Chapter 431 Free Country
"Hey, boy, it's still too early for you to see them. Frankly speaking, they are still sleeping. If it wasn't for the sweet soul of the girl you faced last time that attracted me, I would be sleeping like them Among them, your strength is not enough to use this fan. If we don't fall into a deep sleep, the power of the fan alone is enough to turn you into a thoughtless corpse. You must know that the power of the supreme fan of heaven and earth is too powerful Yes, even beyond everything, based on the power of thunder and lightning from the Holy Tribulation, combined with the blood of the gods, plus our ten great monsters and nine great dragons, its power has surpassed all people in the lower five realms, yes The first divine weapon, but it is actually a holy weapon. You do not have the strength to use it. We can only keep you alive if you are asleep. Only when your power reaches a certain level can you continuously awaken the soul inside. When you can put When all of us are awakened, you will be considered to have truly mastered the Fan of Supreme Heaven and Earth, and it is not an exaggeration to say that you are the Supreme Fan of Heaven and Earth." Taotie, the wordy guy, said to Aoyu.

After hearing this, Aoyu was shocked. He never thought that the power of the Supreme Fan of Heaven and Earth has reached such a level. No wonder no one has been able to control it for millions of years, because his power has surpassed everything. A new question arose, Aoyu said to Taotie: "Then why did you choose me? There have been countless masters in the two worlds of gods and demons who have obtained the Supreme Fan of Heaven and Earth, but why did you choose me?"

"Hey, it's very simple, because those guys didn't get our collective approval." Taotie said to Aoyu indifferently.

"Approval? Why can't others get it, but I can?" Aoyu was even more confused.

"It's very simple, because although our top ten monsters were killed by Chi You, there is no regret in being killed by the strong. As monsters, we naturally hate those hateful gods, so we can't accept them, and the nine snakes, although They were also killed by Chi You, but after all they belonged to the Dragon Clan and belonged to neutrality, but Chi You killed them and made them hate all the Demon Clans. At first you were different. Although you practiced the magic art, but you are the blood of the Dragon Clan, And you are of the blood of the ancient dragon god, those guys will naturally not embarrass you, and we also agree, so you have been selected to have the supreme fan of heaven and earth." The wordy Taotie explained to Aoyu that this guy was born to like Speaking, at this time, it happened exactly as he wanted, and he said a lot as soon as he said it.

When Aoyu wanted to say anything more, he was interrupted roughly by Taotie. Apparently, Taotie had received the consciousness of other people just now. He didn't want to be crushed by the other monsters and the nine dragons, so he interrupted Aoyu violently, and said to him: "Okay, don't ask so many questions, you should go."

After finishing speaking, he kicked Aoyu out, and after a while, Aoyu reappeared in a world, but this was not anywhere else, it was the world in his own Kunlun mirror, Aoyu looked helplessly at the supreme fan of heaven and earth in his hand, and smiled wryly After shaking his head, he left here, and returned to the real world in an instant. It was still the same scenery as before, and nothing changed. The only thing that changed was Aoyu himself. The Aoyu at this moment is very different from before. .

Of course, Aoyu didn't notice that after he put away the Heaven and Earth Sovereign Fan, the inside kept shining and smooth, and a fierce quarrel was erupting inside at the moment.

"You bastards, I was happy with what I said just now, why didn't you let me say it?" At this moment, Taotie yelled at the other dozen beasts in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Almost immediately after Taotie's words fell, more than a dozen loud voices appeared in Taotie's mind, shouting at Taotie almost in unison: "Shut up, who knows if your mouth will say something that shouldn't be said. secret."

Seeing that the other party was so imposing, Glutton suddenly froze. He also knew that what these guys said was the truth, and his mouth was indeed not firm. Thinking of this, he was not so angry, so he could only bow his head helplessly. Talking to himself in a low voice is not only saying something, it seems to be cursing or something. Of course, it is impossible for other guys to know, because they can only communicate with Tao Tie in the sea of ​​consciousness, and they cannot hear Tao Tie's words.

Of course, Aoyu has no time to care about these things at the moment. At this moment, Aoyu has returned to his home, took a shower, lay there and played with Angel. At this moment, he did not think of his unintentional actions at all. The reaction in the world after destroying that damned Indonesia.

On the second day after the disaster in Indonesia, the whole world was shaken. Although we know the horror of nature, the natural phenomenon this time is very strange. The phenomenon of no crime in the land autumn really surprised people. All of this completely collapsed those who call themselves scientists. Strange natural phenomena, which are normal and possible, have even been predicted to have occurred tens of thousands of years ago. In fact, they don't know why, but they don't want the authority of science to become public A laughing stock, so they used their usual methods. Of course, no one believed them this time. After all, this incident was too weird. It was so weird that people could not believe in science. Many people thought it was the gods who were angry. , Destroyed this bunch of ignorant beasts, this degenerate nation, the major religions in the world that had been gradually dying out became active again for a while, and the number of believers increased sharply. In addition, because of his believers, those Catholic believers are too good at fooling people.

Indonesia is destroyed, although their population is all dead, the whole Indonesia has become a desolate land, the whole world is watching here, not because of the death of these guys, but because this rich land of Indonesia should be Worrying about where they belong, the initial poverty in Indonesia was not because their land was not rich enough and the transportation was not convenient enough, but because there were a group of races that should not survive on this land. Now the whole Indonesia has been wiped out, leaving a vast land. Land, here has become the focus of people's competition, but various countries are complementary to each other on this issue. The American countries headed by Zhetian, and the Asian countries headed by Huaxia are basically on the same line. However, the European countries headed by the Dark Council and the Holy See, the four major organizations of Tulip and Ice Emperor firmly opposed the opinions of Zhetian's side, and finally discussed several times but did not discuss any specific results on this issue, so they could only helplessly I gave up, and I don’t know who first put forward the slogan of "free construction, economy first". After the agreement of several countries, Indonesia has become a free city. All countries are not allowed to put their hands in here. Everything in the "Land of Freedom" is a public resource, and everything here is built by itself. All forces and countries can come here to build their own territory. Of course, the premise is that there will be no conflicts. Although there is no idea what should be done in the future, But it is absolutely possible to do this in the first few years. After all, building a land that has been completely barren is not as simple as people imagine.

"Godfather, everything is proceeding according to our opinion. All countries have followed our opinion and established a free country there. Do you think we should start building from Indonesia?" At this moment Somalia is standing beside Aoyu Said to Aoyu respectfully.

"Well, very good, how about this, let's choose Java Island, it's a good place, and when we fight against the guys in the west, it will be our frontier fortress, you go and inform Sister Lin Yan, let us Huanyu began to build there, and when the development there is about the same, the headquarters of Zhetian and Huanyu will be moved there. After all, there are no those damn Indonesians there, and it has become a land of no one. There is nothing wrong with us taking root there, of course I don’t want a desolate land.” At this moment, Aoyu has destroyed Indonesia and wiped that damned nation off the map, so he is in a good mood at this moment, the corner of his mouth He said to his subordinate Somalia with a smile.

"Yes, godfather, I'll go and explain it right now." Somali said respectfully to Aoyu, and left here after speaking, leaving Aoyu alone in the room.

In the twinkling of an eye, winter turns to spring, and the earth has begun to recover at this moment. During the Spring Festival, Aoyu went home to see his uncle and grandfather, and other things, just like this. Since then, Aoyu has always been with books, TV, and games. Of course, he would try wine and beauties from time to time. Everything in the world seems so peaceful, as if nothing happened in this world. Everyone has forgotten There used to be a nation like Indonesia, it only took one month for Zhetian to successfully level up Southeast Asia, and then it fell silent, which relieved the already tense forces. After a few months, Zhetian seemed to disappear Generally speaking, burying their heads in business there seems to have given up all expansion, which allowed the major forces that have already prepared for war to let go of this heavy burden in their hearts and start their own development.

(End of this chapter)

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