, just like fighting a war, you must know yourself and the enemy in order to be victorious in every battle. As for Zhetian, their most powerful firepower is iron and blood, and the terrifying Huanyu Group, so if we want to deal with Zhetian, we must first deal with Huanyu and Iron Blood. As for how to deal with it, everyone must know, especially my uncle Kenren Yamaguchi is an expert in this field, and Ichiro Yamaguchi will not say much Well, let my uncle tell everyone."

Ichiro Yamaguchi said a lot of nonsense, but none of them were practical. They were all empty words. Except for the emperor who listened with gusto, everyone else despised Ichiro Yamaguchi in their hearts, but this guy was helpless. Although what they said was empty talk, they were so well-founded that they couldn't refute it. They could only curse in their hearts. Kennin Yamaguchi, who originally wanted to watch Ichiro Yamaguchi make a fool of himself, saw Ichiro Yamaguchi kicking the ball to him with that expression on his face. It's just as ugly as it is, but the emperor doesn't dare to mess around here, otherwise he would have rushed up and beat Yamaguchi Ichiro madly, of course, the premise is that Yamaguchi Ichiro doesn't fight back, otherwise Ichiro Yamaguchi will sooner or later dismantle his old bones.

But there was no time for Kennen Yamaguchi to hesitate and get angry, the emperor had already opened his mouth to ask Kennin Yamaguchi, "Kennin Yamaguchi, tell us how we can deal with Zhetian."

"Eh, this... this" You know that Yamaguchi Kennin is quite good at fighting for power and gain, conspiracy and tricks, but he doesn't know anything about gang fights. It is inevitable that the position of the boss of the Yamaguchi-gumi back then will not be Ichiro Yamaguchi. At this moment, when the emperor asked a question, Kennin Yamaguchi suddenly became dumb, faltering and not knowing what to say.

"What is this? Make it clear!" the Emperor said to him, frowning when he saw Kenren Yamaguchi like this.

Seeing that the emperor was about to get angry, Yamaguchi Kenjin said immediately, "This, this is actually very simple. We just need to recruit all the people from our gangs to kill them together. We are mobilizing the masters of the Liusheng Xinyin style and the Beichen one-sword style Master, send onmyoji to go up together with the ninjas, and the people who rush to the sky-shattering east will kill Mr. Guangjing and then follow."

Kennin Yamaguchi couldn't think of a way for a while, and started to talk nonsense, and the more he talked, the more addicted he became. Everyone started to laugh at his slashing and invincible style of play, even the emperor, a layman among laymen, knew it Such a method will definitely not work. If it worked, Zhetian would have been wiped out countless times long ago. The emperor frowned and said to Yamaguchi Kenren faintly: "Should we kill all their men and rob them?" After spending their wealth and women, it is best to give you all their land and money in the end, and then take away all the beautiful women, and give us the ugly ones more generously?"

"Yes, that's right, how do you know." Yamaguchi Kennin said excitedly to the emperor, having completely forgotten the occasion.

After he finished speaking, he immediately realized that something was wrong, and immediately changed his words: "No, no... Your Majesty the Emperor, I mean that everything must be taken away by me first and then handed over to you."

Hearing what Yamaguchi Kenren said, the emperor immediately became furious. If he hadn't used Yamaguchi Kenren, he would have asked his subordinates to come over and chop the bastard into two pieces. Even so, the emperor still furiously said to Yamaguchi Kenren: " That's enough Kenjin Yamaguchi, you bastard, get the hell out of here and shut your mouth."

(End of this chapter)

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