Chapter 459 My beauty, eight-winged holy angel
When Michael approached Angel, a ball of golden light energy shot out from her hand and directly entered Angel's head, Aoyu didn't stop it because Aoyu could feel the energy though Strong, but very gentle, not lethal energy. As for An Qier, there is no one present with her current power that she can resist. Unknowingly, the energy entered An Qier's body, instantly calming down. A strong light began to erupt from Qier's body, and the golden light shone on An Qier's body. After a while, eight gorgeous white wings erupted from An Qier's body. At this moment, An Qier opened his eyes again, golden The light of light kept flowing in his eyes.

"Michelle, you're awake." Seeing Angel, oh no, it should be called Michelle waking up now, both Michael and Lucifer looked at Michelle with smiles, obviously the two Everyone is very familiar with Michelle, and the relationship with her is quite good, that's why they have such an expression.

"It's me, I woke up Sister Michael." Michelle said to Michael with a beautiful smile. On the other side, of course, she did not forget to say hello to Lucifer, and she also nodded kindly to Lucifer. Nodding, after all tens of thousands of years ago, they could be said to be best friends. Lucifer, Michael, Michelle, and Salier were best friends, although in the end Lucifer and Salier Ye rebelled and escaped from the heaven, but this did not affect the relationship between them.

"Sister Michelle, why did you use Angel Reincarnation for no reason? Could it be that His Majesty God gave you some mission?" After talking with Michelle, Michael immediately asked what he was most concerned about at the moment. question.

Michelle's face changed when she heard Michael's words. It was obvious that things were not as Michael said. After pondering for a moment, Michelle said to Michael: "God? That hypocritical guy, Jehovah He is a beast at all, Sister Michael, have you ever been to the Garden of Eden? I have been there, it is hell, you know? There are all naked women, there are angels, demons, humans, and vampires, It's all slaves of the LORD, the LORD brought me there and wanted me to be his slave, you know? What kind of face is hidden under his holy light? He's just horrible so I pretended to agree, and used Angel Reincarnation when he didn't want to, and escaped to the human world, I would rather suffer all the sufferings in the world than follow that shameless guy."

At this moment, Michelle was talking to Michael, and the more she talked, the more excited she became. In the end, her beautiful face was covered with tears. It was obvious that the events of the Lord had hit Michelle a lot.

Michael's face turned pale when he heard this. She never imagined that the God she respected had such a face. Michael was a little crazy and a little confused. Ten thousand years of belief made him unable to believe that he once believed in The respected person is like this, but the facts are in front of her eyes so she can't believe it. Of course she will not have any doubts about Michelle's words. At this moment, both she and Lucifer have completely forgotten the answer to the mystery. All attention was focused on Michelle. Fortunately, although Aoyu is not a gentleman, he is not a villain either. Otherwise, she and Lucifer might die here today. After a while, Michael pulled Michelle He said to her with his hand: "No... no sister Michelle, this must not be the case, maybe you have misunderstood, let's go back together, let's go back to heaven together, let's ask God face to face."

Seeing Michael's appearance, both Lucifer and Aoyu are wrinkled. At this moment, Michael's appearance does not have the shadow of a monarch and angel, and what she said made the two of them even more unacceptable, just kidding Isn't it just like a sheep like a tiger to let Michelle go back?Can it still come out?

When Aoyu was about to speak, Lucifer was already in front of him, and shouted at Michael: "Michael, I think you are crazy, huh, now you take Michelle back, If the matter is true, do you think that old bastard from the Lord will let you go? Have you ever thought about what Michelle will do if he is really like that?"

Michael stopped her crazy actions with just one word, not for anything else, because she knew that what Lucifer said was right, what he said was right, and if it was true, then Jehovah would never let her go With Michelle, his holy brilliance cannot be slandered. Michelle and herself will definitely be wiped out. Michael knows this better than anyone else. To be able to become the commander of hundreds of millions of angels in heaven, Michael is naturally not an idiot, she also knows Ninety-nine percent of what Michelle said was true. It was just that she couldn't accept it for a while. Now that Lucifer yelled at her like this, Michelle finally woke up and stopped her nonsense.

After calming down, Michael said to Michelle: "Sister Michelle, whether you go back to heaven or not, I must go back, and I must see if things are really as you said , if it is, then I don’t mind being depraved like Lucifer, and I will also rebel against God, if not, then don’t blame my sister for being ruthless, neither you nor Lucifer can insult God.”

Regarding Michael's words, Michelle sighed. Although she knew that it would be bad luck if she left like this, Michelle really didn't know how to stop her, so she could only sigh silently.

Seeing Michelle's appearance, although Michael's eyes were full of complex expressions, he still didn't change his mind. He just said to Michelle: "Sister Michelle, I don't think you have anywhere to go, why don't you go?" You go to Lucifer, although this guy has betrayed God, but I believe that no matter what he becomes, he will not hurt you, and I will be at ease following him to hell."

"Yeah, sister Michelle, come on, go back with me, at least you're safe, that old guy from Jehovah can't trouble you, and there are many people from our Angel Legion at that time, Salier You are there too, I believe she will be very happy to know you are here." Lucifer also stood up and said to Michelle at this moment.

"Hey, I said that you two guys seem to have ignored me from the beginning to the end. Don't you know that if I made a move just now, you two would die here today?" Aoyu at the moment She had already endured to the extreme, so she stood up and said to the two of them, in fact Aoyu's belly is not so small, but at the moment it feels a bit tasteful, after all, Michelle is also his female slave, these two guys are The jabbering here made Aoyu very upset. Of course, Aoyu didn’t mean to force it. After all, twisted melons are not sweet. Besides, to put it bluntly, Aoyu doesn’t have any feelings for Michelle. If she really wants to leave Aoyu doesn't mind either, as long as she doesn't find another man in the future, after all Aoyu doesn't like other people to use the things that Aoyu used.

As soon as Aoyu's words came out, both Lucifer and Michael were covered in cold sweat. They made too many mistakes today. You must know that they would never make mistakes like this before. Fortunately, if Aoyu had changed, the two of them would have been separated by now. Speaking of it, Aoyu had let them go twice. If they were to go to trouble Aoyu for the lower realm, they would The two are really embarrassed, after all, they are not the shameless people who are famous in the heaven of Bacarie.

After listening to Aoyu's words, Michelle smiled sweetly. Now she is no longer the simple girl she used to be. She has lived for tens of thousands of years. Although she has a simple personality, she is not stupid. Naturally, she knows what is going on with Aoyu at the moment, so she reveals He smiled happily, and then said to Michael and Lucifer: "Brother Lucifer, sister Michael, I will not go to hell, I will always follow the master, since the master has become my master, then Regardless of the past, present, or future, I am the owner of the master, and I will not leave the master for half a step, thank you."

Regarding Michelle's decision, both Lucifer and Michael shook their heads helplessly. They respected Michelle's decision, and naturally they would not force him, and Aoyu's strength is indeed not weak, and he is not afraid of heaven Chasing and killing, as long as it is not the Lord himself, there should be no problem, so he acquiesced, Michael looked at the already slumped Pope on the ground, turned around and disappeared into the void without saying anything more, while Lucifer He came to Aoyu and said to him: "Brother, be careful, that old devil of Jehovah is not easy. At least I know ten and I am not his opponent. If you have a place to go, I advise you to hide. If not, the gates of our hell are always open to you."

Aoyu nodded at Lucifer's words, he was naturally aware of this, several people under Yahweh already had the level of immortal emperors, so naturally he would not be weak, he has this strength Aoyu appeared in Michael I already guessed it at that time, but Aoyu still expressed his gratitude to Lucifer for his kindness and said with a smile to him: "I have a place to go, so don't worry."

Lucifer had a surprised expression when he got Aoyu, but he quickly recovered, smiled at Michelle and Aoyu, then turned and disappeared, leaving behind Aoyu and Michelle and those who had been on the ground. There are not many remaining members of the Dark Council and the top leaders of the Holy See, and of course there are the nearby Ice Emperor and Tulip masters. At this moment, Michelle is lying next to Aoyu's ear and said to Aoyu: "Master, no matter when, Michelle My son will always be the owner's puppy."

(End of this chapter)

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