Chapter 455 The Taoist Priest in Chinatown
Aoyu and the little boys he took in moved very quickly. After all, there is nothing here that can stop them. Those who are really powerful have already been eradicated by Aoyu. After all, none of those gangsters are not evil. It is precisely because of this that they have become Aoyu's targets, and they have long since become headless snakes without their boss, and they are vulnerable to a single blow. Besides, with Aoyu's prestige, no one would dare to say anything, so the matter proceeded. It went quite smoothly, and Aoyu also started the old business of gangsters and collected the protection fee. Although this is not a legitimate way, since it is a gangster, there is no need to estimate those many, but sometimes the protection fee is not It's such a good deal.

"Boss, boss, it's not good. Our brother Chen San was beaten today." At this moment, Li Si, one of Aoyu's subordinates, ran over and said to Aoyu who was watching TV in the old monkey yard. Yu's family has already moved here. Of course, to Bingyun and the others, Aoyu only said that he just found a stable job. After all, Bingyun can't accept the life of a gangster. I don't know when Aoyu has started. I don't care about Bingyun's thoughts, maybe the feelings are generated unconsciously.

"What's going on? Can you tell me clearly?" At this moment, Aoyu is trying to catch up on some knowledge. After all, there are too many things for him to learn, but after hearing Li Si's words, Aoyu put down everything in his hands and turned around. He turned to Li Si and said, Aoyu is still clear about what is important. If such a thing is encountered at the beginning of the establishment of the organization, it must be dealt with, otherwise it will not be able to establish any prestige.

"It's such a boss. Today, when Chen San and the others went out to collect protection fees, they passed a time when the stall money collected protection fees from him. The Taoist not only refused to pay, but also ignored him. As a result, Chen San and the others went there on impulse. The Taoist priest was beaten, but the Taoist priest paid Chen San and the others, and he didn't know what method he used. The brothers present said that the Taoist priest didn't move at all, just raised his hand, and then Chen San and the others all fell down. I don’t know anything anymore.” Li Si is obviously afraid of such a scary thing, the person who kills people invisible is the most terrifying person, and that Taoist priest is obviously such a person, and he is also sad that he will be so afraid.

"Oh? It turned out to be like this. Where is that Taoist priest? Take me to see him." Aoyu frowned and said to Chen San, obviously Aoyu also felt that this person was not so simple.

"Yes, he's in Chinatown, I'll take you there." Chen San immediately said to Aoyu, and then began to lead the way for Aoyu, walking towards Chinatown, you must know that Chinatown is not just a street but a street It refers to an area, an area where Chinese people live. Almost every big city in the world has such a place, but some are big and some are small. Chinatown refers to a street in Chinatown in Paris.

Aoyu's organization was initially established, but it said that it needed money and people, so it didn't even have a car. Of course, it didn't mean that Aoyu couldn't afford it. The checks in this guy's family were enough to buy hundreds of high-end cars. The car, of course, Aoyu only recently understood all this, but he didn't use it, because Aoyu felt that it's better not to attract people's ideas.

When Aoyu and the others came here, Aoyu saw a handsome and stable middle-aged man in a black Taoist uniform at the moment, sitting there with a calm demeanor, and some props were placed around him. There is no difference, at the moment he is closing his eyes and meditating there, and there are two banners erected on both sides of the table where he is sitting, on the left side is written "Know astronomy from above, know geography from below", and on the right side is written "Universal and thorough, omnipotent" like this It was the first time I saw the arrogant word Aoyu, so I walked over and came to the Taoist priest, looked at him and stared at him for a long time, but didn't speak a word, Aoyu said nothing about what was written on this guy's flag I felt a little unconcerned, thinking that the person in front of me said too much, but he didn't know how to speak, so he kept looking at the Taoist priest.

Just when Aoyu was about to speak, the Taoist priest rushed ahead of him and spoke. The Taoist priest opened his deep and boundless eyes, and said to Aoyu with a strange brilliance in his eyes, "You come here!" Yes, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Aoyu was obviously taken aback by his words, and then he said to the Taoist with a surprised tone: "You know me?"

"Of course we know each other." The Taoist said to Aoyu with this mysterious smile.

"What, tell me the truth, then tell me who you are?" Aoyu, who was originally very calm, immediately became confused after hearing this sentence. No wonder Aoyu was so excited, he had already given up. The idea of ​​recalling his own identity, but someone suddenly told him that he knew who he was, how could this not make Aoyu excited?Not to mention that Aoyu would do the same if he changed someone casually, after all, no one wants their memory to be blank.

"But I can't tell you now." The Taoist priest obviously had an abusive look, and after giving Aoyu hope, he broke him with his own hands, which naturally made Aoyu feel uneasy.

"If you don't tell me, I'll kill you." At this moment, Aoyu was furious when he heard this, and the hidden ferocity was aroused again. Looking at the Taoist priest with blood-red eyes, he said, it is obvious that Aoyu's purpose at this moment It is very clear, if the Taoist priest does not reveal his identity, then Aoyu is likely to get rid of him on the spot.

"Hey, don't be so angry, little friend. You will know your identity after three days. Why are you so excited? I came to you today because of another matter." Seeing Aoyu's appearance, the Taoist priest not only There was no resentment or fear, but a flash of admiration flashed in his eyes, then he patted Aoyu on the shoulder, and said to him, when Aoyu didn't pay attention, a ball of black light appeared from his hand, and he shot into it instantly Inside Aoyu's body, of course, this movement was so slight that no one else noticed it at all, including Aoyu of course.

After hearing what the Taoist said, Aoyu calmed down. He didn't mind waiting for a few more days after waiting for such a long time, so Aoyu calmed down slowly at this time. After all, Aoyu couldn't find him at this time. A better way, maybe I will have to rely on this Taoist priest to help me at that time, so naturally I can't offend too much. As for what the Taoist priest said is false, Aoyu has no doubts at all. Although Yu has lost his memory, he is not stupid. In the past, no matter who he looked at, Aoyu could see his details at a glance. He could see the strength of his opponent, but he couldn't see through this Taoist Aoyu. Aoyu alone can be sure that the person opposite him is definitely not a simple person, just by the aura emanating from him, Aoyu can be sure that he is definitely not the opponent of the person opposite him, Aoyu has a heart in his heart I have a strong feeling that even if I did not lose my memory, I am definitely not the opponent of this person in front of me, so Aoyu will easily believe his words.

After calming down, Aoyu finally calmed down and said to the Taoist priest, "What do you want from me?"

"Hey, little friend, I'm looking for you for no other reason than to tell you something." The Taoist said to Aoyu with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" Aoyu raised his eyebrows, and said to the Taoist priest with a trace of curiosity in his light tone.

"The top of Mount Tai, the top of the Jade Emperor, the gate of heaven." The Taoist smiled mysteriously, and then said to Aoyu.

The ambiguity of what he said made people feel a little incomprehensible, and of course Aoyu didn't understand either. Aoyu was full of doubts about the endless words, but he also felt that what the Taoist said meant something. As if it was very important to him, this made Aoyu full of doubts and incomprehensions, Aoyu wrinkled and said to the Taoist priest: "What's going on, what do you mean, I don't know at all clear?"

Seeing Aoyu's appearance, the Taoist stood up laughing and didn't answer, just smiled mysteriously at Aoyu, and then said to Aoyu, "After three days, you should understand."

After finishing speaking, before Aoyu could realize something, he disappeared in front of Aoyu and everyone, leaving only the empty table and a group of people who were already a bit silly, because no one knew how he left, and he didn't feel anything , he suddenly disappeared into the vast crowd, as if he had never appeared at all. If it weren't for the brightly colored flag fluttering in the breeze, everyone would have thought that he was just dreaming, but even so, they still absolutely I just went through an illusory dream just now, everything is so unreal.

Of course, there is one person who is different from them. He can clearly feel the existence of the Taoist priest because he can feel it, because he can clearly feel that after the Taoist priest left, there is a huge wave in his body. The power is flowing rapidly there, running crazily in his body, repairing those organs that are being damaged in his body, which makes Aoyu feel very comfortable. He has such a guess in his heart, "Maybe, it is really as the Taoist priest said. Say, in three days I'll know who I am."

(End of this chapter)

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