Chapter 446 Two fists are invincible to four hands
Looking at Poseidon's long flowing hair and stern eyes, Aoyu put a smile on his mouth, and said to Poseidon: "Then I really want to know who is the first one who asked you to use the Ocean Cloth, It actually made our sea emperor Poseidon so embarrassed."

Poseidon didn't mind Aoyu's teasing tone at all. As an emperor, he has the bearing he should have. After looking up at the sky for a long time, Poseidon sighed and said: "The first one is my father. The father of the Lympians, Uralos, that brutal man."

"Ularos? Hehe, the ancestor of the Titan Protoss and your Mount Olympus Protoss? Hehe, I've heard the legend about that guy too. If that's the case, you three brothers should also resist him, hehe, but again How can you say that he is also your father, hehe, you dare to kill your own father and imprison his soul, you are really brave." Aoyu said to Poseidon with a smile.

Hearing Aoyu's words, Poseidon lowered his raised head, turned to look at Aoyu, his eyes flickered with a frightening cold light, then turned to pick up his own weapon, the trident, and folded Aoyu in half. Just kill him, obviously the current Poseidon is much stronger than before, more importantly, his defense power has reached a level comparable to Aoyu, and his speed has also improved a lot, soon Then he fought with Aoyu, and the two were truly on par at this moment, whether it was speed, strength, or the terrifying defensive ability, they were all extremely powerful, and neither of them could stand against each other. For any advantage, of course Poseidon is at a disadvantage in comparison, Aoyu's moves have been fully utilized on him, and he can take a lot of advantage, Aoyu is getting more and more vigorous, and Poseidon is getting more and more strenuous, which makes Poseidon very angry. The two of them fought on equal terms for almost a whole day. People living on the land of the western heaven also suffered heavy casualties because of the fight between the two.

The people along the coast began to pray to the god of the sea, and begged Zeus, the king of the gods far away on Mount Olympus, and Poseidon obviously had no time to pay attention to them, but Zeus may not necessarily.

"Oh, isn't this my dear brother? Look at what's going on with you. It's really embarrassing for us Olympus protoss to be beaten like this by a human. The great sea emperor Poseidon, mountains and rivers! , Poseidon, the master of the sea, was beaten by a man in the sea and forced to put on the sea clothes, but he was still unable to win. Really, if others find out, they will laugh their heads off." After Aoyu and Poseidon fought for three days, a voice sounded not far from the two of them. A majestic middle-aged man dressed gorgeously appeared on the left side of Aoyu and Poseidon. He wore a crown on his head and held a scepter in his hand. At this moment, he was challenging Poseidon with words that did not match his appearance.

Hearing this voice, Poseidon's face became quite ugly. You must know that although the two are brothers, their relationship is not good. Since they resisted and defeated Ularos together, the relationship between the two brothers is not harmonious. If It's not that there is a centrist Hades standing there, and the outside is not so safe. I believe the two of them have already fought. At this moment, hearing Zeus' provocative voice, Poseidon suddenly said angrily: "Zeus , You bastard, try it if you have the ability, I dare say that this kid is definitely not weaker than you, and this is a matter of our sea realm, the sea is my territory, you are not welcome here."

After hearing Poseidon's words, Zeus' face suddenly became ugly, but he recovered quickly. You must know that Zeus is not a person with a big heart. After hearing Poseidon's words, he became angry. However, Zeus is gloomy and will not show anything. Just as some people say that a dog that bites does not bark, Zeus is exactly like this, so when Zeus heard what Poseidon said, he was not angry. Get up, but smiled, and said to Poseidon: "Poseidon, you are my dear brother anyway, do you know that? Your battles have destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives, and my believers have already I'm praying, of course including your believers, Poseidon and I, you don't want to lose that huge power of faith, right?"

Sure enough, Poseidon's face changed immediately after hearing this. You must know that the power of faith is extremely important in Poseidon's eyes. It is the source of Poseidon's power or the source of their gods. The East is okay. Relying on one's own practice, but most of the western protoss have already been established at birth. If you want to go further, there is no other way but the huge power of faith, so when Poseidon heard Zeus' words, he will have such a big power. Reflect, after all, power is everything no matter where in this world, when you have power, you have everything, and when you lose power, you will lose everything.

"Then why don't you kill this kid? He has trampled on the dignity of the Sea Emperor, so why should I let him go like this? Zeus, don't you have anything to do with this kid?" At this moment, Poseidon pondered for a moment and said to him Looking at Zeus, he looked at Zeus with puzzled and suspicious eyes. Obviously, although Poseidon was persuaded by Zeus and meant to stop, he did not intend to let Aoyu go, nor did he fully believe in Zeus. .

"No... no. No, my dear brother, you must know that things are not as you think. If I have such a master, then I will never send him to fight you. You must know It is much more beneficial for him to deal with our external enemies, since you don’t want to keep him, my dear brother, then for the sake of our precious family relationship, let me help you kill him.” Although for a master like Aoyu Zeus is also quite a thing, but he knows that he can only choose one in front of Poseidon and Aoyu, and obviously Poseidon will have more benefits and is more practical. If he chooses the master of unknown origin, then I will break with Poseidon and the entire sea realm, such consequences are not something I can bear, at least I can't afford it at the moment, and I can't rest assured that a powerful existence that I don't understand will appear in front of me. Enemies who don't understand are the most dangerous, that's why Zeus said that.

After finishing speaking, I saw that Zeus rushed out one step ahead of Poseidon, and the scepter became Zeus' famous weapon, Thor's Hammer, and several thunderbolts sprayed down from the sky. The Zidian Dragon Halberd, which has not been practiced, is obviously not the opponent of Zeus' Nian Thunderbolt. Although Kankan resisted it, his arm has already started to feel numb, and Poseidon over there saw that his brother Zeus had already started to attack. , and stopped being negligent and began to move quickly, because he knew that it was not the time for him to fight with Zeus, and the guy opposite was obviously not weak. The Si God Clan will not be peaceful, after all, no matter who completely offends such a master, then it will not be easy.

Aoyu who was attacked by two masters was also having a hard time, but at this moment he could still choose how to fight, avoiding all the attacks, he rushed towards Zeus, because at this moment Poseidon had already put on the sea clothes and wanted to fight. It is obviously not possible to break through his defense in a short time, and he obviously does not have that much time, so he chose Zeus who is currently only in a fancy dress. Of course Aoyu did not intend to kill Zeus, Zeus As the king of the ultimate gods, if he was killed so easily, he would have been kicked out of power long ago, and he would never sit in this stable position for so long. Since he can sit in the position of the king of gods Living steadily for tens of thousands of years is enough to prove that Zeus definitely possesses a power that cannot be underestimated, at least not under Poseidon. There is only one reason for Aoyu to do this, and that is to force Zeus back and escape quickly Here, Aoyu is not a fool. He knows that it is an unrealistic dream to deal with Zeus and Poseidon at the same time with his current strength. It will take a long time to achieve this step. It's not something that can be done in a day or two, and the most important thing I have to do now is to escape, and saving my life first is more important than anything else.

Zeus did not manage the battle between Poseidon and Aoyu just now, so he did not have a thorough understanding of Aoyu's power, so he was quite careless. Yu Lian stabbed dozens of times, then stabbed his thigh with a halberd, and then quickly fled here, but things were not as perfect as Aoyu thought, when Aoyu stabbed Zeus, Poseidon's seven golden seas At this time, the fighters would jointly shoot an energy egg mixed with a trick to Aoyu. When Aoyu didn't react, he was hit in the shoulder. Aoyu had no choice but to pause. Come down, although this energy egg is not a threat to Aoyu's life, it is enough to hurt Aoyu, golden blood flowed down from Aoyu's shoulder, Aoyu had no choice but to stop his movements, quietly watching Looking at his opponent, he knew that it was unrealistic for him to escape from the hands of the two masters, so Aoyu paused, ready to see what chance he had, as for the matter of death, Aoyu still hadn't thought about it Yes, but he is confident, after all, he still has a trump card that he hasn't thrown yet.

(End of this chapter)

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