Chapter 457 Blood Stained Ice Field

"Old Ma, what do you mean to say that those guys from the Dark Council will unite with the Holy See to deal with us?" All the people present were smart people, and those who were able to climb to this position were extremely meticulous. After listening to Ma Quan's words, Immediately understood what he meant, Lin Tianfeng shrank his eyes at this moment, and then frowned and said to Ma Quan, with a cold light in his eyes.

"Hmph, it's more than that, I guess they even joined forces with the Tulip family and the Ice Emperor, hehe, this time we played some games, it seems that we have been silent for too long, what kind of hair and dogs dare You came out to make trouble for us." At this moment, Aoyu said to many of his subordinates with a playful expression and a smile, but when he said, his eyes were looking into the distance and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Everyone showed angry and excited expressions after hearing Aoyu's words, just when they were about to speak one by one, Aoyu interrupted them and said to them: "Okay, don't talk so much, Since you want to deal with them, it’s not too late. I’ll release all the people and you can arrange it yourself. You guys will go to Europe with me, and I’ll put you in France, and the rest will be up to you. Look at your own actions, hey, Elder Lin, you are leading the disciples of the Demon Sect to the Siberian wasteland, and I will go first."

After finishing talking, Aoyu disappeared in front of the heavy hand. Aoyu was obviously quite impatient at the moment. After all, Bingyun was also very important to Aoyu. One was vague love, the other was deep kindness, No matter which Aoyu can't let her go, so after explaining everything, those subordinates who released Kunlun Jing disappeared without a trace after they arrived in the open area of ​​Zhetian Headquarters.

In the blink of an eye, Aoyu came to the sky of Siberia, here Aoyu looked at the barren ice field, and the huge castle hidden under the ice field, through the voice of the demon, Aoyu's words were clear The words spread throughout the land with a radius of hundreds of miles: "I am coming, you all get out, take the ice cloud with you, or you will all die."

Not long after Aoyu's words came out, there was a huge wave of dark elements between the sky and the earth, a huge old castle slowly rose from the ground, and after a while, an ancient European castle appeared in front of Aoyu , Hearing the sound of "Zhi Ya", the gate about tens of meters high opened, and thousands of people walked out from inside. Among them, a white-haired old man whose face could not be seen clearly walked out pushing Bing Yun, his eyes were fixed. Staring at Aoyu closely, he said: "Godfather who covers the sky?"

"I am, who are you? Just say what you want, I'll take them all." Aoyu looked at the group of people with a cold light in his eyes and said to them, obviously at the moment Aoyu was quite angry, If Bingyun is in their hands, and dark magic has been cast on her body, the sharp claws of a few orcs are on her throat, and if a few dark mages aimed at Bingyun with magic, Aoyu would have rushed out to snatch her. Damn, it seems that these guys have really put in a lot of effort in order to avoid Aoyu robbing people. After all, this is a trump card in their hands that must not be easily lost. Of course, they will not know that these thorough preparations they have made For Aoyu, it is nothing more than a fake and has no effect.

"I am the president of the Dark Council, Sass. As for the people around me, the wolf king David of the werewolves and his eight elders, the chief and three elders of the blood wolves, the chief and three elders of the snow wolves , ten great mages of dark mages, two undead mages, and twelve blood princes, I think with such a lineup, your Excellency has nothing to resist, and besides, there is this beautiful Miss Bingyun in our hands, I advise you to surrender to us." The president of the dark council, Sass, the leader of the dark mage, said to Aoyu with a sinister smile, in his opinion, such a lineup is enough to kill the world Of course, although his hole cards are not limited to these, it would be even better if the Dark Council can subdue the opponent independently. After all, the opponent's huge power makes all dark creatures hang three feet, of course. Whether it is these dark creatures or those who unite with them, the reason is actually very simple, because the power of the sky has threatened their survival, so they have to unite and resist.

Hearing this, Aoyu immediately became angry. You must know that what Aoyu hates the most in his life is when others threaten him, and this hated president of the Dark Council happened to fall into his hands.

When Aoyu was about to make a move, there was a burst of strong light energy fluctuations in the sky. A moment later, a beautiful girl with a pair of white wings on her back appeared in front of Aoyu, looking at it with excited eyes. Aoyu, Aoyu saw the person coming and frowned and said to her: "An Qier, why are you here?"

"Master, An Qier felt the presence of the master just now, so he came here. Let An Qier handle these weak creatures." At this moment, An Qier is a little different from when Aoyu disappeared. At least she looks like a person at the moment, not a holy angel, but no one knows what she will look like when she comes down and faces Aoyu.

"You want to do something? Well, then wait for me first." Aoyu heard what An Qier said, looked at her appearance again, raised his eyebrows, and then said to her, and disappeared immediately after speaking. In front of people, when he reappeared, Bingyun had already appeared in front of him, and put Bingyun into the Kunlun mirror without saying a word, Aoyu always felt that things were not that simple, if those guys from the Dark Council just If you have such a little ability, then you will definitely not come to trouble yourself.

Seeing Bingyun suddenly appearing beside Aoyu and then disappearing in a blink of an eye, those guys from the Dark Council were completely dumbfounded, Sas looked at Aoyu and then at his empty side, completely dumbfounded, at this moment He has a feeling of fear, he has never felt such a feeling in the past hundreds of years, but this feeling has not stopped since Aoyu appeared, but now it is more profound.

But at this moment Aoyu didn't intend to make a move. At this moment, he rescued Bingyun and didn't have any worries. He just stood upright in the sky and watched his beautiful and lovely little slave girl perform. At this moment, An Qier had already opened her mouth The snow-white wings, the huge light energy erupted from her body, the infinite brilliance on her body flickered at this moment, the sacred and strong light power made the surrounding dark creatures unable to open their eyes, those weak dark creatures even When she didn't do anything, it was already completely purified. Those dark creatures had to quickly hide in the huge castle to resist Angel's terrible holy light. Of course, neither Aoyu nor Angel It was found that the blood of those dark creatures purified by Angel was flowing and converging in a regular way.

Just when An Qier was about to go in, the familiar hymn suddenly sounded from the nearby hill, and hundreds of people quickly appeared in front of Aoyu and An Qier. Although there were not many people, they were all elites. Aoyu recognized that it was none other than Pope Peter II of the Vatican, the three cardinals, the chief and deputy presiding judges of the Holy See Inquisition, the thirteen British Knights of the Round Table, and hundreds of unknown With different identities and priests' attire, these people's strength is not weaker than the Pope's. At this moment, they appeared in front of Angel and worked together to block Angel's divine power.

"Great and holy angel, why did you succumb at the feet of the devil and stop us from slaughtering that damned devil." At this moment, Pope Peter II walked out and said to Angel. At this moment, the Pope wore a crown of thorns on his head, He is holding the scarab in his left hand and the Holy Grail of Jesus in his hand. Obviously, this guy has brought out all the guys in the Holy See to stand with Aoyu, but the appearance of Angel made him feel a little bit surprised, so he stood up. Come out and say this to Angel, although the pope is different from those ascetic monks, his heart is full of desire for power, but this does not affect his respect for God and his belief in the Lord, but at this moment there is a sudden The angel appeared in front of him and helped the demon, which made him a little unacceptable. He said that even if he could accept it, the subordinates around him would not be able to accept it. It is really impossible for them to face the sacred existence in their hearts. Fighting, that's why Peter II stood up and said this to Angel.

"Angel? Whether I am an angel or not, I am only loyal to my master. Others, no matter who they are, as long as they provoke my master, I will kill him mercilessly, even if he is the so-called God." At this moment, An Qier listened to Peter II's words and pondered for a moment and said to him with a firm tone. Obviously, Aoyu is the most important thing in An Qier's heart at this moment. Everything else can't be compared with Aoyu. I heard it. Although Aoyu already knew the result of these words, he still felt sweet in his heart unconsciously, and a smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

The opposite of him is of course Peter II and the others. At this moment, Peter II was shocked after hearing Angel's words. He never imagined that the holy angel in his heart would betray God for the sake of that terrifying demon. , If it wasn't for his better endurance, he might have fainted, but Peter II recovered in a blink of an eye, with a cold light in his eyes and said to those who were already a little confused: "This angel has turned his back on God. She is our enemy, we cannot tolerate anyone betraying the great and merciful Lord, so we will kill her."

His subordinates were in a daze at the moment, after hearing his words, they immediately came back to their senses, each with a firm expression, obviously ready to fight to the death with Aoyu and An Qier, except for the few cardinals. There was a crazy light in the eyes of all of them. It seemed that the call of God was extremely important to them. Unlike the Pope and those cardinals, they were the real believers.

Seeing such brilliance from his subordinates, the pope put a smile on his mouth, because he felt that his plan was being realized step by step. You must know that neither the pope nor the president of the dark council is a fool, so he naturally understands that he The power of these people is not enough to kill Aoyu, not to mention that there is such an angel coming at this moment, if only relying on the power of these people, even the Holy See and the Dark Council, as well as Tulip and Ice Emperor, all the people will be killed. If you are all dead, you may not be able to defeat the opponent, and such a loss is not acceptable to your side, and if you dare to act on your side, you must have been fully prepared, otherwise the Pope and Sass would be the two of them. The old cunning and cunning will not do it so easily.

"Believers of God, the time has come for you to fight for God, come and give your life, soul, and everything you have, come and beg God for help, God is omnipotent, and you will enter the beautiful world in the future Heaven, God will be happy to have such a great people like you. After you die, you will become holy angels and will fight for God to the last moment. Now is the time to defend the dignity of God. Show your courage Let’s go.” The pope said these bewitching words in a righteous and dignified manner. Obviously, these words of the pope are only used to deceive children. Even ordinary people outside will not believe his words. Let’s start here But no, here are God’s most loyal and craziest believers. They believe in the Pope’s words. They think everything the Pope said is right. After death, they will become God’s angels and feel the light of God forever. , Of course, they didn't think at all at this moment that if there was such a good thing, the Pope would have gone there long ago, so why bother to talk nonsense here?

When the pope cut his finger and dripped his blood on the scarab, the ascetics looked at each other and took out the dagger they had prepared a long time ago, and stabbed themselves in the heart. Before he died, he even shouted, "I am willing to dedicate everything, including body and soul, to the merciful God. I am willing to stand to defend the dignity of God."

Their blood quickly spread all over the ground, the blood of those ascetic monks and those dark creatures fused together, quickly forming a huge magic circle, and their souls quickly turned into white light and entered the world at the moment of their death. Inside the scarab, thunder and lightning flickered in the sky at this moment, and the ground began to tremble continuously. Everything seemed so unusual, and Aoyu's expression became dignified for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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