Chapter 411 Rage

"Quickly, let me inform our people to bring up the heavy weapons we got from the Self-Defense Forces, and let the tanks clear the way for us by the way, and let those people sent by the Self-Defense Forces use tanks to fight those machine monsters for me Broken." Yoshikawa Goro knew that he was notified by himself and thought about it for a while, so he came here with Kazuo Yamada in person, wanting to see the situation here, when he saw the scene in the distance When, without any hesitation, he said to everyone.

"Why are you here?" Yamaguchi Ichiro was arguing with Yamaguchi Kenren at the moment, and asked with some doubts after seeing Yoshikawa Goro and Yamada Kazuo coming.

Yoshikawa Goro was really a little lazy to pay attention to these two idiots. He didn't understand why he had been fighting with such guys for decades and hadn't defeated them?But Yoshikawa Goro continued to speak: "Hurry up, send out heavy weapons troops now, and let the tanks go on, otherwise, we will really be finished."

"Why?" It was Kenren Yamaguchi who spoke this time. Obviously, the two guys were only thinking about arguing there just now and ignored the situation outside.

"You two bastards, don't you know that our people are dying outside? Are you still in the mood to argue here? Zhetian got a large number of terrifying robots from nowhere, and they are slaughtering our men outside now. If you don't hurry up, I'm afraid we will all die in a while." Yamada Kazuo is not Yoshikawa Goro, he is not as good-tempered as Yoshikawa Goro, he suddenly became angry and said to the two, if it wasn't for heavy weapons, they would be assigned by the emperor As for Ichiro Yamaguchi, he wouldn't have said half a sentence and already made people start to act.

Yamaguchi Kenhito and Yamaguchi Ichiro suddenly changed their expressions when they heard Kazuo Yamada's words. Although they knew that the situation outside might not be optimistic, they didn't expect it to be so bad. Yamaguchi Ichiro suddenly became anxious and shouted to the outside: "Quick, hurry up and send me someone over there, let them stand up for me, and use all our heavy weapons to let the tank blow up those damn robots for me."

However, within a minute, a mechanical roar came from behind the gang, and dozens of tanks rushed up from behind, and there was a burst of gunpowder against the robots covering the sky. It is undeniable that those tanks are indeed powerful. The robots were immediately shattered into pieces, but these robots are not vegetarian. The small missiles on their shoulders are used to deal with these heavy weapons. When the tank launched the first round of attack, before it could continue the attack, those robots Turn around and count the first missiles fired from them quickly. In an instant, those tanks turned into scrap iron after the first attack. Those missiles were special armor-piercing bullets with great power. They directly hit the inside of the tank and exploded In an instant, more than a dozen tanks that were brand new just now turned into scraps, and the heavy weapons behind them were also blown up by the second round of missiles. Although there were still some leftovers, they were no longer able to kill the robots in a big way. Well, at most it's just one or two broken.

Those robots are also somewhat intelligent, and they are no better at killing people than them. They began to separate into small groups and wiped out all the creatures they saw. Soon at least tens of thousands of people were killed by them. Eliminated, but looking at the leaders of these robot gangsters, there was nothing they could do, because they had no way to stop the attacks of these robots. They really couldn't find any other way to deal with those terrifying robots. They could only use the machine guns in their hands to block the robot's attack. If they were lucky and hit the robot's transmission system, they could kill one or two, but obviously Such chances are not great.

Although Yagyutaro and the masters who shrouded the sky have left here, they are not too far apart. It's just that one is fighting on the streets of the suburbs of Tokyo, and the other is fighting in the woods next to the suburbs. The distance is only one or two kilometers, but For one or two kilometers, those masters could only forget and sigh. Seeing that his camp was attacked by powerful firepower, Taro Yagyu turned around and wanted to go back, but obviously he didn't have that chance at this moment.

"Hey, since you're here, don't leave." An old voice rang in the ears of Yagyu Taro and the others. After a while, an old man appeared in front of them. It was Sima Tianming, the Great Elder of the Demon Sect. He was looking at Liu Shengtaro and Bei Chen under the tree with a cold light.

"Who am I? It turned out to be Sima Tianming, you old guy. Hey, we haven't seen each other for hundreds of years, right? Why are you working for someone else now? Could it be that your Huaxia Demon Sect has also been conquered by Shatian? You want I'm afraid it won't be so easy to keep us." As soon as Sima Tianming appeared, a strange young man walked out from behind Beichen's tree and said to Sima Tianming tauntingly. An old man, and more than a dozen people came out of the Yagyu family, and there were also a few ninjas, onmyojis and monks.Obviously these people are the ultimate masters, and it's no wonder they are so confident that the strength of these people together can not be defeated even if they compete with the entire Huaxia Demon Sect.

"Hey, who am I? It turns out that it was Beichen Yidao. You are not dead yet, but do you think that I, Sima Tianming, will not be able to fight? None of you want to leave today." At this moment, Sima Tianming's eyes flickered. He said coldly, as soon as Sima Tianming finished speaking, dozens of people walked out of the surroundings at some point, the three elders of the demon sect, the eight princes of the blood clan, Hawke, Senge, Jason, Lin Tianfeng, and Xue Wuhen walked away one by one. After coming out, there are also more than a dozen elders from the Demon Sect, the top ten killing gods from the Xuesha Tower, and the three dragon envoys from the Long Family, standing there looking at those people coldly. .

Beichen Yidao, who was still extremely arrogant at first, suddenly changed his face when he saw these people, because he could clearly find that the strength of these people on the other side was not weaker than his own, and some of them even surpassed him, which made Beichen Yidao a little unacceptable At the same time, he felt a little scared. He knew that if he didn't think of a solution today, he might have to give up his last strength today.

Rolling his eyes, Bei Chen slashed at Sima Tianming and said with a smile: "Sima Tianming, you guys want to kill us, but all your masters have arrived here. I guess your godfather is already decapitated by now, Liu Sheng Shibingwei He has brought people over to kill your godfather, hehe, he summoned the twelve god generals under Xu Zuozhinao, if you don’t go back quickly, your godfather will probably be finished.”

"Haha...ha. If Beichen strikes, don't play tricks on me. Let me tell you the truth, none of you want to leave today, Liusheng Jubingwei? Haha, he has already been dealt with by our godfather. Just because you want to kill our godfather? Haha, wishful thinking, not to mention the twelve god generals under Suzanoo, even Xuzanoo himself has been dealt with by our godfather, so you should give up this idea Let's go." Sima Tianming not only didn't panic as he imagined after hearing Bei Chen's knife, but laughed wildly and said mockingly at Bei Chen's knife.

As soon as Sima Tianming's words came out, there was a commotion here. Xu Zuozhinan was the God of War in their hearts, and it was impossible to be defeated, but anyone who knew Sima Tianming knew that as the Great Elder of the Demon Sect, he was impossible. Telling lies, this made them a little confused, and there was a trace of fear in their hearts.

"I said, Brother Sima, don't talk nonsense with them, just kill and help the little devils. I have long disliked them. It is rare that the young master gave an order this time. I will give these grandsons Kill him completely." Du Fengchen stood up and said to Sima Tianming at this moment, and before Sima Tianming could answer, he rushed out alone and directly stabbed Beichen, and the people behind him were no slower than him , A moment after he took action, they rushed up one by one at a high speed, facing the rest of the masters with a burst of swift and violent attacks.

For a while, the two gangs got into a ball, what kind of blood magic, yin and yang curse killing technique, Iga ninjutsu, blood killing tower assassination technique, magic hand, it was flying all over the sky, and you can see master duels everywhere, The nearby woods were completely destroyed by them. Seeing that his side was invincible, Bei Chen knew that his side might be wiped out today, but he had lived for hundreds of years. After dying like this, with a turn of his eyes, he unleashed his famous stunt on Du Fengchen, and then grabbed a guy from Liusheng Xinyinliu, changed hands and threw him out, and then ran away. If Du Fengchen was still the same as before According to Du Fengchen, there is really no way to deal with this Beichen who wants to escape, but it is obviously different at this moment. Du Fengchen's strength has reached the level of the out-of-body stage, which is obviously not something that the current Beichen can defeat. Just as Beichen wanted to escape, Du Fengchen Exerted the magic trick, the demon's charming shadow, a dodge appeared in front of Beichen Yidao who was about to escape, Beichen was caught off guard by Du Fengchen's punch in the chest, and then made another blow, and fell to the ground immediately, with Yuanying He was also hurt by the demonic energy on Du Fengchen's sword, and immediately became weak. Looking at Beichen who fell on the ground, Du Fengchen cut his body into two without any hesitation. Putting it away, there is nothing wrong with the fact that Momen does have exercises to refine Yuanying, and Beichen's Yuanying is another good tonic in Du Fengchen's hands.

Seeing Beichen, the most powerful among them, being killed by someone with a single knife, the team began to be disrupted, and several people were killed in an instant. With a great opportunity, those masters who overwhelmed the sky immediately began to slaughter wantonly, and those blood races even had a full meal. The blood of those masters is of great benefit to their cultivation, so eat one by one , but those eyes were still looking hungrily at those masters running around, they just didn't have bags in their hands, if they had, they would probably catch a few more and put some blood back to take them back and continue drinking when they had time.

"Don't kill me, I surrender, please don't kill me." I don't know who said to the people who covered the sky with a sentence in Chinese, and the remaining masters just fell to the ground and cried out. "I surrender, I surrender, don't kill me, don't kill me."

Seeing these guys like this, those people who shrouded the sky were embarrassed to continue fighting. They all looked at Sima Tianming with confused faces and hoped that he would say something. After all, he is the biggest here, and no one is more suitable to speak than him. Yes, Sima Tianming groaned for a while and then said to the people next to him: "The people from the Demon Sect will seal up the skills of these guys and send them back to see how the godfather will deal with them. As for the rest of you, go and kill those little devils with me." .”

After finishing speaking, he disappeared in front of everyone, and the remaining people looked at each other for a long time. After that, the disciples of the Demon Sect came up one by one, sealed the skills of those masters and pushed them back, and the rest followed. Following Sima Tianming's footsteps, he flew towards the main battlefield.

When the masters led by Sima Tianming return again, it will undoubtedly be an absolute fatal blow to that side, which has completely collapsed. They can't think of any other way to deal with those devil-like robots, but before their worries are over At the same time, the people behind came over again, and this time it was a complete blow to everyone's momentum. When they rushed in one by one to deal with it, the gangsters had already begun to collapse completely. When they faced that The unkillable robot faced a large number of masters who could kill a large number of people with a single knife. They no longer had the courage to continue fighting and began to flee in all directions. Knekov had ordered the robot to stop all actions. Don't chase after the poor, he doesn't want these robots to kill all the people, then Zhetian will not get any benefits, not to mention the current situation is exactly what Zhetian wants to see, in order to prevent the dog from jumping over the wall in a hurry, Nie Kefu Smart people don't want to see such a scene.

"Those who surrender will not die." Niekov shouted this sentence in Japanese using his own strength.

As soon as his words fell, a group of people immediately knelt down on the ground. If there is the first one, there will be a second one, but in a short while, a large group of people knelt down on the ground, crying incessantly: "I Surrender, I surrender."

In fact, there is a reason for them to do this. Although Zhetian is vicious and never likes to keep alive, as long as they are their enemies, they will surely die, but there is one good thing about them, that is, they always say what they say. Okay, that's why so many people immediately surrendered as soon as Niekov's words were spoken, so no matter what, they still left a life, which is better than death. Anyway, the underworld has no chance to stand up after this night So I don't have to think so much, it's better to surrender than to die.

"Is this the end for us?" Goro Yoshikawa stood on a tall building and looked at the men who surrendered in the distance, and said to himself.

"Cousin, let's go." At this moment, Kazuo Yamada also came up and said to Yoshikawa Goro. At this time, he no longer called Yoshikawa Goro Yoshikawa-kun, but directly used his cousin, with a sense of decline in his tone.

"No, I'm not leaving. My dream is gone, and the Yoshikawa group I worked so hard to manage is gone. I have nothing left." Looking at the road a few hundred meters below, he closed his eyes and jumped, and a generation of heroes died.

Kazuo Yamada obviously didn't expect that Goro Yoshikawa would jump up like this, he was panicked and didn't know what to do, he could only look at the direction where Goro Yoshikawa jumped into the distance with empty eyes, and didn't know what to say What, but it can be seen that he is very sad, tears have flowed all over his face.

"Fool, hmph, it's still important to save our lives at this time. I think we should surrender. I believe Zhetian will give us a good treatment." Ichiro Yamaguchi said disdainfully at the place where Yoshikawa Goro jumped.

"What did you say?" Kazuo Yamada heard what Ichiro Yamaguchi said, turned around and said to him with bloodshot eyes. Obviously, Kazuo Yamada was already extremely angry at this moment and could no longer be stimulated.

But the idiot Ichiro Yamaguchi obviously didn't realize this, and he still said there: "I said that idiot Yoshikawa Goro committed suicide. I really haven't seen him so stupid."

"You dare to say Yoshikawa-kun, then go to hell." Kazuo Yamada rushed to Ichiro Yamaguchi, lifted his collar, grabbed him and threw him downstairs. You must know Kazuo Yamada's height among people is absolutely He is tall enough and has a burly body. It is not difficult to throw a small Ichiro Yamaguchi. The same few people are not very skilled as high-level people. They have been trained in power techniques since they were young, and they have no time to learn these things. , so they are all pure ordinary people. In the screams of Ichiro Yamaguchi, Kazuo Yamada threw Ichiro Yamaguchi downstairs, and Ichiro Yamaguchi fell into several pieces immediately, his brains splattered.

Seeing Ichiro Yamaguchi's end, Kenhito Yamaguchi's face turned pale. At this moment, there was no one around them. At the last moment, those subordinates either rushed up to resist the attack of Zhetian or they all ran away. There were only four of them left, and Kenhito Yamaguchi naturally became scared when he saw Ichiro Yamaguchi dead.

(End of this chapter)

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