Chapter 469 Confronting the Immortals and Buddhas, the Heavens Become Famous
"What? It's Sun Wukong again? Are you scared when you hear the name of this dead monkey? You mediocre people, what's the use of raising you? What do you think? What's the use of raising you in the heaven?" At this moment, the Jade Emperor said to Roaring at the group of immortals below, it is obvious that the Jade Emperor was deeply impressed by Wukong's disturbance in the Heavenly Palace at this moment, and now he heard that these guys shut their mouths when they heard Wukong's name, and they refused to say a word, so at this moment they roared angrily.

The group of immortals didn't respond to the Jade Emperor's words at all, and they still looked like I couldn't do it. They kept their heads down and didn't say a word. Seeing this scene, the Jade Emperor could only sigh helplessly. It is clear that no one has convinced him since the last incident, because the backstage of the heaven is after all, the fairy world, and last time because of some reason, the fairy world temporarily gave up on him, but he invited him to deal with the dead monkey. The buddhas who came to Xitian came to help me suppress the dead monkey, but since then, not many people have really convinced me. Although I am the Jade Emperor, I am said to be the number one in the heaven, but I don’t have much right. , this place has really become a battleground for the two ways of immortals and Buddhas, but I, an emperor-level master, can only sigh helplessly there, watching the two factions fight, now that this monkey has come out, my dignity has been challenged again, but There was no way out, after thinking for a while, the Jade Emperor still decided to turn to the west, where his identity was still useful, and it was better than going to the fairy world and being stared at all by himself.

Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor said to the people in the audience: "Since you are powerless, then I will order people myself. Erlang God, you take action. With Li Jing as the leader, Nozha will lead one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers to put down that damned monkey and Wuji." city."

After hearing this, the faces of Erlangshen and the others below immediately turned blue-black, and Li Jing also showed embarrassment. You must know that Wuji City has more than 50 demon soldiers, and has the former 72 cave demon kings in Huaguo Mountain, as well as Two emperor-level masters, if only their few people go, they will die. The Jade Emperor simply wants them to die, so they are naturally reluctant. When Li Jing was about to speak out, the Jade Emperor He has already stopped him and said to them: "Don't talk too much, I know it's a bit difficult for you to deal with them, but I will go to Xitian Lingshan to ask the Western Buddhist circle to send people to fight with you."

As soon as he said this, everyone's faces changed. You must know that although they are here in the Heavenly Court and the Buddhist Realm, there are also forces entering, but this Buddhist Realm has not inserted much power here. To put it bluntly, it is because the Heavenly Court invited them to help last time. It was time to give them a chance, and now I ask them who knows what will happen. You must know that most of the people here are immortals. If they really let the Buddha world enter again, then this matter is definitely not something they can tolerate, so Now their faces changed instantly, and they wanted to say something to stop them, but they couldn't think of anything to stop them. You must know that they were the ones who didn't help at the beginning, but now they said they wanted to help them, but they really couldn't do it, and the Jade Emperor said no matter what They are all the commanders of the heavens and they can't say anything more, so they can only shut their mouths and sigh helplessly, hoping that the West will not succeed this time.

"Lord Buddha, the Jade Emperor of Heaven sent us an envoy, hoping that we will destroy Wuji City together. I don't know if you think we should do it?" Manju Bodhisattva was sitting on the lotus platform at the moment and said to Dari Tathagata. Obviously Manju I was quite moved by this matter, and even my tone changed a little.

"Wenzhu, do you think we should participate in this matter?" After pondering for a moment, Tathagata said to Wenzhu who was speaking, and he didn't know what he meant, but he seemed to have made a decision by looking at his eyes.

"Lord Buddha, I think we should help. You must know that we got a lot of benefits last time. Since we helped Heaven suppress that monkey last time, we in the Buddhist world have extended our hands into the East. Whether it is Heaven or Earth, we Buddha The whole world has benefited enormously, and now if we succeed in doing it again at this time, then needless to say, the benefits we will get, so the subordinates think that we should help in this matter." His words were immediately heard by the seat next to him. With the approval of the famous Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, you must know that as the four great bodhisattvas, they have absolute status in the Buddhist world. Although they are still bodhisattvas, they have surpassed those Buddhas in the Buddhist world in terms of status and strength. With the approval of the two, the chances of success are great. After all, if the strength of the four is combined, sometimes the Lord Buddha will have to back down.

Tathagata did not make any comments on Wenzhu's words. After smiling, he said to Guanyin Bodhisattva who was sitting there quietly: "Guanyin, what do you think we should do?"

"Lord Buddha, I think it's better for us not to touch Wuji City. There are tens of thousands of demon soldiers gathered there, and there are 72 cave demon kings guarding them. In addition, there is Sun Wukong, the great sage equal to heaven, and there is a man of unknown origin at home. Emperor Wuji, the power cannot be ignored. Thinking about how arrogant Sun Wukong is, even if that person is kind to him, he will not let a person who has no ability be above him, and he is called the Great Emperor. Such an explanation can only explain the strength of that person Above him, he has the ability to make him ups and downs, even if we unite with the Heavenly Court, the benefits we get in the end are far from enough for our losses, so I think it is better for us not to participate." At this moment, Guanyin said what he thought in his heart Obviously, Guanyin considered the problem more fully than the others.

"Guanyin, what you said is wrong. If we don't care about it, then doesn't it prove that we in the Buddhist world have no ability to be afraid of his Wuji City? How can I, Lingshan, face the common people like this? Do we just let demons run amok?" At this moment Wenzhu obviously disagrees with Guanyin's words. In fact, who said that there is no intrigue in the Buddhist world?Those people in the Buddhist world are noble and great?Wenzhu is quite jealous of Guanyin. No matter what he agrees with Guanyin, he and Pu Xian will definitely oppose it. Surpassing the Lord Buddha, this made the poor two who were also believers of the Four Great Bodhisattvas almost crazy.

"Really? Then since you said that, why don't you deal with the Pingtian Great Sage Bull Demon King first? I think his prestige against our Lingshan is more severe than that of Wuji City. Since the two Bodhisattvas care so much about Lingshan Weixin, then drive the Bull Demon King and his men out of Xiniu Hezhou together." Guanyin smiled indifferently at the angry words of the two and said, his words turned the faces of the two into pigs Dry color, you must know that the Great Sage Bull Demon King of Pingtian is entrenched in Xiniu Hezhou has always been Lingshan's thorn in the flesh, and the two of them have also gone to crusade against the Bull Demon King before, but both of them returned with their feathers on the ground, and Lingshan couldn't use all its strength, because the bull The Demon King and five other great sages helped, and it was a battle between Buddha and demon by accident, so the expressions of the two changed immediately after hearing this, and they wanted to refute, but they couldn't say a word for a long time, and finally they could only be angry He looked at Guanyin in disapproval.

For the struggle of several people, Tathagata sees it in his eyes and smiles in his heart. You must know that these four great Bodhisattvas are not easy to manage. Tathagata is known as the Buddha and is the Buddha Lord of the entire Lingshan Mountain. The masters of Tianzun's sect are all very powerful. Although their strength is not as good as his own, they are not much weaker. It is impossible to completely control them, so provoking a battle between the two sides is the basis for Tathagata to be able to secure his position. reason.

"Okay, you guys stop arguing, let me talk about it, don't think too much, since the heavenly court has sent [-] heavenly soldiers, then we should also send [-] Buddhist soldiers from the Buddhist world. Look, we should send Wenzhu Bodhisattva and Puxian Bodhisattva to go. Since the two are fighting, there should be no problem, and even if we lose, it will not be considered a loss of my reputation in the Buddhist world. After all, we are human beings. Little, what do you all think of this?” At this moment, a deep voice came from the ground and said to everyone, this person is none other than Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, one of the Four Great Bodhisattvas, who does not dispute power Buduoli is a Bodhisattva who wholeheartedly wants to save all sentient beings. No matter who he is, he will not feel bad. After hearing this, everyone nodded their heads and agreed. After all, the method mentioned by Bodhisattva Earth Store is the most compromised. , and at the moment the two sides can't argue, this method is undoubtedly the best choice, so everyone nodded.

At this moment, the Tathagata sat on his golden lotus platform and said with a smile: "What Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha said is exactly what I want, so let's do what he wants."

This guy just smiles like this all day long, but anyone who knows him knows that this fat man smiles like a tiger all day long, as if he wants to know everything, it really makes people want to flatten him, but Helpless, this guy is super powerful, and with the support of two generations of Buddha Lords, several people can't do anything about him.

"Wen Zhu, Pu Xian listens to the order." Tathagata suddenly shouted loudly at this moment.

After hearing this, Wenzhu and Puxian rushed out of the queue, and Tathagata said again: "I order you two to lead my one hundred thousand Buddhist soldiers from Lingshan to attack Wuji City together with the Heavenly Court. You two are willing."

Wenzhu and Puxian looked at each other and immediately said respectfully: "Follow the Buddha's will."

After finishing speaking, the two walked out. Obviously, they also knew that this matter was not easy to handle, so they immediately went out at this time and began to prepare to face the mighty Wuji City together with the heavenly troops.

(End of this chapter)

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