Chapter 407 The Legendary Toad

When this voice sounded in the sky, everyone except Aoyu was shocked, and the fight stopped, and the people on Zhetian's side retreated back, staring at the sky with nervous expressions, because from the voice just now Judging from the strength of the voice, the owner of this voice is definitely not a person they can easily provoke. If there is no Aoyu, the god in their hearts, the best choice for them at this time is to run away with their feet down. They are still unavoidably nervous. After all, the opponent's power is too strong, which makes them feel a little scared, but these people who cover the sky are not ordinary. Although each of them was a little nervous when facing the powerful force at first, but It was quickly reflected, and the aura on his body returned to him, and he confronted the owner of the voice without fear at all, while Aoyu watched the changes in his subordinates, and there was a slight unnoticeable expression on the corner of his mouth. smile.

Contrary to them, when they heard this voice, Xu Zuo Twelve Monsters suddenly showed a look of surprise, as excited as they were. In their eyes, as long as their master came, they would be safe. How could this transition from death to life make them ecstatic, even Wu Tengu, the best-established among them, was full of excitement and tears at this moment, let alone others.

After the voice fell, a long silver sword fell from the sky. A moment later, a middle-aged man in a white samurai uniform appeared in front of everyone. There is no trace of time on the face, but it gives people a mature aesthetic feeling. In addition, his mighty figure actually has the potential to fool people. Anyway, this appearance has passed the test. People who don't know him will definitely be rejected. What he deceived, if it weren't for the glint of encouragement in his eyes, others would never have imagined what kind of person he would be.

"The man of Xu Zuo?" When the man fell down, Aoyu said to him with a slight smile.

"Who are you?" Xuzuo had already shot all the people in the factory when he appeared, and found that there was only one person he couldn't see through, and that was Aoyu. This kind of explanation means that the other party is at least not weaker than himself, so Xuzuo When Zhinan spoke, he didn't put on the look of a great god, and said to Aoyu expressionlessly, obviously he was quite jealous of Aoyu.

"Hey, want to know who I am? Hey, you don't have a chance now, let's go somewhere else, you have to know that there will be a battle between us sooner or later, if you don't want our battle to be destroyed, just go to a place with me Well, then I will give you a fair environment, and I will fight with you." Aoyu said lightly to Suzuo, indeed what he said was the truth, and judging by the current posture, the two of them will definitely have a fight Now, neither Xuzuo's son nor Aoyu hoped that their battle would be overwhelmed. After all, this is where Xuzuo's followers lived, and it was the place Aoyu wanted to occupy, so the two There is only one option and that is to fight elsewhere.

Looking at Aoyu, Suzunoo pondered for a moment and then said: "Okay, let's go to Starry Universe to fight."

"Hey, starry sky universe? I don't think so, let's go to my space to fight." Aoyu said to Xu Zuo with a wicked smile. After a while, Xu Zuo was surprised to find that all the scenery around him Changed, Suzuo and his twelve god generals came to a place that seemed familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember where it was, everything around him seemed so real, or in other words, this Everything around is real, Xu Zuo'an can only be puzzled and filled with fear at the same time, because he knows that the person who can transfer himself and his subordinates into another dimension without sound is definitely not something he can deal with , at least not now, thinking of this, Xu Zuo's whole body is covered in cold sweat, and he feels a little scared in his heart. Xu Zuo can clearly feel that there are many living beings in this world, and one of them is his own acquaintance. In fact, it's just that there are some differences that make him unable to confirm whether he is the person he thinks for a while, Xu Zuozhinao can only wait here helplessly for Aoyu's arrival.

"You don't need to take care of me here, hurry up and wipe out all the resistance forces for me." After a burst of white light appeared in Aoyu's residence, Suzuo and his twelve generals disappeared in place, just as they wanted to ask questions At that time, Aoyu had already spoken in front of everyone, and after he finished speaking, he was still in his original position, leaving only the people with confused faces, but they would naturally not violate Aoyu's words. After a while, they started to move at the fastest speed in their life one by one, and they wanted to destroy all the enemies before Aoyu came back again.

"Hey, Suzuno, hello, how are you? The world in my Kunlun mirror feels pretty good." Aoyu didn't know when he would suddenly appear 30 meters in front of Xuzuo and the others, and he There is also a long chair beside him, and Aoyu is leaning on the seat of the chair at the moment and talking to Suzuo.

"That's right, the scenery here is very beautiful, but I think I've seen it somewhere before." Although Suzanoo didn't know what the other party meant by this, but at this time Xuzanoo didn't think so much, and said lightly. He said to Aoyu with some sighs, although he had no confidence in his heart that he could defeat the opponent, but at least on the surface he couldn't lose, especially in front of his subordinates.

"Hey, it's good. This is your burial place from now on. It's an honor for you to die here. I snatched this place from Yaki, or you can say that this is the world of Yata Kage. It’s a bit familiar, hehe, you almost died here 1 years ago, of course you will remember.” Aoyu said indifferently to Suzuo, but although Aoyu’s tone was indifferent, it was full of He made a mockery of Xu Zuo's man, and told the news that he had killed Yamato no Orochi without a trace.

When Suzanoo heard the news, his whole body was shocked. He never thought that the other party would kill his old opponent Yata, and even snatched his Yata mirror, and now he would come to kill him. This made Suzuo's mind full of conjectures, but one thing is certain for a moment, Xuzuo himself also knows that Aoyu is an absolutely powerful existence, at least it should be above him, otherwise he would not He would overwhelm himself everywhere, although he may have done so by the power of the mirror.

As soon as Aoyu's words fell, before Xu Zuozhinan opened his mouth to speak, the twelve generals around him couldn't bear it any longer, and Zhutou stood up and yelled at Aoyu: "Baka, you actually Dare to insult Xu Zuo's male god, you deserve to die, I will kill you to vent your anger for Xu Zuo's male master."

After speaking, the pig-headed man rushed towards Aoyu with his weapon, but before he arrived, Aoyu waved his hands, his movements stopped for a moment, and then exploded, the sky was filled with There was a burst of flesh and blood, but the matter did not end like this. Aoyu flashed out instantly at a speed that people would never see, and with the power of light speed, he instantly punched hundreds of punches on the remaining 11 people beside Xu Zuo. Suzano killed the dozen or so people before the screening came. They turned into a pile of powder in an instant before they even had time to say anything, which made Xuzano break out in cold sweat while watching. He knew that it was Aoyu who moved, but he didn't even see Aoyu's movement clearly. Before he reflected it, Aoyu had already returned to his chair, as if nothing had happened, if it wasn't for that day The pile of powder and the pieces of meat, Xu Zuozhi couldn't believe that someone killed his subordinates in front of him at a speed that he couldn't discover at all.

Seeing such a scene, Xu Zuozhi went crazy immediately, and said to Aoyu with a trembling tone: "Who are you?"

"Hey, do you want to know who I am? You can ask my slave." Aoyu waved towards the void, and a dressed woman appeared in front of Aoyu. At this moment, she was kneeling on the ground, looking at Aoyu with a hungry expression. Yu.

Seeing her like this, Aoyu lashed her with a whip, Amaterasu let out a comfortable moan and said to Aoyu: "Master, what do you want from me?" Rubbing next to Yu, the expression should be as sloppy as possible, all over the body, telling everyone that I am very horny, I am very slutty, and I need a man. Fa rectified on the spot, but fortunately it is better for Aoyu to stand still, if he doesn't burn, he might start to sleep in front of Suzuo.

"You, I want you to tell the guy on the other side who I am, not to make you angry here." Aoyu slapped Tianzhao face to face and said to her.

Amaterasu didn't feel any pain, but felt a little excited. She touched her face with her hand and turned around. At this time, she saw Xu Zuo'an. At this moment, Xu Zuo'an was already stupid. He didn't expect that he was facing him. This person not only killed Yamato no Orochi, but also captured his old concubine and his god-sister Amaterasu. Seeing Amaterasu's humble appearance, he knew what was going on. While despising Amaterasu in his heart He was even more afraid. He knew that Amaterasu was not weaker than himself and had many helpers. He didn't expect to fall to this point. He could fantasize about his own appearance, and when he thought of this, he broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't want to encounter such a thing.

"Oh, isn't this my dear younger brother? Why are you here? Are you missing my sister? Then let's find a place to continue working together, sister, I miss you to death." Amaterasu saw Xu Zuozhi Then the man said with bright eyes, obviously Amaterasu, a slut, let the occasion go, seeing Xu Zuo's man, he only thought about that, and as soon as her words fell, Aoyu kicked her from behind. , Aoyu scolded a little angrily: "You, I didn't ask you to come here so that you could discuss going to bed with him."

Amaterasu woke up with a kick, and suddenly Amaterasu reflected and said to Xu Zuo's man: "This is my greatest master, Long Aoyu, you have to understand Xu Zuo's son, you are actually with my master. If you do it right, you will surely die."

As soon as Amaterasu finished speaking, he turned around and smiled at Aoyu seductively, as if asking for credit, he twisted and swayed and said to Aoyu: "Master, this man with a bearded left has always been a toad, but he has six eyes and a different clock. Toad, commonly known as Wang Ba, is the ancestor of the current Wang Ba. This guy got a sword of an ancient fairy by accident, and then practiced this question with that sword, and combined it together. The sword is the Tiancongyun sword in his hand. Cong Yun has no other ability except that it is extremely lethal to dark creatures, especially monster races. It happened to be the same as that Muramasa demon sword, so although this toad looks ugly, it can develop such a good shape. If it is not I don’t know what he said when my mother went to bed with him. He’s really the master. I didn't expect him to be a big toad, it's disgusting."

Amaterasu talked to Aoyu eloquently, obviously at this moment Amaterasu betrayed Xu Zuozhi without hesitation, Xu Zuozhi almost vomited blood and died when he saw such a scene, although he knew that Amaterasu Women are duplicitous, despicable, but he never thought that Amaterasu would sell himself in front of his face in such a breathless manner, which made Xu Zuozhi very angry, especially Tianzhao in front of the arrogant When Yu revealed his true identity to Yu's face, Suzuo became even more furious. You must know that your own body is Xuzao's biggest secret. Xuzao has never told anyone about it. It was just by accident. I accidentally told her once when I was in bed with Amaterasu. I didn't expect this woman to tell others, and said that she was a toad and the ancestor of the bastard without saving face. This made Xu Zuozhi The man is crazy about it.

What Xu Zuozhinan couldn't bear even more was that when Aoyu listened to it, he let out a wild laugh, and said to himself: "Bastard... bastard, haha, let me tell you, you will find Amaterasu Going to bed and having a baby, you are really successful, if you are now a postman, haha, let me tell you the truth, judging by your appearance, I really can’t imagine that you are the legendary toad, hahaha, Killing me."

(End of this chapter)

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