Chapter 429 The improvement of strength, the real demon level

Hearing Aoyu's words, Taotie laughed and said to Aoyu: "Okay, if that's the case, then you can go."

After finishing speaking, the surroundings of Aoyu became dark again, and after a while, the world around Aoyu lit up again, and the surrounding scenery also changed vividly. Gently blowing, a moment later the ground around Aoyu began to tremble, a huge monster appeared in front of him, its back was covered with long thorns, three huge heads roared heartily in front of Aoyu, this monster Its shape is like a lion, and its face is like a wolf. It makes people really confused what it is, but what is certain is that this thing is absolutely fierce. Aoyu can clearly feel that the monster in front of him has a power not weaker than his own. , Aoyu became fully alert.

"Hey, boy, this guy is a monster created by a dozen of us together. Its power is not weaker than yours, and it has all of our combat experience in its mind. Take your time and enjoy it." There was a sound in the space, and the tone was somewhat gloating.

Hearing Taotie's words, Aoyu became more dignified. With such powerful power, coupled with the fighting consciousness of the top ten monsters and nine dragons in ancient times, the power can be imagined. It is definitely an extremely powerful existence.

The monster also stared at Aoyu, and after a while, it started roaring and rushed towards Aoyu. In front of him was vulnerable, the monster was even faster than Aoyu, and chased after him with a dodge, just before Aoyu stopped, he was hit by the monster's claws to the ground, and the ground suddenly collapsed into a personal tunnel. I don't know how much down.

Aoyu was in so much pain that he managed to come back to his senses. With all his strength, he pierced through the ground and flew out from below. However, it was obvious that Aoyu suffered a lot just now, but the monster seemed to want to follow Aoyu at first. Yu Wanwan didn't really intend to kill Aoyu, so although Aoyu was in some pain, there was no real harm. Aoyu flew up from below, staring at the monster closely, as if to pay attention to him The next move, but it’s okay not to look at it, but when I looked at it, I found that the monster was looking at me with disdain at the moment, and the expression seemed to say "You can't do it, you are rubbish."

This made Aoyu extremely angry, imagining that no matter who was looked down upon by a beast, he would not be indifferent, suddenly Aoyu was furious, and with the strength, black flames burned all over his body. The Devouring Demon Flame of the same level as the Zijin Shenhuo is said to be able to devour everything and burn everything. Although Aoyu's power is not enough to use the Devouring Demon Flame to exert its full power, but the perverted power of Chi You Demon Emperor Jue can. Let the angry Aoyu possess it for a short time to help Aoyu fight.

The monster was obviously not stupid, and after seeing the magic flame on Aoyu's body, it took half a step back, but it quickly came back, because it found that Aoyu could not exert the power of the magic flame, Aoyu rushed forward Going up, it was a wild sweep of the monster, and the sun and the moon changed color between the sky and the earth, but the speed of the monster was too fast, even with Aoyu's power, it couldn't be infected, but although it was fast enough, but its body was too big, it was still caught by the monster. Aoyu's fur was stained, and the monster's body began to burn crazily after being stained with magic flames, and the monster suffered pain again and again.

The back of the monster was immediately burned by black flames, but the monster was not weak. Although it was burned by black flames, one of his heads spewed out countless colorful ice water, and the magic flame was immediately covered by the ice water. It was extinguished, the ice water was a kind of original power given to the monster by the nine divine dragons, the nine-day divine water was originally a deadly enemy with the devouring magic flame, the two were comparable, but after all, Aoyu can't use the magic power now. The full power of the flame is why the monster can use the Nine Heavens Divine Water to extinguish the Devouring Demon Flame, otherwise this alone is enough for it to suffer.

Seeing such a scene, Aoyu obviously didn't want to give the monster any chance, so he rushed over and immediately hit the monster with hundreds of punches, the huge body of the monster was knocked down by Aoyu, flattened I climbed a mountain range, and countless broken rocks burst out from the sky and the earth. Fortunately, there were no creatures nearby. Otherwise, I am afraid that millions of creatures will die just like this.

However, the monster is obviously not so easy to be defeated. After moving its body, the monster stood up again, and the two heads on the left side erupted two extreme forces at Aoyu at the same time, the magic flame of the region and the water of the nine heavens. The devouring demon flame on Aoyu's body was dispersed by the Nine Heavens Divine Water, and the regional demonic flame burned on Aoyu's body in an instant. You must know that although this regional demonic flame is not as powerful as Aoyu's devouring demon flame, it is still The most powerful magic fire in the lower five realms is a real fire deep in the dark area of ​​the heaven. It is said that it can burn all things. It is definitely not a joke. Pure, compared with the original magic flame, it is a sky and a ground, but it is enough to hurt Aoyu. After being hit by the magic flame, Aoyu made a miserable cry. Aoyu tried something he had never tried before. Pain, the magic flames burned my body, I had to use my strength to support it, and when those magic flames burned my body, I frantically used my strength to repair them, so that they could not enter the body, only in this way would I have a chance to survive , although it was said that it was just a skin trauma and did not hurt the inside, but the pain caused was unbearable, and Aoyu almost collapsed.

"I want to persevere, I want to persevere, there are still people waiting for me... There are still people waiting for me" Aoyu couldn't hold on at the moment, but at this moment he suddenly thought of his lovers, if he died they What should be done?If you can't live, you can imagine their fate. Although they are protected by their own subordinates, who knows what will happen then?I can't make them suffer, thinking of this, Aoyu's original purple eyes turned golden, and Aoyu's whole body exploded with purple energy, hitting the area magic flame from his body, and then turned around to come up , before the monster reacted, he punched the monster with a superhuman speed, at this moment, Aoyu used his special skill "Heaven and Earth Overlord Fist" to punch the monster's central brain. Bone, a black force directly entered the monster's body from Aoyu's body through his fist, instantly destroying the monster's huge receptors, only to hear the monster scream, and immediately fell over I can't get up from the ground anymore.

Aoyu looked at the monster's body, and suddenly his body fell limp. He sat there and said to the monster's body: "You deserve to die, at least you let me know how I should fight."

He was out of breath after he finished speaking, Aoyu had exhausted all his strength in the battle just now, if the monster stood up again, Aoyu would be dead for sure, but obviously the monster has no such chance now.

Aoyu closed his eyes without taking a break and began to digest the power that suddenly erupted from him just now. Aoyu knew that it was his real power, the power that had been hidden in his body for a long time, but he had not been developed by himself It’s just coming out. Aoyu really felt the threat of death in the battle just now, so he stimulated the hidden power in his body. At this time, Aoyu can clearly feel that his strength is improving, and it is a leap In nature, although he did not make himself a breakthrough, Aoyu knew that only now did he truly realize the meaning of the magic war against the world. Only at this time did he truly understand the meaning of fighting for cultivation. Only by fighting constantly can he continue to fight This is an unchanging truth. After the battle just now, Aoyu found that because of the pain he had suffered just now, the black hell flames burned his internal power to erupt at the moment of life and death, and he could truly Mastering the essentials of Demon War World, originally Aoyu's power has actually reached the level of Immortal Emperor, that is, Heavenly Demon Level, but because the source of his power does not match the real Demon War World, so those powers are hidden, and later in life and death. It can be considered as a real explosion, so that Aoyu can defeat the monster to obtain such power. At this moment, Aoyu has truly realized the meaning of the magic war in the world, and has truly crossed into the ranks of the top five masters in the lower five realms. At this moment, Aoyu Yu is the real demon level, and his strength has been improved again. Although it is more difficult for him to win than several celestial elders, it is very easy to save his life, and with his perverted body and "" With the power of Chi You Demon Emperor's Art, at this moment Aoyu believes that he can already be invincible.

When Aoyu opened his eyes again, his original purple eyeballs had turned into golden color at this moment, dazzling and dazzling, making people feel uneasy. At this moment, Aoyu felt that his whole body was full of strength. At this moment, Aoyu faced the sky He howled heartily, and the surrounding mountains were shattered by his cry.

"Hey, boy, don't cry, you are not bad, you can defeat it, but it is not that simple, hey, the things we made are not so easy to defeat, boy, you have rested Well, then you are ready to meet its true power, hehehe..." When Aoyu howled, the voice of Taotie resounded in the sky again, and at the moment it smiled sinisterly at Aoyu.

(End of this chapter)

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